
Whenever I am working, I am missing out on fun

And whenever I am funning, I am missing out on sleep

Whenever I am sleeping, I am missing out on life

Yet whenever I am living, its fruits I cannot reap!


I run after this and I run after that

This of course does not prevent me from going fat

It just gives some solace I believe I am productive

Actually, it’s the same race and I am another rat


Whenever I am discerning I am missing ignorance

And when I am ignoring I am missing out on bliss

Whenever I am blissful I take the wrong turn

Because when I am blissful I am certain something’s amiss!


So be happy. Be stupid. Just laugh at yourself

The best way to sail through this crazy conundrum

Is to look up, look forward. Never look back

Why so serious? Make light of the humdrum

Thank you God

If our earth was just a little away from the sun…

Too hot, too cold whatever be it, life would not be fun.


If lush green lawns were of any other color…

Too dry, too wry, moods would certainly be duller.


If flowers did not open to such psychedelic bloom…

Too listless, too lovelorn, there would descend a gloom.


If there were no birds in their vibrant splendor…

Too silent, too harsh, we’d never learn to be tender.


If four legged creatures never walked the wide world…

Too tame, too lame, we’d be in an imbalanced swirl.


If we were not thirsty, if there was no water…

Too blue, too bland, we’d not survive a quarter.


If land was not land and sea was not sea…

Too hapless, too helpless, just where would we be?


If there was at the poles, no formation of ice…

Too warm, too wintry, Al Gore’s speeches would not suffice.


If each note, each strain was not in such perfect refrain…

Too lackadaisical, too lazy, there’d be no pain – no gain!


If there was no God to weave mindboggling magic…

Too pessimistic, too atheist, life would have been tragic.


If you choose to grumble, if you choose to cry…

Too hurried, too stressed, life will quietly pass by.


If you choose to say ‘thank you God’, you do not realize…

How swiftly, how softly, how paradoxically, happiness multiplies.


Armed with attitude, you may select your latitude…

Too rough, too tough, however you reflect, just voice your gratitude!

Positively yours


Think positive they declare in each appeal
Teacher, preacher, management guru
Is it honestly the way to feel?
Or it’s the feeling we shall rue?

Is it really so simple to think
Positive and rave and rant.
A relief to blame some other fink
For not doing the things we can’t? Continue reading “Positively yours”


Goodbyes are hardest, parting is never fun
Yet each and every one of us is always on the run.
We meet, we love, we gain, and we give and forgive
Then somewhere down the line, we forget to live.

Commitments. Appointments. Beating the rush hour traffic
Carefully laid out business strategies, future plans are graphic
But when it comes to relationships, we tend to procrastinate
Tomorrow never comes; just memories to ruminate. Continue reading “Goodbyes”

What irks isn’t work

Does material wealth delineate your happiness?
Holiday homes, cars, gold and designer dress?
Is life in the lap of luxury the culmination all of life?
Is that for which you strive to overcome strife?

Do you define your work or work defines you?
Are you slave to your duty, your subordinate signs you?
So central, so essential, the money you are after?
To relegate priorities, the fun and the laughter? Continue reading “What irks isn’t work”



I have come a long way today.
Yesterday was another day.
Then I took life as it came
I had the power, the world I could tame.
I had no fears, no insecurities
I did not look for smug sureties.
I never had to step with care
Rainbows had more colours, life was fair.
Nothing seemed tough, learn or unlearn
Brownie points, confidence or marks to earn.
Turvy topsy attitudes, troubles at bay
Yesterday was another day. Continue reading “Quest”

My Star

There is a star far far away
In the deep darkness of the skies
So sheer, so mere it’s almost not there
Wrinkling eyes try to appraise

But in my heart of hearts
I know it is there if only
In my mind, in my belief
It consoles me when I am lonely Continue reading “My Star”

Roam the Universe


Roam the world, roam the universe
Roam in the realm of desire
Where the mind is free and can foresee
Where the soul can be set on fire.

The mind is one very powerful defense
Unbound by shackles and decree
It can slash across the spatial veneers
To release dreams and set them free Continue reading “Roam the Universe”


Once in a while we must all renew
Our vows and promises and also review
Our lives and actions and keep in view
That relationships regularly need sinew

Once in a while we must go back to giving
It has pleasures far greater than receiving
Give what you prize what is worth valuing
Inherent in giving are the points for redeeming Continue reading “Renew”