Imagine that you wake up today
With only the things you thanked God for yesterday
Would you get a few shocks?
Would your boat hit the rocks?
Do you see your dreams in disarray?
Imagine that He gave you all that you wanted
Taking away only the things you took for granted
What would those things be?
Would your world be at sea?
Do you see your sphere slightly slanted?
Imagine that the intangibles you have gotten
Are no longer yours for the thankyous forgotten
Love friendship health and happiness
What should be added what will you minus?
Do you see your inner self searching for Zen?
Imagine that He copied man and held on to grudges
All your actions and intentions He now prejudges
Would you call it unfair?
Would you be able to bear?
Do you see your mirror in Him or the image smudges?
So take it easy my friend and show some gratitude
You are indebted from head to toe shun the attitude
You cannot fathom His ability to give
You cannot grasp His capacity to forgive
Gratefulness is a choice and every choice has latitude