My time and space


One day to another one year to the next

Time has this annoying habit it has me vexed

It can’t stand still for a miniscule second

I am trying to take in life at my pace I reckon

Like hapless passengers on crowded platforms

Feet move with the flow the queue just forms

New ideas crowd the mind juggling for space

The human race is currently running a mad race

Against time against nature against each other as well

Where they are heading to nobody can quite tell

Grudges comparisons envies vanities and pride

In the mindscape all nooks and corners are occupied

Minimalist living entails equipment and stuff

It begins with a thought process or is it a bluff

One day at a time but I don’t have time for that

One time that is mine I still smell a rat

Somebody always sneaks up and steals it away

Who will return my precious time at least the one day

Time is beginning to sound like a figment of my imagination

It has always been there since the inception of creation

I am the oddball in transience here believing in eternity

I am trying to catch the rays of the sun with some temerity

One day at a time one time that is mine

One moment when I understand the design it will be fine

You cannot time travel till you effect space too

Or else the emptiness outside will invade within you




Every day

Every day we encounter a different set of rays

The sun continues relentlessly in its shining ways

Clouds will come and clouds will pass

One thing I have learnt no storms last

I need patience to wait it out

Some courage some faith that is what it is about

Every day we experience a new heart break

Some strangers support you some friends are fake

People will come and people will go

One thing I have learnt is to go slow

I need perceptiveness to read intentions

Some care some compassion to balance emotions

Every day we adjust to diverse circumstances

So many things and peoples act as influences

Conditions may be static and conditions may alter

One thing I have learnt is not to falter

I need ability to adapt to change

Some perseverance some daring to handle strange

Every day we outgrow our old self

Adding new aspects to traits off the shelf

Character is what one is in the dark

One thing I have learnt is to preserve the spark

I need an attitude that does not let me down

Some smiles some optimism to wipe out the frown

Parent – the verb

Once upon a time ‘parent’ used to be a noun

Today such passive connotation makes us frown

‘Parent’ is something we must ‘do’ ceaselessly

Or so we have come to believe erroneously


The apple of our eye must win every competition

A tiny fall from the bicycle needs instant resurrection

The center of our universe is given sweeping attention

We cannot allow them to feel a single uncomfortable emotion


They must excel in school in skating chess and spelling bee

Doing nothing is forgotten art they can never be kept free

The lovely golden cages we built from high expectations

Somewhere points to our obsession to meddle with creation


An online game teaches them how history and geography looks

Even as adult dogmas frenetically change the textbooks

They have access to plethora of information on Internet

We parents continue to believe it is our duty to fix and set


If you allow them their own mistakes they will learn to get up again

To teach them empathy and compassion let them experience pain

Don’t do the fishing for them just give them ability

And if you give them freedom do teach them responsibility


Love rejection success disappointment highs and lows to juggle

We have denied one thing to our children – the ability to struggle

Real people fail fall and move on without drama and blame

We want a perfect production which is both brilliant and tame


You do not have to give them each and everything they lack

Just love them enough to let them know you have their back

The onus lies on us alone it’s no subtle implication

We have fashioned an over parented and under protected generation




Little moments can turn into soulful memories

Some shared excitement some heart-warming reveries

I am filling up my treasure chest with reminiscences

I am winding back the clock to look up cherished references


Open smiles can turn into endearing familiarities

Some spontaneous laughter some mindless inanities

I am creating a quiet nook in my heart for special things

I am hiding away some happiness it often lends me wings


Simple pleasures can turn into robust celebrations

Some joys linger inside some leave behind reverberations

I am gathering those many blisses for a cold wintry day

I am maneuvering through a maze of emotions to find my way


Big-heartedness can turn into inexplicable blessedness

Some forgiving to write off debts some desires to harness

I am giving away stuffs and controls which control me

I am trying to free a spirit which was never trying hold me

The rainbow on the moon


Tribulations and prudence. Hurts and forgiveness

Power over the defenseless. Potency and weakness

Enrages and energies held tightly in my fist.

How do I resist

From not tipping the balance in favor of prejudice

Being becomes intriguing on a precipice

I think I simply continue to insist

That smile which reached the eyes reveals my gist


Two worlds. Cut up in a million pieces

Thoughts and feelings. Explained away in some thesis

Space will suffocate. Realities will restrict. My spell will vanish soon

I scramble up impossible palings to catch the rainbow on the moon

I know it exists. My gut tells me to hold on to the belief

I will find a person who concurs. One endorsement too is relief

Imagination suffers chained to real-world skepticism

A risk must be taken to jump over the schism


Heart and head. I trip over my ego my spirit seems to know

Words choke even when feelings flow

Pouring optimism through my veins is taking toll

The mirror keeps reminding me of my role

Should I learn to ignore

Social affronts keep coming to the fore

So many heartbreaks the heart has become unbreakable

Will I hurt still when roles become reversible


I hear the colors now. I sense the nuanced frowns

In the expectancies of the idols so many smiles drown

A sky full of faith steadies the ground below my feet

Run me down as much as you can I still feel upbeat

There is this thin almost unseeable line

Beyond which everything is fine

You stick to your predictabilities

My challenge is to cherry-pick capabilities



The pilot

A little more time a few more conversations

Cozied up in a corner with coffee for salvation

Memories to cherish aches and pains to sieve

Why do you have to leave


Failures which turned into experiences

Friends who betrayed and became references

Together we can count what to keep and what to give

Why do you have to leave


Every little blessing often received without asking

So many things to stay thankful for in which we are basking

Looking ahead and looking forward for much more to receive

Why do you have to leave


Together we are strength happiness and laughter

Sunrays are less harsh starry nights are so much softer

By myself I am incapable to achieve

Why do you have to leave


I never left your side He said in a quiet baritone

You were feeling lonely I never left you alone

I simply let you be to blossom and bloom

I was in your laughter and content I was in your gloom

That little voice despite the noise each brownie point for fairness

I was your gut your heart your soul and in your awareness

If you practice gratitude even when you grieve

I never have to leave



Twilight Zones

A few white lies if they are infused in my truths

Will they make my moods and personality uncouth?

Masked in civilities if I pass off unscrupulousness

Will peoples turn a blind eye to the casual callousness?


There are honesties to live by and deceits to sort

Long story short. If I choose right then wrong I must abort


A few oversights if they further my self-interest

Will it be fine to transgress the lines even if in jest?

Veiled in wealth and stealth if I flex my muscles

Will it rule in my favor if I have and win the tussle?


There are no grey zones there are no thin lines

Integrity is clear cut any which way one defines


A few issues discounted and brushed under my carpet

Will I dictate terms of endearment or will I remain puppet?

All sins are equal and some are more equal than others

Do I compare with the arrogance and iniquities of anothers?


There is no escape from defrayal of your registers and records

One life. One death. Deeds and misdeeds. Go calculate the odds



Murphy and his laws!

Caveats are ubiquitous. I meet them everywhere

Any setting I pick up from my script and they are there

Murphy made laws and the laws they made him omniscient

Oh! Would I love to strangle his throat for being so proficient


Ifs and buts are preposterous. No proceeding is devoid

Of these tiny little speed breakers you cannot avoid

Corollaries to Murphy’s genius they can halt you in your track

One foot forward for the two behind yet you cannot go back


Pros and cons and ups and downs our world is full of them

Two sides to a coin is naivety there is always ‘and then some’

You navigate with eyes wide shut narrowly missing adages

The road was smooth the commentary exaggerated the pages


Talking-tos and telling offs are the bane of a peaceful existence

‘I told you so’s’ are generously peppered upon each reference

The lines crisscrossing my palm are beginning to dissolve

I am waiting for a WhatsApp from Murphy for a new resolve


A Prayer

I am afraid to walk alone please walk by my side

The devils are unknown please teach me to abide

Your ask is straight forward I still keep getting lost

To resurrect my being give me strength to bear the cross


I am afraid to cross the road please hold my hand and lead

The temptations are a load too many desires to feed

Your diktat is simple I still complicate and crave

To remain uncluttered keep me content with what You gave


I am afraid to tell the truth please guide my confusions

The norms are variegated candors are tinged with illusions

Your guideline is well-defined I still meander on zigzag trails

To keep my integrities unbroken forgive my fragile fails


I am afraid to express my fears please help me find my voice

There are circumstances to blame yet we always have a choice

Your backing is a constant I still look at influencers for therapy

To keep me gratified and sated let me acknowledge serendipity


I am afraid of getting hurt please make my spirit resilient

Some truths disrupt my comfort zone some lies are so brilliant

Your omniscience is overwhelming I still look over my shoulder

To keep me courageous and honest train me to be bolder


I am afraid of my darkness please give me assurance

To know of the light at the end of the tunnel give me prudence

Your reminders are gentle I still doubt my self-confidence

To keep me poised and graceful hold me under your influence





The heart


As the candle burns quietly shadows get lighted

It treads softly on many dreams unrequited

Liquescent in its own candlewax without feeling slighted

Is the heart like the candle melting in its fragility

Is being breakable a welcome trait a unique ability


If the heart was not like a candle melting with a kind touch

If the heart was not breakable it would not know much

A heart made of cast iron would have surely backfired

A heart filled with sadness loves even when it is tired


As the flower distributes fragrance dispelling gloom

It spreads joy and happiness when in full bloom

Imagine a colorless unscented world spelling doom

Is the heart like the flower bestowing earth its beauty

Is the heart crushable too because caring is its duty


If the heart was not like a flower so tender and so giving

If the heart did not spread cheer and continue forgiving

A heart made of timber would have stayed impassive

A heart filled with care survives heartbreaks so massive


As the senses guide us in a physical world around us

As the mind adds reason to the chaos that surrounds us

As the spirit fights off the demons inside out that hound us

It’s the heart that rejuvenates with resilience and daring

It’s the heart that gives both mind and senses its bearing


If the heart was not equally malleable and tough as nails

If the heart could not fall in love and still survive the fails

The heart full of pure intent keeps the soul buoyant and fit

The soul is so precious both the devil and God are after it