
Life is balanced on a cantilever these days

Freedom from boredom and some new ways

To release tension bought off another’s shelf

I am seeking solutions to stay happy with myself


The last time I met me was a long time ago

I have been running around since to collect some dough

Rising up the social rung and pursuing social approval

In the bargain I have gathered a mind full of drivel


Now they tell me distance yourself from the same people

Who sought to label me introvert after a neat tipple

I used to relish my company and the occasional chatter

Now they ask me why did I not chose mind over matter


Come welcome to my world of isolation without fear

Loved ones are a phone call away help is always near

It’s the Facebook and the WhatsApp chinwag that creates confusion

Revel in yourself and you will realize you are quite a revelation!


A good book a hot coffee a warm memory and some

No politics no prattle just plain inoffensive fun

Some family time some rhythm and rhyme a silent understanding

Someone up there is trying to tell you life needs some amending


Some fissures need fixing some cracks need pasting

Some overhaul is temporary some effects will be lasting

The cantilever is steady but my footsteps are faltering

I wait with bated breath even as our planet is altering



Hope is a forever thing it cannot cannot die

Hold it close and swear by it you will come around by and by

One day melts into twilight another dawn prepares to take on

Deep dark nights wither away at the brawny shine of morn


Love is a forever thing you never ever say goodbye

Hold it close and swear by it you will believe in its strength by and by

Let it reign unconditional keep it free of expectations

Returns are bonus not the fee beyond recognition or reciprocations


Smiles are a forever thing it should never be replaced by a sigh

Hold it close and swear by it you will agree to its charm by and by

It dispels shadowy moods depressed looks and skepticism

It lets you look at the kaleidoscope of life through a tinted prism


Ideals are a forever thing even if they are so hard to come by

Hold them close and swear by it you will acquire courage by and by

There are moralities with fringes neatly circumventing the line

You will have to walk the mile alone hard-wearing on a land mine

Child in hood

On a lighter note:


Baa baa black sheep have you any wool

Why ask sheep? Since when were answering sheep cool

Yes sir yes sir three bags full

This is pulling ears over the wool

One for his master and one for his dame

Now you tell me the sheep also had a flame

And one for the little boy who lives down the lane

You believe in talking sheep? I believe you are insane


Jack and Jill should have gone downhill

To fetch water from the river

Then Jack wouldn’t have fallen down

Nor broken his crown

And they wouldn’t have to worry for water


Mary had a little lamb

Who followed her around

But certainly not to school

Schools have some rules

These rumours just abound


Sing a song of sixpence a pocketful of rye

With a rhyme like that you wave common sense goodbye

4 and 20 blackbirds baked in a pie! For heaven sake why?

Of all the thingamajig ingredients in a pie

When the pie is open the birds began to sing

Singing birds. Live pies. My head is beginning to ring



Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall

From there he then had a great fall

Why would he not sit on a chair

Why could he not take enough care

The King and his men would have been better occupied

If only the good egg had some sense applied




Busyness as usual

Busy lines like freeways crisscrossing each hand

Determining the trajectory of where life will land

Sometimes I clench my fist and change its course

Sometimes going with the flow is my only recourse


Busy thoughts traversing the mindscape in a scurry

Adding pressure to accomplish to do lists in a hurry

Sometimes I plant new ideas in the mind to germinate

Most dash into expectations along the way and terminate


Busy dreams consciously scampering past practicalities

They know if they dare to breathe they become realities

Sometimes I endeavor to bring one of them to life

Sometimes I sell them cheaply to balance the strife


Busy emotions sorting confusions avoiding Machiavelli

Everybody seeks them out they can’t be available for free

Sometimes I let them out from the confines to explore

Sometimes they come back badly injured at the core


Busy memories attempting to recall several tiny details

Putting the color of saying to events when all else fails

Sometimes I can recall the best of them unambiguously

Sometimes I leave out the unpleasant ones quietly


Busy fingers grasping thin air relations testing their mettle

Tactics and tricks that people play take proportions of a battle

Sometimes I catch the straws and try to make a castle

Sometimes the wind is not so kind and spoils my tassel


Busy stories trying to find a buyer a dreamer a reality

Made up in somebody’s imagination challenging sanity

Sometimes I look back on mine and wonder if its authentic

Sometimes I wonder whose story it was that did the trick


Go soft

when you can raise your voice and make so much sound

when you can show off your power and throw your weight around

that is the time when you must step back and evaluate ability

that is the moment when you must go soft and seek humility


when you have health wealth and success at your fingertips

when hangers-on obey each command that leave your lips

that is the time when you must realize this will not last forever

that is the moment when you must go soft and savor


when you feel your preeminence detaches you from the rest

when you begin to fancy only you are the best

that is the time when you must let self-worth trounce ego

that is the moment when you must go soft and let go


when you are being celebrated by so many around you

when your aficionados and followers forever surround you

that is the time when you take stock of genuine perspective

that is the moment when you must go soft and reflective


when you are keeping up late into the silence of the night

when your demons you have rested and are in no mood for a fight

that is the time when a hundred home truths will be driven

that is the moment when you must go soft and ask to be forgiven



What I am

I am breath. Oxygen water sustenance success failure sweat

I live as if I am here forever. Even as I am inching towards death


I am growth. I run forth to earn wealth repute the slot

Trying to impress the very world which one day I shall loathe


I am love. A treasure trove of passion and pain in reserve

I must trust believe give and forgive so as to rise above


I am hope. There is always this little scope

To improve upon what I already have and cope


I am elated. Good intentions bring me what’s fated

What seemed like obstacles is only good tidings belated


I am distraught by some images. Peoples networks societal cages

Freedom to be is suffocated how to disguise and vent the rages


I am enraged by some instances. Relations to feel are staged

Will I see truth triumph will I see the end of false wars waged


I am full of mixed emotion. Life and its very notions

Full of myriad motions. Splitting you in different directions


I am seeking replies. As the sun rises and sets time flies

A past to apprise. A present to surmise. A future to prize


I am running scared. With every breath am I prepared

To meet the maker and know how I have fared


I am this much. With such unbridled potential untouched

Between base and apex lies an infinite horizon to search

Thank you

A celebration called life

(A slightly different take)


From the day you are born

Till six days later when all your hair is shorn

Life is bliss

Then things begin to go amiss

Relatives keep dropping in to sign in their remark

Most of the women are worried that you are dark

Indians at heart we start wondering about marriage

Marrying a dark-skinned person requires courage

Some snigger at your helplessness some relish in it

Going to visit an infant has a peculiar fetish in it

Down the months as your eyes begin to focus

It dawns upon you group obligations are hocus-pocus

Your social smiles are greeted with delight

But you are not tolerable if you cry in the night

After year one you are no longer enigmatic

Every emotion you display is considered dramatic

Welcome to childhood

You’d avoid it if you could

Ice cream flavors to cool haircuts every decision is major

Suddenly before you blink you have become teenager

Now you are not welcome anywhere

Too young for adults too old for kids to care

Cute little dimples are replaced with life threatening pimples

Math science late nights or girlfriend nothing is no longer simple

Times flies

Optimism dies

Full grown creatures breathing skepticism

Look at the biosphere from a prejudiced prism

Oh we adults adore our complications

A Pandora’s box we open with a smile and invitation

Life’s cycle is a thingamajig we can ill afford

And we have cheek to create our own God


Homes to build friends to make status symbols to erect

People to please wars to wage right network to select

Decisions. Big and small

The head and a nice wall

Adulthood is fun.

Keeps you on the run

Fulfil promises fulfil obligations fulfill everything under the sun

End of the day you can bet you are still not done

Save the money and time slips away

Make time for things and wage dips away

What made you think you can have it all

Are you Cinderella at the Queens’s Ball

At the tick of 12 the party ends

At which side of the timepiece are you it depends

You have come a long way from being born

Today you have no hair left to be shorn

So take a deep breath

Before you reach death

Make every breath count

Make every action amount

To awesome.

And then some


Ego approved

Ego may have many a negative connotation agreed

Sometimes it tends to override other opinions indeed

If trampling upon feelings is not a good deed

Then being trampled upon will also make you bleed


There lies a thin line between ego and self-image

Where we use our heart and head together to manage

The moment you are compromised and taken for granted

Then we are not talking ego its self-worth that is daunted


Humility is so vital it must be mandatory

Etiquette entails knowing your thankyou & your sorry

The one you are extending such courteous behavior to

Then must realize and acknowledge this amicable side of you


A disposition full of ‘I’ is not a welcome one

A temperament easy to crumble is neither done

Clarity not compromise is what attitude is about

Then in your own strength you will never have a doubt



Angst approved

If someone instigates and intends to cause offence

Remember silence is your best defense

If someone deliberately tries to bring your reputation harm

Respect their opinion and just keep calm

It is for them to solve their issues you cannot resolve

If they continue futile affront you simply absolve


If someone tells you how you are getting things wrong

Remember free advice is available for a song

If someone insists on doing your thinking for you

Respect their effort yet keep your distance too

It is for them to understand how to fit in your shoes

Your problems are unique to you they may have no clues


If someone believes they know more than you ever did

Remember knowledge is a slippery path so easy to skid

If someone feels superior on the basis of who they know

Respect their self-worth each one will reap what they sow

It is for them to mature and take their supremacy in stride

You can continue to exhibit your low-profile humble side