The world of introverts

We wear our chaos on the inside where no one can see it

The mind is often tongue-tied and we cannot free it

In a world where everyone is overexposed we maintain mystery

When it comes to being selectively social we have a history


Exuberance of extroverts is never quizzed we must clarify why we are quiet

Remember with the people we are comfortable with we can be a riot

We keep failing at small talk give us deep conversations instead

If overthinking situations burned calories we would all be dead


We thoroughly enjoy minding our own business

A quiet nook in an empty bookstore is enough ‘busyness’

Rainy days and cancelled plans are welcome anytime

Handpicked people make us happy yet solitude is sublime


The world of introverts is complicated the rest can’t comprehend

For the things that ignite our passion backwards we can bend

Like snails receding into their shells at the slightest touch

We stay hidden from public view and cannot be seen much


The heart may break but the vision will be fixed

You don’t know what to feel the feelings will be mixed

Hope for a better tomorrow must replace the rage

Today it is time to turn the page


Feelings will expire and hurts will heal

Hope is a weapon that teaches you how to deal

The hardest battles are given to the strongest soldier

Fortitude is beauty in the eye of the beholder


Love yourself enough to know what you deserve

Trials and tribulations will transpire keep hope in reserve

The real smile is the one that has struggled through tears

Real strength comes when you learn to overcome your fears


Wired for struggle frail and fallible and your path is uphill

Like a bird that senses dawn and starts singing while it’s dark still

A heart full of hope will lend strength to survive and regenerate

Let your choices reflect your hope and your worries will relegate


Celebrate the past and cherry pick the wisdom you have gained

Everything will teach you something the happiness and the pain

Dig deeper you will find within you stuff to maneuver each bend

Some of the best moments of your life haven’t even yet happened


If your experiences have not taught you to be strong

If your understandings have not shown you where you belong

Sit back and take a breather

That emotional baggage is a tether

Reopen the wounds even if they hurt to find out what is wrong


Move on from the mistakes yet remember the lessons

You become what you believe don’t give up on the passions

Flowers are fragile so is dynamite

That power is inside you to put up a good fight

Travel far enough to meet yourself even if the journey is unpleasant


Live without pretending and love without depending

Listen without defending and speak without offending

There is this much you can do

Then it is beyond you

Dawn is an unbroken promise even if the night seems unending


Don’t let the pain make you hate or your sensibilities sway

Don’t let the bitterness steal your sweetness away

Your smile is your logo

Your rage is your foe

Sometimes you must learn to get out of your own way

Master the game

How beautiful it is to stay silent when you are expected to be enraged

How powerful is the silence compared to words you have exchanged

I must master my silences

They interrupt my defenses

The reactions they are spontaneous the words they are arranged


The pain will disappear once it has finished teaching you

Reproach will crumble into nothingness if it stops reaching you

I must master my grievances

They impact my inferences

The emptiness in eyes remain long after they stopped preaching you


The minute you hate somebody you are defeated by them

That moment you learn to let go and have nobody to blame

I must master my timing

They break rhythm and rhyming

Power when you clench your fist lies in a temperament to tame


We mature with the damage. Not with the years

We overcome imprudence and naiveté. Not our fears

I must master my anxieties

They impede my priorities

What the heart cannot articulate spills out as tears

Live once more

Urban designs and desires pump adrenalin

I am rushing past my own life close friends and kin

On every threshold of success I get restless again

Abundance is a risk I look at success with disdain


Gratefulness for tiny things escape my comprehension

Every morning when I open my eyes I have apprehension

Tons of material manna collected from some local heaven

Is this the happiness I sought I have no recall or ambition


Psychedelic lifestyles to impress the high and mighty

My voice is going shrill I think my mannerisms flighty

As I grow, old routines slow wisdom catches up politely

I gift myself the luxury of time my spirit becomes sprightly


If you did not know how old you are how old would you be

If you could revisit slices of your life which ones would they be

Good times happy times crazy times sad times all temporary

The ones that leave behind both a tear and a smile are worthy


Feel the crisp and crackling sunshine in your eyes at dawn

And take a reality check. You are alive the Reaper has gone

To collect another soul. While you seek more and become pawn

Beyond your acquisitions what are you if all desires are shorn?


Some words spoken were such that the silence froze

Some hearts broken were touched and the phoenix arose

Some flashes became memories only because we chose

Some smiles remained unbroken yet the wound still shows


If we learn to live in openness sans judgments and expectancies

If we learn to live in the moment in place of reminiscences


Conditions will always change you continue to walk the mile

Clothes and accessories will not impress if you don’t wear your smile

Your journey reflects your attitude let the acquiring take a while

Choose elegance over arrogance elegance never goes out of style


If we learn to live with honesties there will be no time for guile

If we learn to live with empathy our benevolence will beguile


We are swayed by public opinions and awestruck by brands

We build castles in the air with foundation in the sands

We fight over territories clutching on to invisible strands

We worry about statuses and standings while relation disbands


If we learn to live in harmony if we simply join hands?

If we learn to live in kindness a language everyone understands?


One day we will realize the need for kindness in life

In the midst of opinions judgements and expectations rife

Where hope will be exhausted and optimism goes cynical

There kindness will cut through the veneers of sheer clinical


One day we will realize tenets that should be truly treasured

Intangibles like integrity and morals cannot really be measured

Where honesties will be compromised and truth is at the alter

There your tenets will come in handy and not let you falter


One day we will realize the hurts and pains we exchanged

From holding grudges to forgiving friends these emotions ranged

Where understandings will diminish and care is not a concern

There these hurts and pains will teach you what lesson to learn


One day we will realize how far we have come in our journey

That family and friends might join you but God is your attorney

Where experiences make you bitter and familiarities can upset

There the road traversed will impact your credits and your debt


One day we will realize how essential it is to look after our self

Mind and body spirit and soul are not bought off the shelf

Where heartbreaks need repair and life is not always fair

There self-care will fuel sustenance and provide ability to bear


One day we will realize how futile our feuds and jealousies are

That day we will rephrase our mission statement and raise the bar

Where prejudgments are norm and intolerances become routine

There this consciousness will awaken and the real you will be seen

One direction

sometimes you need to get lost to discover direction

sometimes you need to lie low before taking any action

that quiet thought hidden deep in the recess of your mind

that compelling emotion embedded in the heart unsigned

perhaps you must heed to it and not believe it to be distraction


sometimes what you choose is different it does not mean you are lost

sometimes your dreams are high-priced they will come at a cost

that quiet confidence you have mustered in situations challenging

that untapped strength you never thought you had is there in waiting

perhaps you must rely on yourself and not expect others to play host


sometimes a peculiar mix of directions lost and found are at play

sometimes the timing is not tailored approaches clutter the way

that need for discipline and patience must be pondered upon

that realization that after each darkness filled storm there is a dawn

perhaps you must calmly wait for sunshine so to catch a ray


sometimes dreams are shattered and directions can go awry

sometimes wishes stay unfulfilled you cannot embellish your story

that determination to fight the odds when odds are stacked up

that power of each prayer when nerve and mood are racked up

perhaps you must learn to trust in God and stop feeling sorry


When inaudible feelings are all that you can share

When the silence between you has significance and flair

When the underlying emotion is accentuated with care

That is when you realize real friendships are rare


Problems do not disappear when real friends are around

It’s the friends who won’t disappear when difficulties abound

Somebody always has your back even if solutions are not found

That is when you recognize how real friendships sound


Profound conversations that carry on deep into the night

Followed by inane banters that nobody takes as slight

The burden shoulders carry is heavy the mood is still light

That is when you appreciate real friendships that feel right


To be accepted for who you are is so wonderful I agree

Then there are those who help you become who you should be

They add magic to your universe like those stars you cannot see

That is when you value real friendships that tug the mind tree

Soft facts

Talk quietly breathe deeply keep patience as your confidante

Think sensibly live honestly there is nothing that you can’t

Behave decently act fearlessly remember the world is at a slant

Karma is no enigma. You will get only what you plant


Don’t overthink don’t underestimate search for a balance

Don’t follow blindly don’t kowtow or merely repeat the parlance

Don’t prejudge don’t find faults prejudice will keep you in a trance

Life is not complicated. It’s for you to endeavor and enhance


Choose wisely speak precisely articulate your passion

Trust cautiously pick pragmatically don’t recklessly follow fashion

Give plentifully forgive easily treat everyone with compassion

There is bravery in being soft. Your smile can change the equation


Don’t procrastinate don’t be obstinate be ready to fine tune

Don’t quash feeling don’t hide aching you are not immune

Don’t undervalue self don’t overrate others don’t go over the moon

The spirit is indefatigable. Fragments of heart can often be sewn


Do gentle do gracious do that which fulfils your heart

Don’t compare don’t compete don’t let opinions upset your cart

Do humble do straight forward don’t struggle to act smart

Time is short and memories are long. Simple living is an art