An intro – vert

I am an introvert. So, naturally I live in my fortress

I remain independent. Responsible for my own mess

I have built around me an unobtrusive moat

Judgements rocking my beat-up boat

Are scrutinized before allowed to enter

Courteous civilities at the periphery. Me in the center


I have friends select and few. Relationships to anew

I am not so adept at. Each conversation is under review

Weather talk and irrelevant banter I just cannot humor

I take existence rather seriously. Or at least that’s the rumor

Life is no book, open and shut for all to read and tell

If you try to pry in mine, I simply return to my shell


It’s not as if I can’t apprehend people or comprehend life

I investigate idiosyncrasies, I appreciate all its strife

Expansive emotions expressed extensively

Simply do not come easily to me

I need my space. I need my place wherein to reside

Behind silent sighs and soft smiles, I camouflage and hide


A good book, a kadak chai. A decent device with internet

Loose comfy clothes which hide me. And a writing set

Soaking in the beauty of nature is not measured as platitude

An introvert’s kit is essentially all about a fulfilling solitude

Country roads take me home to the place I belong

Is it any wonder I love this ageless Denver song

I seek…

I seek stillness in a world of chaos

I seek tranquility in the midst of force

I close my eyes and picture a creation

Born out of the very chaos. On collision course


I seek honesty in a world of fraud

I seek peace amidst friction and discord

I open my eyes to an altered reality

Minds are narrow curiosities are broad


I seek happiness in a world of stealth

I seek bliss in abstractions which can be felt

I blink my eyes and the reverie is broken

Character certificates are given on basis of wealth


I seek succor in a world of insensitivity

I seek friendship with true moods in captivity

I wipe my eyes when the tears swell up

You are not allowed to exhibit emotional activity


I seek bonding in a world which has no time

I seek substance in promises that don’t cost a dime

I rub my eyes in hope of a clearer vision

This deep rooted unstated emptiness sublime


Part of the fray, rushing past a busy subway

I happened to meet life one day

I wanted to be friends

It said this is where it ends

You simply cannot bind

Me amidst your daily grind


“I can’t reside within the crinkles of a clock

Or follow routines and rituals of the flock”

Life said, “I come with some caveat

You must learn from the very start

To have patience and compassion

To understand me and my passion”


“I love cheery sunshine and winds in my face

I make each moment count with wit and grace

You will find me only if you love and you laugh

If you can’t value my presence, I lessen by half

You are born, you breed and then you grow old

Yet my being in your breath may never unfold”


I realized I had to put aside some time

To apprehend life and its nuances sublime

Living and breathing can be two different things

To discover how to fly I must first procure wings

My subway trajectory slowed down amid the haste

Why was I letting this priceless present go waste?


One more chance

Every day when you open your eyes

Earth beneath your feet overcast skies

Remember you been given one more chance

To be alive and make it matter. Perchance

You will not get it tomorrow

There is no time for sorrow


Every time some hand outstretched

Reaches out to you don’t think wretched

Of that person. You have been chosen by chance

To be facilitator but only. Perchance

You will not get it tomorrow

Good deeds you cannot borrow


Every instance you make some mistake

Recover. Refocus and learn in its wake

Repetition is true folly. Once is actually a chance

To reinforce and endorse right or wrong. Perchance

You will not get it tomorrow

Persevere and success will follow


Every time by act or tongue if you hurt someone

In your heart, you know right away its not done

Exclude ego and say your sorry. Grasp the chance

To be forgiven and live in peace. Perchance

You will not get it tomorrow

Anguish can be a concluding blow


Every once in a while, when choices are to be made

Go slow choose wise don’t suffer brain fade

Ultimately you are responsible for them. Your chance

To own your life is staring at your face. Perchance

You will never get it tomorrow

Excuses always sound so hollow



So then…..

So I am not fluent enough to create a correct impression

I am not articulated enough for my ideas to attain expression


Life hinges on linguistic knack or does the person inside matter?

Does complexity of character depend upon superfluous chatter


They tell you up your ante with new motor skills to hone

Eloquence of speech. The flair the aptitude the style the tone


Social media celebrates many a pretty butterfly that prances

In the end, cerebral proficiency lags behind chronological advances


Do personality traits like integrity and scrupulousness uphold

We live in world where speech is hyped and honesty is sold


If I can’t get across to you will you think little of me

If my communication skills falter will you disagree


With my person and then make judgements of your own

Do I have to now get myself a personality on loan?


Yes, speech is important in as much as it reveals

My thoughts my attitude my learning and my appeal


Yet inviting introverts to banter or fish to climb a tree

Is not exactly my idea of comfort or competency


The Reaper

Dressed in a dapper black and black

The Reaper cuts an ominous figure

He comes to you at designated instance

Your onward journey to trigger


Expect him at all times or any

You never can predict his arrival

Ignore him at your own risk

Don’t deem his being as drivel


Preparedness is always of help

Make sure your backpack is light

Keep it handy and by your side

Extra baggage makes leg space tight


The Reaper is a handsome confidante

Handling a job not many relish

A deal with the dead maybe his style

Fatefully. Yet endurance is his fetish


So live life well and to the full

Right intentions backed by action

The Reaper is not designed to forgive

Lifespans snuff off in a fraction



One person is also statistic

One act of kindness is just as fantastic

As uplifting a people per se

One act of nastiness is just as caustic

As watching a society wither away

Remember each and every individual counts

Each and every deed accounts


One angry word can make you go ballistic

One kind word can go the length

One real smile and the experience is holistic

One simple belief can give strength

Miss one opportunity and the memory haunts

One wrong doing and then the pressure mounts


You don’t have to play God. Suffice it is to be realistic

In your own capacity just do your best

One person is also statistic

Intent and effort matter. Leave the rest

In the hands of destiny and it always amounts

You can recreate a domino effect that daunts











There is always a bigger picture

If you don’t lose line of sight


There is always much more to life

If you choose the correct height


To view the world and alter worldview

Walk past the horizon and into the night


All things mundane take away your time

Yet if you are careful you just might


Find purposefulness far beyond daily routine

Don’t pronounce it – society may take slight


Yes, there is career and status and wealth

People select bars and barriers, wrong or right


Public will tell you live well within your boundaries

And then expect you to fly high and choose bright


A conundrum called life ensues real time unused

It is their own understanding which is rather blight


Friends and family, with best at heart, give advice

Comfort zones are comfortable savor and sleep tight


In your silence, in your space quietly go over it

When this din dies down you will perceive the light


There is a world beyond your world. Alternate realities

Sharpen senses. Set course. Grow your wings and take flight.



Extra baggage

A heart filled with enough love there is no space for hate

A life filled with enough hope there is no regret

An intellect that intuitively knows what to garner and aspire

An understanding that can decipher the boundaries of desire


A knowledge which does not make me conceited or hollow

An attitude of humility and gratitude with wisdom to follow

A laughter so infectious it spreads sunshine all around

An empathetic resonance when fears and tears abound


A faith that guides unfailingly through thick and thin

A quiet voice deep within which can hear above the din

A fortitude to take all in stride and learn to bear and grin

A confidence to keep moving drawing from strength within


A commitment to give my best just like the old adage

A freedom amid responsibility no fetters within the cage

A simplicity in need and demand sans expectation or rage

A nimble journey onwards now without any extra baggage



Fragile mission

One day I went in search for building material

Friendships and relationships needed repair

I found some phone numbers long forgotten

Some memories suffering from wear and tear


Sifting through albums and faded photographs

Those faces, those names, I know them I swear

I have left them so far behind in my trajectory

Glimpses of their crossing have become rare


I trace back my steps and wonder where to begin

How do I sound sincere when I say I do care

With so much water under the bridge and some pride

Homecoming of sorts may be rejected. Do I dare?


Some love, some laughter, some shared misadventure

I gather my ingredients, some hope, some prayer

What takes eternities to shape can be shattered in a minute

Oh! The fragility of feelings I was hitherto unaware


Stealthily I reconstruct vision blurred with moisture

Still a warmth filling the heart even as it lays bare

Each smile it begets remains more valuable by far

Than any treasures triumphs plaques or ware


I learn the delicate art of rebuilding broken bits

Restoring a relationship is how much and what you share

In that moment you now know what being is all about

Even its pain and chaos is fun, so what if life is unfair?