In the name of Frost

The road less travelled was rather lonely

Well. Obviously

Still I trudged along bravely

Hoping for miracles perhaps innocuously

Naivety has it plus points verily

Stars in the eyes blocked out certain reality


Looking back today the journey was a bit bouncy

The artlessness helped grab opportunities chancy

Had I been wiser to the pitfalls and known it was dicey

I may not have cherry picked this road known to be risky

Having survived the roller-coaster ride nonchalantly

I can smile with some satisfaction despite a ride so bumpy


It was fun. I may not have reached where I wanted to be

My destination was never determined you see

The one clarity I could claim was a desire to be free

My freedom made me appreciate what I had as my bounty

Gratitude leads to more gains therein lies its beauty

The road less traveled turned out alright even if a little scary


Robert knew things would turn frosty especially receptions

People stick to herd mentalities they decline deviations

The words stuck in the mind even as the heart sought resolution

He penned a thought so rare and precious it had resonation

The crowded pathways will part ways to make way for the perception

The road less traveled will take you home to your destination




Learning lessons


Words are noise if they don’t have meaning

Attitudes are blocks if they don’t have understanding

Actions are hollow if they don’t have compassion

Breath is without purpose if it does not have passion


Tune in to your self and then fine tune the sharpness

Slowly pick up faraway signals and learn to harness

Listen with the heart and see with the soul

Fragments of emotions need to mend as a whole


Keep ears to the ground where feet tread softly

Keep hand on the heart and prejudge people gently

Brave fronts contradict the deep gashes concealed

Long conversations into the night reveal veneers peeled


Don’t keep tripping over your ego it can hurt

Keep sullenness at bay and annoyances curt

Let genuineness seep so deep into your psyche

Let prudence be your pilot to rear the Mindtree


A place where moods don’t swing wildly and affect

A peace where judgments don’t instill fear and impact

I am learning how to create a world full of justices

I am integrating all the seasons colors and solstices





Today I might not be able to achieve my dreams

Today I might find myself tired and breaking at the seams

This is not the be all and end all of it

Hope will repair the conundrum bit by bit

Tomorrow I will get up and get back to work

My dreams are not for giving up and I will not shirk


Today I might not be able to change your opinion

Today I might not be able to convince you I am genuine

This does not mean I am bound by your judgement

I must remain true to myself and resolve the predicament

Tomorrow I will prove my worth and authenticity

My character cannot be compromised for complicity


Today I might not be able to put my best foot forward

Today I might not be able to flaunt attitude or be heard

This does not mean I am underprepared

I am simply being careful evaluating how I fared

Tomorrow I will learn from previous experiences

My attitude will take shape sharpening nuances


Today I might not look accomplished and clever

Today I might not be able to please everyone forever

This does not mean that I lack the skill

I will choose the option of being compliant at will

Tomorrow I will grow mature and wise

My wisdom will then lead me to flourish and rise


Today I might not be able to do a lot of things

Today I might not be able to grow my wings

This does not mean I cannot soar

I have courage to continue and faith at the core

Tomorrow I will become what I started out to be

Tomorrow will come I know. When did I say it was easy




Time does not heal all wounds

God does

Time does not instill courage in the heart

Faith does

Time does not repair broken confidences

Hope does

Time does not teach diligence

Experience does

Time does not guarantee anything

Effort does

Time does not betray anyone

Reality does

Time does not decide right and wrong

Intention does

Time does not reveal home truths

Character does

Time does not pronounce judgements

Outcome does

Time does not lead to decisions

Choice does

Time does not provide occasions

Inclination does

Time does not augment celebrations

Emotion does

Time does not dishearten

Expectation does

Time does not orchestrate pace

Man does

Time does not have tenses

Memory does

Time does not amend

Action does

Time does not recommend

Wisdom does

Time does not belong to you

Ability does

Time does not wait for anyone

The timepiece does

Time does not heal all wounds

God does


Thank you


The eyes express enough in defense

Ears hear untruths and sit on the fence

The tongue lets loose and makes it tense

The mind must analyze to hone intelligence

I wish to rein in each sense

I wish to be fluent in silence


The heart can be sensitive to offense

The spirit can be dispirited whence

Passions can be painted through psychedelic lens

The soul can shrivel with impact hence

I wish to harness strength immense

I wish to be fluent in silence


Honesty must be handled with prudence

Tact is treasured indiscretion is a sign of dense

Integrity can be compromised by circumstance

Between self-respect and ego there must be balance

I wish to learn this subtle difference

I wish to be fluent in silence


Words hang in the air like reminiscence

Sweet ones leave behind their fragrance

Yet one wrong one can destroy confidence

Our choice of words will give us credence

I wish to master the art of reticence

I wish to be fluent in silence



If you could you would?

if you could remove one habit from your routine

if you could identify a fault then work on going lean

what would it be could you nail it honestly

will false pride create obstacles in your journey


if you could remove one chapter from your experiences

if you could reread and rewrite it altering nuances

which one would it be the ‘why’ behind it can you see

could you afford the skill set choices don’t come for free


if you could remove one person from your acquaintances

if you could detect the real reason without giving defenses

who would it be would your judgement be shadowy

could you resist playing God for handing out the decree


if you could remove one want from your list of desires

if you could live without the extra trappings you consider so dire

why would it be would it disturb the mind tree

could you thwart the need for more is greed control the key


if you could remove one complaint from all your disgruntlement

if you could determine what it takes to articulate contentment

how would you be able to draw the line of satisfaction

could you stop comparing your life steering it with proper traction


if you could remove one tear from another’s eye

if you could be the reason for bringing on their smile

when you raise your standard of living would you raise your standard of giving

could you shun judging people and simply practice forgiving




Its okay

It’s okay to be sad every once in a while

It’s fine to reflect on the past and smile

Yes one must move ahead with every passing mile

Yet you don’t have to rush through life as if it is going out of style


It’s okay to feel lonely every now and then

It’s not such a tragedy to feel lost and looking for Zen

Yes one must stay connected with the rest of human race

Yet you are permitted some solitary me time in your happy place


It’s okay to be bored and confused sometimes

It’s not always that you can make lemonade from the limes

Yes one must have purpose and ambition in life

Yet remember life is a rollercoaster where ups and downs are rife


Its okay to be lagging behind when competition is strong

Its fine to pace your own race there is nothing wrong

Yes one must lookout for winning and accomplishment

Yet each one is fighting his own battle with some breath on rent


It’s okay to be pessimistic occasionally

It’s not as if every occasion in life is a festivity

Yes one must not let it affect your ability and attitude

Yet we must experience sadness in order to learn gratitude


It’s okay to make mistakes as long as you don’t repeat

It’s a road to success bumps and speed breakers replete

Yes one must know where we went wrong and correct it

Yet victories require patience you reach your goal bit by bit


Its okay to cry sometimes and let the tears flow

It’s part of a process that helps you grow

Yes one must develop resilience to realize your passion

Yet eyes that cry speak of a heart full of compassion




Its okay

It’s okay to be sad every once in a while

It’s fine to reflect on the past and smile

Yes one must move ahead with every passing mile

Yet you don’t have to rush through life as if it is going out of style


It’s okay to feel lonely every now and then

It’s not such a tragedy to feel lost and looking for Zen

Yes one must stay connected with the rest of human race

Yet you are permitted some solitary me time in your happy place


It’s okay to be bored and confused sometimes

It’s not always that you can make lemonade from the limes

Yes one must have purpose and ambition in life

Yet remember life is a rollercoaster where ups and downs are rife


Its okay to be lagging behind when competition is strong

Its fine to pace your own race there is nothing wrong

Yes one must lookout for winning and accomplishment

Yet each one is fighting his own battle with some breath on rent


It’s okay to be pessimistic occasionally

It’s not as if every occasion in life is a festivity

Yes one must not let it affect your ability and attitude

Yet we must experience sadness in order to learn gratitude


It’s okay to make mistakes as long as you don’t repeat

It’s a road to success bumps and speed breakers replete

Yes one must know where we went wrong and correct it

Yet victories require patience you reach your goal bit by bit


Its okay to cry sometimes and let the tears flow

It’s part of a process that helps you grow

Yes one must develop resilience to realize your passion

Yet eyes that cry speak of a heart full of compassion



People are never ordinary.

Given a chance everyone has an unfinished tale to tell

Stay humble and learn to listen

Some hurts and anxieties may ring a familiar bell


There are those who reach out to others

Born to touch your soul

Stay keen and learn to spot them

Kindness is contagious it could define your role


Some people win your trust.

Genuine emotion does not need loudspeakers

Stay attentive and learn to verify

Authenticity reminds you ultimately God is your keeper


Some people pretend well.

They know how to say what you want to hear

Stay focused and learn to decipher

You may be holding onto them out of fear


Some  people are honest still noble folks can also falter

Callous streaks in some may have an irreparable background

Stay fair and learn not to judge

Hastily made judgements often come back to hound


Some people come with a warning. Never argue with an idiot.

People watching won’t be able to tell the difference

Stay calm and learn to walk away

Just keep those words in mind for future reference


People are never ordinary

Pushed in a corner they will acclimatize to survive

Stay alert and learn the rules of the jungle

Histories are repeated dead stories can revive



More or less…

A little more focus on developing the self

A little less worry about opinions off the shelf

So many impressions gathered along the way

A little less need to impress the human breed per se


A little more effort to learn more and more

A little less ego that abrases the core

So many pieces of information I have never known

A little more respect for intelligence home grown


A little more laughter despite day-to-day woes

A little less self-pity the bigger picture will amuse

So many upheavals in a slender existence

A little pinch of salt to combat any resistance


A little more optimism in a world full of injustices

A little less dependency on life’s hits and misses

So many choices and as many chances to salvage

A little more faith in one’s own ability to manage


A little more love for each and everything you do

A little less hatred for things outside and other than you

So many differences we can easily celebrate

A little more understanding in the air so that it reverberates


A little more contentment a little less complaint

A little more humbleness a little less vain

So many desires to justify so many habits to synchronize

A little more peace of mind will make you happy and wise


A little more commitment a little more truth

A little less prejudice a little less uncouth

So many paradigms to learn from and follow

A little more integrity a little less shallow


A little more appreciation for all that we are given

A little less arrogance for that is how we will be forgiven

So many bounties we must be thankful for

A little more reverence for the Giver a little more awe