Milder exchanges


In the wilderness of concrete jungles I am searching

For some milder conversations

Where the eyes have less frostiness less apathy

Hopes are not dented by frustrations

And man can relate with man

No superfluities addons or trappings and no deceptions


In the rushing past the rush hour crowds I am reaching

Out for some stress-free interactions

Where time is invested in sound ventures and adventures

Giving me rich returns and tractions

With spare moments at right intervals as profit

Taking me down less trodden roads filled with contemplations


In the hope of finding warmth in harsh sceneries I chase

Sunsets breaking up seamless skies of hatred

Where frailties sometimes rout routine cruelties

I don’t have to repair memories I dread

Then affection is not mixed up with affectation

Dreams don’t get crushed where I tread


In a world full of synthetic likes and dislikes I am scouring

For some authenticity and care

Where the heart has less frigidity less bite

And the spirit has enough courage to dare

Away from prejudices gossips pettiness and hurt

Just a little more compassion a little more aware


I am seeking my bearings my search has little direction

I get distracted so easily I must learn to pay attention

This labyrinth called life is there for me to unscramble

I keep looking for cheat codes even as I know it is a gamble


Hands outstretched You wait with patience as I fumble

I rely on my sense of superiority You still don’t let me tumble

The one source in the universe with a 24X7 access

The only thing I need to learn indeed is to trust the process


You let me make my own choices my fallacies are forgiven

That I will be bailed out off situations beyond repair is a given

I take so much for granted I wonder how You keep Your calm

I walk into spikey paths myself You still provide the balm


Your omniscience is overwhelming how do I seek knowledge

Your omnipotence is awe-inspiring where do I get salvage

Take me in Your wings in such a manner life after life is saved

Save me from my own self so that my misplaced ego is enslaved


You show me the way I keep wandering away nonchalantly

You bring me back ever so gently I shrug it off gratefully

Only when I look back later at the perils I managed to escape

Do I realize the immensity of Your handiwork sans the cape


Is it age that will mellow us or experiences sweet and bitter

Is it space that is constricting or is it time that we fritter

My chaos needs Your harmony my noise requires Your silence

I am not perfect but I belong to You. That is my sole defense


I am changing every day I don’t even realize

Little learnings add to my repertoire making me wise

I cherry pick the lessons because some are awkward and hurt

I sometimes skip the schooling and keep my reactions curt

Yet at the end of each beginning I have made an impression

So many times I wish I could rewrite the script for each session


The world is changing every day and it’s not just somatic

Some changes are so subtle they almost seem automatic

I see the people around me change conduct and character

I sometimes miss the indicators and gatecrash the barrier

Yet at the end of each beginning I have learnt to be wary

So many times I wish I could expel the emotional baggage I carry


Relations are changing everyday heart and mind are fine-tuning

Some require care to nurture some need patience and pruning

I try to sharpen my social skills so as not cause upsets

I sometimes fail at keeping up now gadgets govern mindsets

Yet at the end of each beginning I have some take aways

So many times I wish I could be forgiven for having feet of clay


If we could teach ourselves and our children what it is to be human

If we could see beyond the differences how much we have in common

If we could make compassion a compulsory subject in each institution

Then care would be cultivated freely it would not be mere obligation


If we could start a Mexican wave of kindness on earth and make history

If we could repeat that history imagine the undulation and the chemistry

If we could let the heart make decisions and the soul nourish the mind tree

Then care would not come at such a cost kindness would be free


If we could continue the barter system and exchange our wants and needs

If we could give selflessness and support in return of all the good deeds

If we could repay affection with respect and appreciate the hand that feeds

Then care would replace every circumstance where heartlessness leads


If we could comprehend how much we gain by giving and forgiving

If we could understand how giving and not amassing is the key to living

If we could count our blessings each conscious moment instead of grieving

Then care would nurture our spirit with gratitude and our minds into believing


WhatsApp forwards find thousands of followers

Facebook followers can get away with howlers

The world is no longer overwhelmed by honest confessions

If they are not accompanied by sensational admissions

Mobiles and mobs are ubiquitous. Recluses are now relic

The 20th century is turning on its head this era is truly epic


A generation is growing up with technology as a crutch

It is given life advice by non-believers and then left in a lurch

Entertainment connotes YouTube. Games are played on tv screens

Entertainers pose as judges for reality shows where even a toddler preens

Circuses are fading now people are intrigued by the Kardashians

Wholesome debates are passe prime time is dominated by politicians


The barrage of information and knowledge the Internet supplies

Is astoundingly awesome mind you more than you even realize

It is just a matter of how we use our time and space and learning

To grasp how life does not revolve around name fame and earning

Social media can be a pain and social media can lead a revolution

Its what you choose to do with invention that will impact evolution

Planet A. No plan B yet.

These tall green trees stand there all day long

Wherever they stand they just seem to belong

How seamlessly does nature assimilate

All the patience in the world to simply stand and wait

My restlessness juxtaposes with their tranquility

Shade. Fruits. Homes. Wood. Giving it all with tenacity


These gentle breezes keep blowing through the day

Pushing white fluffy clouds with it along the way

How tirelessly they suffuse energy

Between seas and lands a strategic synergy

My edginess is allayed with its placidity

Dust. Leaves. Dewdrops. Dreams. Wafting it with serenity


These vast cerulean streams and rivers seas and oceans

Give our planet unique hues and life in varied proportions

How vigorously they perform their duty

Its veneers of passion veiling its beauty

My imperfect vision cannot fathom its profundity

Waves. Winds. Fish. Livelihood. Offering with spontaneity


These solid mountains in shades of grey and brown

So dependable and elegant like the earth wearing a crown

How majestically they stand as if meant

To allow valleys to flourish and volcanoes to give vent

My minion self is overwhelmed by its stature

Snowfall. Landscapes. Caves. Rocks. As if empowering nature


These jade and emerald jungles nurturing the terrain

Sheltering life adding beauty bringing on the rain

How determinedly they flourish and grow

Balancing the conservational flow

My constricted outlook overlooks the sheer impact

Flora. Fauna. Food. Firewood. Protecting with tact


I stopped to savor the petrichor the rains drenched my dreams

Just round the corner rainbows were breaking through the seams

I took a deep breath and awaited my turn I was to repay a loan

It took a toll on my smile a while afore sunshine was mine to own


Rusty autumns followed the showers memories were shed away

Dryness of the season equaled parch throats there was little to say

The rewards of patience remain unmatched I knew I must pause

Whenever you witness joy and sadness remember there is cause


Peace goes hand in hand with patience and lend me unseen power

Snow came along with its inherent stillness enveloping all disorder

Though bones ached the nerves relaxed silvery winters had a charm

I was ready to face bouquets and brickbats with a newfound calm


Then spring trotted along smiles became more tangible and composed

I no longer expected phases to transition only I had to metamorphose

The ambience livened with a spring in my step I stepped up my game

The end goal was peace of mind not fortunes estates name or fame


Basking in golden summers confidence now renewed and restored

I learnt how seasons travel like time stagnation I could never afford

Loans can be repaid work can be redone there is redemption for all acts

A little more proof in emotional judgments a little more heart in facts


The mirror refused to smile back that day

Asking me to brush the cobwebs away

The hurts and resentments betrayals and distress

The thousand things that add to my stress

Life is good show some gratitude kneel and pray

The mirror said it’s the only way


The mirror asked me to mellow down I did not sway

I sustained my rebel against the injustices at play

I looked back in anger so ready to disagree

It now smiled softly and gave some advice for free

When the fist is tightened the sand will slip away

The mirror simply counseled don’t join the fray


The mirror disclosed a calm detachment on display

Emotions were tumultuous responses were in disarray

The face disguises well or is numbed by the ache

Do the eyes reveal indignance or is the smile fake

It’s not about being real in a world veiled by shades of gray

The mirror whispered a wisdom I shrugged it off in dismay


The mirror reflected the vulnerability I had kept at bay

The mortal gods I leaned to worship had feet of clay

Life comes with caveats know that if you must

Faith is unseeable it’s the process you must trust

Being was never about perfection and fair play

The mirror gently told me embellish my essay

Byzantine roads

Strength is not in simply bearing the pain

Strength is not in strong outpourings with disdain

Real strength lies in patience beyond compare

Only God by your side and a world to dare


Patience is not in simply suffering injustices

Patience is not keeping quiet against prejudices

Real patience lies in your duty to do the right thing

Only God by your side and David’s sling


Duty is not in simply doing what is told

Duty is not remaining meek and refraining bold

Real duty lies in ability to defend your integrities

Only God by your side and constrained agilities


Integrity is not in simply radiating attitude

Integrity is not in choosing artless latitude

Real integrity lies in the balancing of obligations

Only God by your side and no compensations


Attitude is not in simply cherry-picking a side

Attitude is not reflected in power prominence or pride

Real attitude lies in the aptitude to remain humble

Only God by your side and obstacles for to stumble


Humility is not in simply deeming you are unpretentious

Humility is not in crediting your own goodness

Real humility lies in your actions and how your treat others

Only God by your side and the ego still bothers


Goodness is not in simply bestowing wealth as a favour

Goodness is not broadcasting your virtues to the sphere

Real goodness lies in soundless endeavor

Only God on your side and humbled by His power

Amendment time

It’s that time of the year when revision is due

What are the things you must change about you

Familiarities and fluences will often give you clue

Relations realizations and some behaviors to renew


It’s that phase of life when wisdom comes knocking

Some emotions need articulation cynicism needs blocking

Follow your passions unfollow pessimism stop the stalking

Every breath you take is precious being alive is rocking


It’s that trice of existence when home truths are driven

Old memories must be forgotten old wounds must be forgiven

Life is a mixed bag of pleasure and pain for that is a given

It is up to you to make your choices and turn it into heaven


It’s that moment of reckoning when we grow strong enough

We learn to take blows on the chin when the going is rough

Problems become challenges they can only make us tough

When you have passed the test of faith you call off Lucifer’s bluff


It’s that minute of silence when you can sit back and reflect

Which experiences to savor which disapprovals to deflect

Some affections leave you glad some affectations have effect

Let authenticity be your pilot let conscience be your prefect