
People use their eyes to pry and their ears to eavesdrop

The tongue can be a catalyst bringing relations to a full stop


The hands and legs they take orders and follow mindlessly

The heart can be gullible and naive, not taken seriously


Nerves go tingling down the spine in a rather fickle manner

Whether you are in love or in danger, it throws the spanner


The senses five are meant to combine giving you direction

Each decision that you make followed by adequate action


Sometimes though, eyes deceive or speech goes out of hand

Sometimes ears don’t filter baloney or fishy smells go bland


In this jumble, the senses tumble and aren’t always cohesive

There is one essential element that acts as an adhesive


That one elusive sense is ironically called common

If you find it in anyone, bless him and say Amen!








With a unique irreplaceable irreparable advantage

Attachment you choose to pursue has a point of vantage

Affiliation you are born with is based on providence

Friendship on the other hand shapes the destiny it runs


Bonding brings joy so distinct you cannot quite compare

With regular run of the mill pretention you so often despair

Warm inside and lost outside long after you have parted

Like you have left behind your soul and have to be carted


Yet this sense of deep attachment can be rather scary

I don’t attempt to make new friends because I am wary

Letting someone in your world investing feelings in the wake

Leaves you rather vulnerable, susceptible to intangible ache


Treat my passion with tenderness tread softly on my dreams

Raw emotion has jagged textures bursting at the seams

Do not belittle my simple yearning naïve though it may be

Every smile has a price to pay no sentiment comes for free


What is the point in ‘I told you so’

Being proven right only satisfies ego

If you wait on the sidelines graciously

I will apprehend truth eventually


All actions need not be wrong or right

They’re learning experiences in hindsight

Each opinion you hold is a point of view

Even Almighty gave the devil his due


This human tendency to give instruction

Attesting each argument and seeking attention

Does it stem from some superiority complex?

Or does insecurity inside augment the multiplex


Why do people think the size of their brain

Increases exponentially with age? It’s insane

Maturity has little to do with chronological age

Chronology cannot justify prejudice or umbrage


I don’t have to agree. I don’t have to impose

My beliefs are mine. And they can juxtapose

Even with my own self from a few years ago

I am an unending process, I change. I learn. I grow


That moment when I cease to learn anew

The time I decide I need not rejuvenate or renew

I am effectually dead, breathe though I may

Take offense. At least react to what I have to say!


I must…


I must acquire knowledge and conversely remain humble

Knowledge sans humility so often makes you stumble


I must wear my attitude with panache and flair

Then balance the brazenness with respect and care


I must foster character trustworthy and commanding

I must be my own person not follow what is trending


I must set the right balance of deference and dissension

A simple deed that reaps results first begins with intention


I must fight for righteousness, tis the panacea of the just

Not compromising on principle is an absolute must


I must not hurt by my actions, deliberate or inadvertent

Any misstep must be mended or to remain repentant


I must realize a certain level of wisdom and aptitude

I can’t afford to slide into dispiritedness and platitude


I must keep ticking off new to do lists time and again

The cenotaph should not pronounce a life lived in vain



“Everyone you meet always asks if you have a career, are married, or own a house as if life was some kind of a grocery list. But no one asks you if you are happy.” – Heath Ledger


Elusive. Intangible. Yet worth its weight in gold

Just increase its quotient and all else increases tenfold


Happiness is a simple feeling all in the mind

Still it remains irreplaceable and one of a kind


You don’t need huge accomplishments or complicated gains

Happiness can lie in small things and tweaking of the brains


If you think you are happy then you really can be

It does not cost a penny, it can be yours for free


Big bungalows. Swanky cars. Material wealth galore

Is no guarantee for happiness deep down at the core


A beautiful smile, a helping hand, togetherness

Some cheerfulness to dispense, some yearning to harness


If you are happy and you know it enjoy your fiefdom

It’s a rare realization that comes only with wisdom

You decide

You decide who you want to be

You decide your own destiny


From the time you open your eyes

You will be inundated with advice


Listen. Learn. Follow blindly or discern.

You choose the shape and size of your urn


Life experiences may delight or traumatize

Your mind will analyze, update and apprise


Your skills and proficiencies can also guide

Your well-wishers might just stand beside


And that gut feeling they call instinct

Will give you signals rather distinct


Equipped with this data and familiarity

Enhance your aptitude with dexterity


Reproaching conditions, friends and foes

Don’t take you forward, only add to your woes


Informed decisions will hold the key

To get stronghold of your own destiny


Yes. Freedom to choose comes with responsibility

Strengthen shoulders rather than relinquish sovereignty

If only…

A lot of cells inside our body often repair themselves.

And regenerate.

They don’t inform us on WhatsApp about it

Or reiterate.

If I could learn this one thing from nature

And reverberate

It would be to quietly keep on evolving

And rejuvenate


Static implies death. A stillness beyond life

Yes. Life can be stressful and full of strife

Yet strife is what strengthens resolve

Achievements spring from problems to solve


When all grows quiet, listen to that little voice

This voice guides you into making the right choice



I Am My Creator’s Very Best

I am a world. In its entirety. On its own

Made from mud and H2O. Entirely homegrown.


My sight is a miracle owing to one light ray

It can see a single star millions of light years away


My tongue has the power to play with words

Emotions. Relations. Like the wielding of swords


Olfactory nerves taking in thousands of scents

And all along assuring every breath on rent


My mind can bend a universe at will

60,000 thoughts a day it can hold still


Limbs that obey at each little nerve end

To prostrate in prayer; to perform, to transcend


Blood vessels pumping hard to keep me alive

Yet it is tenderness within which makes the heart thrive


Amidst flesh and features I have been given a soul

That is what actually makes me one whole


A creation so perfect with free will at its crest

Leveraged for emancipation. I am my creator’s best

A Different Take

When good is not simply the absence of evil

When good is not a mere antidote to the devil


When good springs to action and makes a pact

When good bridges the gap between thought and act


When good is tougher still

When good can bend the will


When good can offer the Heavens above

Repair. Assistance. Endorsement. Love


When good does not seek glory or gain

When good is genuine and does not feign


When good is inbuilt into the fiber of the soul

When good is not in parts but an encompassing whole


When good has the power to give and forgive

When good is inherent in the way you live


That good, when personified, has a different take

That good is simply of a different make



I May Not Be

I may not always make a lot of sense
I may often come across as rather dense
I may not be the epitome of self-expression
My behavior may not conform to expectation

I have my own set of rules and rubrics
Not necessarily aligned to the social fabric
I may not be as clever with a trick up my sleeve
Yet I cannot and do not manipulate and weave

Layers and lies intrigue or damnations
I do not judge you for your affectations
I may come across as a simpleton absurd
At least I know I never go back on my word

So is naivety a virtue or is it considered daft
Which skills to hone, how to master the craft?
I need to refurbish my intellectual abilities
I need to refine my cerebral capabilities

To fit like a glove in this so-called society
I don’t adulate people or worship the same deity
They may laugh at me behind my back and make fun
But I no longer care. I think I am done

If I don’t have to remember the last yarn I spun
In order to continue this pretense, I have begun
I am better off less skilled more honest and artless
Than hone shrewdness and become more heartless