One day to another one year to the next
Time has this annoying habit it has me vexed
It can’t stand still for a miniscule second
I am trying to take in life at my pace I reckon
Like hapless passengers on crowded platforms
Feet move with the flow the queue just forms
New ideas crowd the mind juggling for space
The human race is currently running a mad race
Against time against nature against each other as well
Where they are heading to nobody can quite tell
Grudges comparisons envies vanities and pride
In the mindscape all nooks and corners are occupied
Minimalist living entails equipment and stuff
It begins with a thought process or is it a bluff
One day at a time but I don’t have time for that
One time that is mine I still smell a rat
Somebody always sneaks up and steals it away
Who will return my precious time at least the one day
Time is beginning to sound like a figment of my imagination
It has always been there since the inception of creation
I am the oddball in transience here believing in eternity
I am trying to catch the rays of the sun with some temerity
One day at a time one time that is mine
One moment when I understand the design it will be fine
You cannot time travel till you effect space too
Or else the emptiness outside will invade within you