
I threw some wishes up in the sky

Some came down in the form of dew

I wished some old habits goodbye

Each day then became as good as new


I stopped turning back again and again

To see the road I was leaving behind

Some memories felt betrayed and vain

Past tenses can play tricks on the mind


Autumn leaves continued to fall and rust

The tree stood strong awaiting spring

The sheer tenacity the absolute trust

Showed off miracles a future can bring


I embraced my imperfections and moved on

Some stars were laughing from above

I only had to learn, not live from what’s done

I did not need disapproval I only needed love


I gathered the flowers the dew was garden-fresh

Even as desires crumbled in my fist

I kept just one thing – gratitude – to refresh

I had grasped the art of living in a gist


Thank you

Incomplete without You

I am but one. I have many emotions

Ideas teeming in the head. Several notions

My palate is full. Different portions

My lineage is impressive. Enough relations

And yet. Yet I am so incomplete without You


How much I accomplish. How much I achieve

How much I give and how much I receive

How the world sees me and what I perceive

Some experiences give me hope. Some deceive

And yet. Yet I am so incomplete without You


So many struggles to gain success

So many pains to increase happiness

So many new thoughts to reflect and embrace

So many dreams to fulfil and witness

And yet. Yet I am so incomplete without You


In the face of adversities, I look up for defense

I sometimes find you watching me, sitting on the fence

I feel betrayed but I never give up. I stay tense

I begin to believe I will not need you hence

And yet. Yet I am so incomplete without You


Until slowly I realize. How you let me be on my own

I reach for the skies for another dawn. Over the horizon

With each new act a seed is sown. A confidence grown

Even as I am thrown out of my comfort zone

You are the essence. I am complete without You. In You

A home

Our search for a home led us to several houses

There were walls which spoke of joyful carouses

The element we were looking for was invisible still

The warmth and the welcome came with a hefty bill


Everywhere we looked there were undisclosed clauses

Trust lost its way somehow through indeterminate pauses

Betrayed by such little things we often hold on to

I cannot consent to your petty sphere even if I want to


I am searching for conversations over a cuppa chai

In times when WhatsApp runs every topic and emotion dry

I am looking for peace and quiet in neighborhoods neat and  clean

I am looking for 1989 I think, in 2019


Scribblings on walls which speak of carefree childhoods

Pillow fights on soft mattresses even in parenthoods

When sounds of laughter numbed noises of aches and pains

Small spaces were no constrains when love ran in the veins


Now the world has grown up. We are still where we were

We look out for quaint emotions and affections so sheer

The place we are looking for need not have many a room

Just some skill and sensitivity to turn a house into a home



Forever traits

Be kind. Be generous. Not once or twice

But perpetually

Kindness deep seated in the heart

Will give the universe a chance. A head start


Be gentle. Be graceful. Amidst rudeness

It is not easy

It takes tenderness to smoothen creases in relations

It takes grace to remain kind in cruel situations


Be brave. Be dependable. Be there for others

Conquer vulnerability

Strength of the mind reflects nobility of the soul

Courage is no acquired trait. It’s an encompassing whole


Be inimitable. Be rare. Echo who you are

You are unique

There is strength in kindness and gentleness too

It takes courage to live righteously. Very few do


Portable problems

They demand total devotion with unedited glee

They seek complete attention and obedience for free

Ubiquitous creatures on a ruinous spree

Mobiles are the bane of the 21stcentury


Whilst driving in the midst of heavy traffic

Or sailing on a cruise ship in the Pacific

You pick it up in air in water on land. In the bathroom!

In the middle of your wedding even if you are the groom


It gives you information and news 24X7

Every ‘tring’ is like manna from heaven

You dare not ignore its messages and posts

It will haunt you forever like Casper the ghost


Social media has you eagerly lap up its hogwash

With a chilling influence it completes your brainwash

You are no longer in control of what you believe

Before you fully fathom you lose ability to sieve


It now rings in your head even when switched off

More expensive the handset the more it shows off

The comfort of a boring black box I used to call telephone

I recall some ancient Neanderthal age in which I have grown



Words are my respite. Words are my go to

I hide behind words. Words concoct a cocky brew


When feelings are bottled up emotions accrue

Words can give vent to those moods turning blue


When truth has to be disguised listeners are few

Words chosen carefully have the ability to ring true


When philosophy has to be shared action is due

Words evoke the war cry to give you the cue


When passions go twisted and texts tangle up too

Words still impact their silence speaks a language new


When we appeal to our Gods to solve each tiny little issue

Words augment the power of prayers as you kneel and woo


When arguments disrupt relationships all we need are two

Words to do the trick a genuine sorry and a sincere thank you



Had Narcisse never looked at his reflection

We would have been saved of this affliction

Now it is legit to fall in love with one’s self

And procure self-centeredness right off the shelf


Had Edison never joined two different colored wires

We would have been reeling in deep dark desires

Each sunset would be as magical as aurora borealis

We would have to give late night shows a miss


Had Newton never sat under the apple tree

We could have been floating in the air you see

Until we give definition and name to something

Newspapers have us believe it is next to nothing


Had Madame Curie not discovered radium

Trucks on the highway could have gone random

These scientists and their superior brains

Have saved us from many problems and pains


Had Galileo not strained his neck to discover planets

How could Musk conquer Mars how would he even plan it

All the great achievements of modern times

Are based on some age-old idea and inquiry sublime


Had Gustave Eiffel not presented us steel and its power

How could lovers have professed true feeling from a tower

One industrial exhibition that lasted like forever

Now that was not coincidence it was really quite clever

Then there is God

Do your best

Don’t take rest

Until you accomplish what you aspire for

If you settle for less

You can never guess

What you could have got had you asked for more

When things go wrong

Dreams sell for a song

And someone shows you the door

Rework the keel

Remember to kneel

And your ship will sail ashore


Success follows perseverance

Luck follows endurance

Struggle forms the core

Old fashioned uncomplicated

Yet rarely rated

The virtue of patience is no folk lore

When things go right

Do not take slight

At those who helped you to the fore

Your story in a gist

It needs a catalyst

How else can He reveal the wings He gave you to soar


There is intention

There is determination

Yet there is so much unknown in store

Ups and downs

Laughter and frowns

You may love some and some you may abhor

Give it your best shot

Mastermind your plot

A creation at your command should leave you in awe

Once you have done your best

Simply let it rest

Then there is God for sure


Silence can be deafening

When words are tumbling out incessantly

Like storm waters gushing in rivers relentlessly

An obstinate refusal to reason or writ

A tumultuous outpour sans brevity or wit

Something is amiss. The loner amidst herds

Hiding silences amidst words

It is not for real. There is a façade. A feigning

Such silence can be deafening


When eyes meet eyes and then look away

Hurt hides behind camouflaged subtext on display

Holding on to sunshine to keep the night at bay

A pretense kept patently. Dark moods going astray

Closed lips keep quiet, those eyes have much to say

Masking wounds yet looking away is the giveaway

What happens once the subterfuge starts waning

Such silence can be deafening


When hearts are wrecked where is the noise

When souls are shattered why the poise

When trust is broken how much it destroys

Taking away with it the bliss, the smiles, the joys

Everything around comes to a standstill

You can bring to halt a universe at will

This kind of quiet is unnatural. Unnerving

Such silence can be deafening




Why I have to impress you?

So I know you are good in all that you do

I admire those qualities though I have no clue

From where to acquire a set of the same

From where to begin to build reputation and name

Norms are ever-changing and so many

I have no thoughts you can keep your penny

Your prominence is impressive and essentially due

Yet I do not know why I have to impress you!


To each one his own or so goes the adage

To keep my little world intact I somehow manage

I never get the time to inquire about others

I never exchange notes in school compounds with mothers

For my lack of people skills I guess I am a misfit

Just how by keeping tabs on you am I doing my bit?

Your ability to know all is too good to be true

Yet I do not know why I have to impress you!


You are extrovert and lively. The life of the party

You can fit the bill of any role model to the tee

I prefer to be low-profile and remain in the background

Not follow the same guidelines by which you are bound

Why ask recurrently why I prefer quiet and cozy

Do I ask the loud ones why they are so noisy?

Your personality oh so visible the concoction you can brew

Yet I do not know why I have to impress you!