My God and I

No matter what I face in life God has never left my side

I am exactly where I was meant to be and He is my guide

From a mere perspective there are seeming complications

From far above and beyond all things these are vindications


No matter what I hope in life my destiny has been scripted

I have exactly what I deserve and He has my account accredited

All the deeds that I deliver have a due date stamped and credited

All transgressions I commit will also be charged and debited


No matter what I accomplish in life I cannot do it alone

I know exactly how much I can achieve and which aptitudes to hone

The immensity of what I have been born with given and shown

Humble me. His giving and forgiving both have my mind blown


No matter what I undertake in life my intentions must be clean

I know exactly how much it weighs when conscience is weaned

Good intentions clear the path to brownie points I glean

I prepare to meet my Maker light-hearted high-spirited and lean




There is always justice

After long wintry seasons there comes the summer solstice

Balancing the warm and the cold the feeling is sheer bliss

The wait is so tedious you begin to believe something is amiss

But after all that you have gone through there is always justice


Some hurts make deep cuts inside the heart and nerves rattle

Some inequalities make you think you are fighting a losing battle

The pains and the injuries will take a while to heal and settle

But after all that you have gone through you realize your true mettle


Peoples and societies have their own agendas to fulfil

It’s not so easy to meet their standards and fit the bill

Herd mentalities shirk discernment and a strong will

But after all that you have gone through you have had your fill


Being alone is not a weakness you must always remember

Being yourself is not softness keep it simmering the ember

Your defending of scruples stridently is taken as unyielding temper

But after all that you have gone through you don’t let anyone tamper


Justice never fails as long as intentions are uncorrupted and pure

Hurts never heal if you cannot craft your own cure

Own your principles and faith don’t let the demons take over

Because after all that you have gone through there is deliverance for sure



Normal wishes

If wishes were horses then I would need a large stable

With time on hand and daydreams at heart I am able

To let my imagination fly off the handle

The realities I have disrupted in the bargain it will be vandal


Be careful what you wish for, somebody once predicted

What if wishes came true will actualities be evicted

Sometimes we cannot value enough all the things we possess

Sometimes we spend a lifetime desiring things you cannot access


As a child I always felt being adult would be so much fun

I would have no one instructing me and no homework to be done

With all the freedom in the world I could even start my own cult

Some years into adulthood and I am fed up of being adult


As a teen I used to think I am sandwiched in between

Kids get away with murder seniors can be quite mean

It seemed the world was waiting for me to grow up and mature

Now I am responsible for the world even Greece’s fiscal policies for sure


When I stepped into the world full of young ideas and bravura

I realised they are controlled by old statesmen of another era

A heady mix and mismatch of time and age and action

My wish to change the world at large is going out of fashion


Sometime ago I wished for some peace some quality time at home

Somebody up there fulfilled it so and now nobody is allowed to roam

They put the brakes on all our running around like headless chickens

Here we are with time and loved ones at once and in our dens


Now I hear everyone is wishing to make this turn around

Too much tranquility for earthlings we need to make some sound

Social distancing in itself is oxymoron we cannot be bound

By boundaries of our own homes in protest we call it lockdown


Now families have been introduced to each other and learnt

What role is played by who and why the toast has burnt

I wonder what will happen once we return to status quo

There will be new ‘normal’ now we must let the old world go




Take a breather

Inhale slowly. Speak softly. Mellow down a little

Life is taking a U-turn and your spirit is brittle

Pointing fault of others will not let your conscience settle

Combining compassion with insight will strengthen your mettle


Listen attentively. Respond proactively. Don’t be a judger

Life is imparting novel lessons and your mind needs fodder

Open-mindedness will not let genuine feelings smother

Getting stuck in set beliefs and fabrications will bother


Reject dishonesty. Care intuitively. Kindness is the key

Life is removing pace and your time is for free

Times are difficult but time is precious use it judiciously

Add wisdom to your repertoire water the mind tree


The world is hurting. The have-nots are suffering. Sense

Life is offering opportunity and the scope is immense

If you can prove your worth to the mirror and not remain dense

If you could respond with love not fear and not sit on the fence


Cleanse the mind. Sanitize the heart. Sensitize your soul

Life is spring-cleaning and purging is your goal

Deliberate on ‘why’ of things mine the diamond from coal

Show some gratitude and your bounty grows ten-fold





Dark skies


Calm is on the edge human suffering is spiraling like a twister

What does it take for this misery and anguish to register

In the minds of those who have closed their hearts and soul

It’s the spiraling of avarice that desperately needs greed control


Stillness is in the air an eerie emptiness is escalating like a whirlwind

Hunger is real severance is staring in the face hopes are no longer pinned

On a tomorrow to come when a today cannot be salvaged

It’s the pitilessness of a well-fed world that needs to be managed


Compassion is feeling adrift rancor is gathering speed like a hurricane

Shrinking mindsets and set minds sold on simulated stories are bane

In a world where communication can be constructive or corrosive

It’s the message of the influencers that needs to be positive


Saneness is waning idiosyncrasies are gaining impetus of a tempest

Reason is no longer consulted to separate precarious from the rest

The wide divide between hearing and listening is having impact immense

It’s the quiet rebel of savants that needs to infuse collective sense


Empathy is going extinct self-absorption is whipping up a cyclone

‘Might is right’ is no rule of the jungle its people who are prone

To arm twisting the subservient even overbearing the environment

It’s this callousness which needs addressing. Can a pandemic be Godsent?


Dark skies are weeping dark intents are intensifying like a typhoon

Sometimes I wonder whether we earthlings merit nature’s boon

There remains enough good on earth still to regenerate and restore

It’s the virtuousness of a blessed few which needs to endure



My world

I am in a world which wants to change the basic rules of survival

And is now looking at revival

I am in a world which harped on intelligence and power until the arrival

Of a tiny undetected virus going viral

Now do I control environment with my clout and aptitude

Or should I thank my stars and God and show some gratitude


I am in a nonpareil era where repercussions are in view

We must take cue

I am in a nonpareil time where rectifications are due

Or else we will rue

Now should I synchronize my moves with nature or continue callous feud

Or should I thank my stars and God and show some gratitude


I am in a circumstance quite crucial critical and tough

The going can get rough

I am in a circumstance where the reins are managed from above

He is flattening the curve

Now should I go back to old mischief and misuse my latitude

Or should I thank my stars and God and show some gratitude


I am in isolation in the best of situations there are

My friends are not far

I am in isolation in connect with all the contacts I star

My moods don’t mar

Now should I show entitlement and voice platitude

Or should I thank my stars and God and show some gratitude


I am in a lockdown in the best of places to be

My home is my sanctuary

I am in a lockdown with the best of people for me

I love my family

Now do I grumble about being stuck and display attitude

Or should I thank my stars and God and show some gratitude



The color of being

The rich man sits in his mansion pleased with his wellbeing

Ironically the ones who work for him are fleeing

To the security of their down-trodden hometowns

Even as the policeman frowns

He despises the poor man’s need for bread

Little realizing nothing is secure. Ultimately even gold is lead


The business tycoon convenes frantic meetings

Social distancing curtails his greetings

Decisions languish in the board rooms

For his drudges there is foreseeable gloom

Is it enough to smile across cover pages offering apologies

An upside-down world needs upside-down strategies


The breadwinner is wondering what tomorrow will bring

Going out for grocery too requires daring

No money in the pocket no permission to earn

Lots of time to contemplate no wood in the fire to burn

Promises were doing rounds in the corridor

Being was fast becoming folklore


The youth are inheriting a new world order

Some broken down principles and some fodder

For thought. Their power will lie in those thoughts

Ideas notions beliefs and convictions. It has brought

Several world orders on its knees in the past

Let the youth revolt and then change will be fast


Human beings are being tried some have turned out positive

Helping brethren in need and shunning the negative

While some continue to indulge in self-furthering politics

Shapes and sizes mentalities and manners we are an eclectic mix

There is an omnipotent power at work correcting our blunders

Like the phoenix we will rise from the ashes and create wonders


Thank you very much


Times are changing

Times are changing and so will we

The first lesson learnt is to let things be

This forced unpaid vacation has a heavy price tag

Levelling lives and lies individual stories are given a lag


Let nature survive and thrive on its own

Stop tweaking fruitlessly it’s yours on loan

Let animals respire in their ecological habitat

Stop aberrant trusteeship for a start


Let rivers and mountains continue on course

Stop changing its path its trajectory its source

Let greenery and wildernesses coexist even outlast

Annihilating forests will eliminate human race quite fast


Let cultivators and farmers live they are providers not felons

Greed control is critical not magnitude or square melons

Let children be children they do not have to match Einstein’s IQ

Each individual is unique try transmuting and you will rue


Let expectations be regular and regulars be accepted

Potential cannot be explored unless pressure is rejected

Let hope flourish confidence grow and trust easily given

When intentions are right most grievances are forgiven


Let smiles travel miles across caste creed and prejudice

Warm hearts cool minds gentleness and care is suffice

Let the lines on the face grow with grace and wit

Life is all about learning from day one to finish. Don’t quit


Let freedom be fair and responsibilities borne with courage

We may make mistakes along the journey keep room for entourage

Let laughter be full throated and smiles reach the eyes

We remain disadvantaged for every dream that dies


Let the skies reclaim its color let the waters detox and glow

Let creation in its full glory teach you all there is to know

Let the earth revitalize itself let us replenish the loam

That human footprint needs erasing in short, just go home


Let the senses sharpen in the silence of the night

Let the countenance be calm let your spirits be bright

Shorn of social jamborees and wasted chases for treasure

Recondition the quiet quarantine into a passive leisure



Naysayers did inform us of forthcoming doom

The flowers did not listen they continued to bloom

Nature bounded towards spring even as humans looked for gloom

Today is another day and there is always room

For hope


Prophecies did predict how the planet will perish

The elements refused to heed they continued to nourish

The old man the little child they had memories to cherish

Today is another day and will arrive with flourish

And optimism


The rich and the famous did endorse their entitlement

The mild and the modest continued towards attainment

To balance a divide with negatives will boost resentment

To hold on to buoyancy and cheer will enhance contentment

A faith


Setbacks did push back agenda upsetting many a plan

The ones who had complete trust did not let the ban

Dampen confidence or diminish conviction they knew they can

Conquer setbacks and do so with style and élan

With spunk


Human beings did impose major alterations

The environment revolted at the sight of such aberrations

Enrichment was welcome not senseless destruction

Now climate flora fauna and man himself needs restoration

Then some


Someone did tell us whatever will be will be – hear

We refused to hear them out and now we are in fear

For our lives our well-being and all that we hold dear

When all we need is some common sense and some prayer

So chill





March endings

It’s that time of the year when accounts need to be adjusted

I am looking at the value of things in which I have invested


The value of a simple meal in the luxury of your home

Cannot be replaced with 5-star feasts wherever you roam


The value of a close friend who can comprehend your silence

Cannot be duplicated with anyone else’s empathetic inference


The value of each family member when you need them the most

Cannot be cloned by n number of acquaintances you may boast


The value of those who support you and you don’t even take note

Cannot be substituted with posers who can one day rock your boat


The value of unconditional love from parent spouse child or friend

Cannot be taken for granted it’s a perennial orchard you must tend


The value of a sincere smile that warms the cockles of your heart

Cannot be measured by material means try giving it back for a start


The value of common sense in times when cerebral capital is scant

Cannot be swapped with academic counsel of those who rave and rant


The value of experience for real even if it sometimes invites trouble

Cannot be gained by staying submersed in your own bubble


The value of money in a rich man’s world like a double-edged sword

Cannot be denied when put to good use altruism touches a chord


The value of ethics and attitudes in times rife with cheat codes

Cannot be negotiated for affluence and status whatever be your mode


It’s that time of life when so many things are being given a harder look

Let me close my eyes and think what will I ultimately include in the books