My learning curves

My conscience is very soft-spoken it gently knocks

My emotions create such din and drama it rocks

My circadian circus

And then the conscience goes quiet awaiting its turn

No “I told you so’s” no jibes no sarcasm no heartburn

I no longer stress


My attitude is unsharpened it has not learnt finesse

My honesties create issues with my mind and its peace

My responses conflict

And then the attitude goes numb wondering what went wrong

In a realm full of twists and turns verities are sold for a song

I begin to reflect


My countenance is very trenchant it cannot conceal

My appendages create chaos I don’t know what to feel

My social skills lack

And then the countenance goes expressionless confused

When it required deceit and disguise my mind had refused

I face the flak


My disposition is very inclined to retreating in its shell

My interactions with the outside always ring some bell

My trepidations surface

And then my disposition goes silent anticipating turmoil

Some books some friends and acquired wisdom provide foil

I survive the race


My thought process is very slow it cannot fathom people

Those delicate nuances in untold stories are like steeple

My equilibrium tips

And then my thought process goes apprehensive sensing dilemma

I am trying to be politically correct I am not getting it by far

I must close my lips


The moment I come to believe I am cleverer than you

Is the moment I stop learning accomplishing and taking cue

Humility is the ability to give up pride not dignity

With humility comes wisdom and with wisdom spirituality


The arrogant need to announce their capabilities and skill

It is the humble man’s shoes which will be large to fill

Humility is when you don’t need appreciation from everyone

With humility comes grace and with grace a special fiefdom


As you age you realize how much time was wasted on impressions

Crowds are but impossible to please leading to apprehensions

Holding on to grudges and judgments make you proud not kind

With humility comes strength and with strength a peace of mind


How others choose to treat you is not something you can control

How you choose to respond however is well within your hold

If you are humble nothing can affect you praise or disdain

With humility comes a calm and with calm you master pain


The handbook of life will be filled with memories time will fly

The concluding chapter will only include who will cry when you die

Staying true in the dark and humble in the spotlight will unveil

With humility comes gratitude and with gratitude there is no fail

Every now and then

every now and then I look out of the window

some things have changed though

colors of the leaves and leaves on the trees

a lack of bees

the fillip in the step of the laborer

the edge in the voices crying out ‘sir!’

dearth of understanding and sympathy

a lack of empathy

the number of sedans racing past without guilt

the number of failed missions on which it was built

an empire that keeps growing

a lack of knowing

each bubble so different from the rest

some blown to tithers some riding on the crest

the window sometimes belies expectations

a lack of seditions

perhaps I am looking for something else each time

perhaps there is message hidden in changes sublime

my mind cannot measure what my eyes perceive

a lack of belief



every now and then when I visit family and friends

the social loop is a circle that never ends

they also change it dawned upon me

a lack of ingenuity

the beguiling smiles that hide real feeling

the warm wishes I trust and then I am left reeling

when things that are said are not as they are meant

a lack of intent

some time back I think I had greater control

on things that I said and things I was told

now superfluity of lexes creates a maze

a lack of unfaze

contexts are dynamic relationships are static

medias intrude with a list of goals to tick

I no longer feel I want to be part of the race

a lack of pace

the open door sweeps past some windy allegations

the spirit often requires some major restorations

I return home with world views cluttered

a lack of filters

Is rebel a choice?

When you witness something unfair right in front of you

When your senses betray and you don’t know what to do

Will you be mute spectator snuffing your conscience in lieu?

Will you live in denial till your face turns blue?

Life offers no magic wand

How will you respond?


When you experience overcritical negativity

When such damaging opinions demolish sensitivity

Will you let it undermine your essence your ability?

Will you endure in silence till it becomes propensity?

Courage is a love affair with the unknown

How much will you own?


When you acquiesce to publics and their idea of things

When you follow and are in awe with influencers’ bling’s

Will you be able to undermine persistent impressions?

Will you be able to negate irrelevant expressions?

Being famous on Insta is like being rich in Monopoly

How will you bring polity?


When you listen to advice which does not help you grow

When you cannot be yourself and just go with the flow

Will you let your views be windswept at a cost?

Will you let your visions be eroded and lost?

Bad company can corrupt good character

How will you control the factor?


When you asked to take a stance and truth is at stake

When you may be ostracized for the choice you make

Will you bend your principles and let go off the scruple?

Will your self-respect then dwindle or will it quadruple?

No man was ever wise by chance

How will you achieve a balance?


Thank you

Goodness never fails

The air is filled with confusions little stuffs are often offensive

Each one of us is on the edge of reason slightly defensive

In the midst of this chaos goodness of heart will always win

Goodness of heart permeates the mind keeping out the din


Goodness forewords confidence in self honesty in intention

Goodness gives us courage to face unsuspected tension

In the midst of hopelessness goodness of heart lends hope

Goodness of heart chooses faith over fear helping us cope


When the heart is without prejudice and fairness prevails

When the mind is without bias and iniquitous influences fail

In the midst of intimidations goodness of heart acts as shield

Goodness of heart can brave the knocks and help you to heal


Let the outside world tint appearances you remain true

Let the outside world put up a façade you remain you

In the midst of double-edged patterns goodness of heart illumes

Goodness of heart often reveal how people alter their tunes


In the end what matters most is how well you have lived

Your reputation is the wealth left behind from what is sieved

In the midst of the brouhaha goodness of heart will be cherished

Goodness of heart lives forever long after we have perished

In the corner

In the corner of my heart lie some wishes unexplored

Some the senses will not allow some I just cannot afford

Yet they refuse to go away like old tenants with régime rights

Sometimes I let them tempt me sometimes there ensue fights


In the corner of my mind lie some deliberations unsaid

Some are sedate and steady some play havoc in my head

Yet they rebel with my reason whenever I talk them down

Sometimes it makes me smile sometimes it makes me frown


In the corner of my room some treasures hide in plain sight

Some are steeped in nostalgia some make the room a blight

Yet they continue to be there I cannot throw them away

Sometimes they dawdle quietly sometimes they come in the way


In the corner of my eye some tears have been there for a while

Some are prone to betrayal some camouflage well as a smile

Yet they keep me alive (and sniffing) with sentiment on display

Sometimes they trigger ache sometimes they teach me to pray


In the corner of my soul some prayers are left unattended

Some I keep hesitating about some procrastination is unintended

Yet they are there always offering support and succor

Sometimes I feel invincible sometimes minion and meagre


In the corner of my heaven are some invisible helping hands

Some actively stand up for me some silently back my plans

Yet I have not expressed gratitude enough for all said and done

Sometimes I while away my time sometimes my resolve comes undone

Changing times

Unknowing uninitiated somewhat daft in a setting mild

I sauntered through my childhood I was yesterday’s child

The things I did not know did not make or break me

Time knowledge friendships smiles so many things were free

School never churned out Einsteins and Picassos all the time

Playgrounds were for real with real grass real trees to climb

Home offered comfort relationships did not need updates

I was never looking over my shoulder for appraisal of traits

Life happened to grown-ups and they took it on their chin

An equanimity across the warren there was no loose or win

Some things were taken for granted some grants were never taken

There was value attached to honesties the deceits left us shaken

The ambience changed color slowly seemingly innocuous

The transformation almost invisible and yet so ubiquitous

I cannot recognize the child of today my perception is failing

I cannot keep up with Wikipedia and google my info is trailing

The child of today is smarter by far so much more accomplished

On the tip of his fingers he has things more than he has wished

The shoulders carry more burden the soul projects less feeling

The asocial side-effects of social media have left them all reeling

Carefree is a forgotten word home truths are being rewritten

The enchantment of a hundred likes each and every one is smitten

I want to recede into my shell I want to regain old sensibilities

The sheer dimension ‘social’ has taken makes me doubt my abilities

There is always someone on YouTube who can do it better than you

There is always an opinion too many when you didn’t even ask for a few

The legitimacies the lies the excitement are here now and then gone

This is an incredible overwhelming complicated era in which to be born!

keep it simple

Keep the heart kind and the mind fierce

Keep the disposition brave for better or for worse

In a transient ambience don’t seek permanence

Keep the gratitude eternal and the attitude intense

Keep expectations negligible and you will realize

Heartbreaks hurt less when you are not surprised

Keep the curiosity child-like and the innocence

Keep the intent pure and stick to your essence

In a double-bladed setting don’t aspire armistice

Keep the prejudices at bay and root for justice

Keep honesty at the core of actions and you will feel

Life may or may not be fair you still got the best deal

Keep the picture clear and companionship clean

Keep your soul guarded and know when to wean

In an ephemeral realm don’t desire perpetual

Keep the activities channeled and spirit eventual

Keep looking for answers to the quest of every prophet

A single answer found can only add to your profit

It takes time

it takes time to grow up still

sweat struggle strength and will

information is unusable without empathy

understanding is lopsided without sympathy

emotion is worthless without maturity

proficiency is pointless without clarity

it takes effort to know the difference

to evolve is logical chronology is inference


it takes time to befit humankind

passion and compassion yet neither should be blind

craving is covetousness without control

kind-heartedness is misdirected without a goal

sentiment is off-center without a definite role

moderation is meaningless without a soul

it takes molding of personality to become

character is not casual there is grind and some


it takes time to forgive and forget

overlook markdown ignore absolve and forfeit

hurt is hard to erase without fear

wound is sometimes visible even without a scar

moving on is impossible without raising the bar

patience is difficult without willpower

it takes special skills to preserve select memories

heart and head both pool in to smoothen anomalies




Squashed between the regrets of yesterday

And the high expectations of tomorrow

Lies today

Quiet yet happening cheerful and anxious both

Not knowing what it will bring forth

Slightly gray


Compacted between the impact of old injuries

And the freeing of the mind from it

Lies compassion

Its unassuming appearance belies its force

It often decides the course we take

Through passion


Crushed between hope of better tomorrows

And combating bitter experiences of the day

Lies courage

In an age where judgements are free but lunch is not

Trying to acquire much more than we need

Wanting to be sage


Rumpled between romantic ideas of our presence

And ignorance veiled in veneers of self-image

Lies inquisitiveness

Profounder thought-provoking questions go unanswered

As we run after routines seeking symmetry

A foolhardiness?


Frayed between my perception of idyllic backdrops

And your take on architype settings

Lies a bridge

I am trying to find the best route to cross

Should we meet midway or we go crisscross

An arduous ridge