Book Launch: Starry Mornings

Hello friends. Writing has always been my passion. It was pursued only as a hobby, until now.

With the support of my amazing family I have published my first book of poems, “Starry Mornings”! Now available on Amazon. Looking forward to your patronage. Thanks!

Please visit my website Radif & Mars for more information.


Long walks slow twilights dusky memories

Chilled coffee an exciting book and some time on lease

Petrichor lingering in the senses florets playing with dew

Autumn changing color of moods rainbows reviewing each hue

Certain things in life have price tags some simply have value


Good friends peals of laughter animated discussions

Precious theatre tickets with a special concession

Sepia toned by-lanes where we played with abandon

Grave colloquies that finished off with frivolous midnight fun

Certain things in life have depth even when there seems none


Forgotten moments revived with a visit to the attic

Faded photographs precious autographs and time becomes static

If I could turn the hands of the clock how far would I rewind

If I could change some things from the past what would I leave behind

Certain things in life have consequence it is reconciliation I must find


Bare necessities curated luxuries intangible advantages

Some pleasures are so fleeting some ache is for the ages

A mixed bag of attitudes and options a rollercoaster ride

Falling failing recovering reviving with God as the only guide

Certain things in life have forever timespans transient lives lied


Simple pleasures complicated relations intentions that faltered

Personalities peculiarities purposes and plans getting altered

A genuine act of kindness which has far reaching repercussions

A careless instant of callousness that can’t be undone with rectifications

Certain things in life have impact certain lives have impact on generations

A simple cup of tea


A simple cup of tea

How difficult can it be

Some quintessential requirements to see

How my survival can be enhanced to the T


One lady plucking leaves in the tea gardens of Ooty

Working hard day and night to provide for the family

The owner, a gentleman in his forties or fifties quite likely

Staying away from wife and children who live in the city


The leaves arrive mixed up and merry in the local factory

Where workers live for those ten-minute lunch breaks verily

Chaff and sieve and carry and heave until leaves become dusty

The workplace now wakes up to aromas that are simply heavenly


Trucks and loaders lories and drivers are set off hurriedly

Reaching the corners of the world is not a task carried out timidly

Trifling shops and giant malls with distributors acting high-handedly

Get their share of goods and get down to display the charming variety


I buy it off the shelf storing it in air-tight containers I got for free

Now all I need is some milk, a stove, a lighter, a utensil, a cup and some sorcery

Which have all come from a similar route of workers toiling hardily

So that I can sit back and enjoy in peace my daily cup of morning tea!


We take so much for granted. We don’t have time to grasp the whole story

Things at your table have compelling back stories about their trajectory

Surely some gratitude must replace any attitude we harbor so effortlessly

Little details beg for reference, how much more fortunate can we be?


As I pass the window of a grand shopping mall

I recollect the days when I could not afford it all

Today with ability on my fingertips

I must have more gratitude on my lips

Realizing as through my belongings and blessings I sift

Abundance is a gift!


As I observe the woes around me I begin to comprehend

I recollect the many things given to me as Godsend

Today with ability to brave the pains

I must have more appreciation for the gains

Realizing as through my experiences that sting

Abundance is a blessing


As I relish the profusion of each day and its fruits

I recollect the hard work of those who planted the roots

Today as the extra baggage gets heavier

I must give back more than I gather

Realizing as through my many resources I frisk

Abundance is a risk!


As I go through social stratums and note the who’s who

I recollect the many who could not make it or get their due

Today it is possible success goes to my head

I must be more cautious on how I tread

Realizing as I maneuver through warrens filled with danger

Abundance is a game changer!

So I am…..

So I am not the most dapper person in the room

I need countless guidelines about how to groom

According to standards that my social circles approve

I have so much to learn and so much to prove

The circle just widened with WhatsApp and Facebook

Now half the world decides how I should look


So I am not the most well-versed person in gossip of the day

I need innumerable advices about how to join the fray

According to people who know everything inside and out

I don’t recognize the names they know their history and whereabout

The need just increased to oversee friends and frenemies

Now half the world is scrambling to keep apprised busy as bees


So I am not the most conventional person to follow traditions

I need unbounded instructions to reroute the aberrations

According to rulebooks and rubrics made by overlords of the guild

I am expected to toe the line or my fate can be sealed

The grip just grew stronger to turn everybody into clones

Now half the world is in matrix mode via laptops and phones


So I am not the most cleverest person exceeding expectations

I need infinite training to match standards of social sensations

According to masters of all we routine jacks are so hopeless

I don’t enjoy climbing and social ladders can be steep and ropeless

The effort just got laughable to please one million and some

Now half the world is happy in the belief that the other half is dumb

Many happy returns of life

The toughest the hardest the most beautiful of all

Is a soft smile on the edge of the lips that hides each fall

You may think you know somebody from the laughter you hear

But tip of the iceberg deceives so well you never notice the tear


The simplest the quietest the most sturdiest amongst feelings

Is inconspicuous care that quietly helps in healing

You may never realize the extent to which it can mend and repair

But if there is one action that keeps the world in motion it is care


The harshest the bitterest the most rashest of all reaction

Is a foolish temper that destroys the very fiber of emotion

You may either control your rage or be consumed by it

But anyone capable of angering you becomes your master bit by bit


The coolest the sincerest the most basic of all consciousness

Is a kind heart that knows hurt and still responds with gentleness

You may be vulnerable you may believe fortitude is a quality for the sage

But vulnerability is not our weakness it is our accurate measure of courage


The strangest the oldest the most avoidable of all sentiment

Is unfounded jealousy that indulges in loose talk for ears you lent

You may not believe everything you hear you may learn how to sieve

But at the table which speaks evil of others you are the topic when you leave

Myself. And some

Some dreams are scattered across incomplete skies

Some feelings that mattered hinge on partial lies

The world around me is daunting and demanding

Some confidences are battered even when the spirit tries


Seasons change color and moods tag along for fun

Society alters silhouettes once their work is done

The world around me expects exactitude and passion

Sentiments carry the weight of hope under the sun


Some expectations are building up on rocky foundations

Some passions are attached to them for restorations

The world around me extracts promises and pledges

Some folks are judging me for my lack of perfections


Fragments of memory are strewn in the room

Petrichor whiffing past takes with it the gloom

The world around me affects outlooks and dialogue

Pain hovers on the edge of recall like a rogue


Some optimism is required to go past the sting

Some prayer to give add on power to each wing

The world around me is elusive and illusory

Some real time dreams some faraway realities need jugglery

Take it easy

The foot is on the pedal the sprint is unbroken

Clamoring for action even before the word is spoken

This steeplechase is slowly making me a bit queasy

I wish I could step off the treadmill and take it a little easy

Life is racing past even as I ace the rat race

I want to breathe in the scenery I wish to cut off the pace


The expectancies are higher the performances contrived

Social pressures are replacing simple pleasures I derived

This constant need to keep update with trends and crazes

I wish I could ignore it all the criticisms and the praises

Life is racing past even as I stop for a respite

Did we really opt for this existence this state is so contrite


This rainbow is a mirage capturing colored desires in a prism

I call it crafty marketing they call it capitalism

Jargon is clervely whitewashed and packaged in gold

Someone somewhere decides my needs and lo! I am sold

Life is racing past even as I recall indulgences that had no cost

Now at every turn of the road hoarders and hoardings accost


Where am I heading the shaft is speeding towards a dead-end

The ones who hold my being for ransom select each trend

I am lured into a life of a lifetime eyes blinded by the bright light

The shine is Lucifer’s hallmark I am actually hurtling towards night

Life is racing past even as I try to hit pause button with all my might

There is no giving up now or ever. There will be a way to set it right

Some times…

Sometimes the words and lines are labored

Sometimes they flow with the tide

Sometimes perspectives and attitudes are savored

Sometimes there are rules to abide

In the labyrinth of sentiments tread with soft feet

Words and attitudes pitch like arrows you cannot retreat


Sometimes the paths and spaces are constricted

Sometimes they are open and wide

Some access to emotions is restricted

Sometimes you are simply tongue-tied

In the intricacy of sentimentality beware of heartbreak

The world will move on nonetheless the heart does a double take


Sometimes views and beliefs are blinkered

Sometimes they are bonafide

Some thoughts get twisted and tinkered

Some ideas remain untried

In the warren of judgements keep away from prejudice

Empathies must be impartial to do real justice


Sometimes family and friends have your back

Sometimes they take you for a ride

Sometimes they make up for what you lack

Some feelings have simply died

In the tangle of relationships you must infuse compassion

In every give and take you do suffuse some more passion


Sometimes situations and surroundings are perfect

Sometimes you have grieved and cried

Some experiences have lasting impact

Some expectations and hopes have lied

In the snare of social skills you can’t recant like a coward

You must stand up and learn how to put your best foot forward

Lesser known lessons

The less you talk about yourself the less they will talk about you

Conversations travel and turn into Chinese whispers soon you have no clue

Just like food, bland information is boring – each person adds a thing or two

Shortly you find yourself filtering fabrications from what was really true


The less you display your wealth the less they will trouble you

Claims of abundance create jealousies everyone claiming some due

Declarations of dearth fashion fears they will now look down upon you

Whether the monies accumulate or diminish hostilities still accrue


The less you exhibit your knowledge the less you will have to rue

Mediocrity rules and is convenient, intelligence will certainly not woo

Each one will grasp only from their level of perception the onus is on you

In case you have not noticed the wiser ones are so much quieter too


The less you demonstrate your feelings the less they will go askew

Thus fewer prejudices and judgements to face that invariably follow in lieu

Emotional baggage is yours to carry advice-givers have little to do

Expert opinions will be offered still each reaction from a variable view


The less you pronounce your beliefs the less you will turn blue

Explaining your stand and justifying your conviction even to a few

From the unseen line between opinion and opinionated you must take cue

Remember, like relations, some beliefs recurrently need repair and renew