What is it?

Some expressions do not need words

Some words are expressionless and vacant

I am searching for something deeper in your eyes

What is the color of commitment?


Some relations do not need endorsements

Some endorsements cannot be counted as relations

I am searching for something sincere in your promise

What is the backcloth of obligations?


Some actions do not need words to explain

Some explanations sound empty without action

I am searching for something steady in your stance

What is the timbre of temptation?


Some cares do not need assertions

Some assertions are not evidence of care

I am searching for something hidden in nonchalance

What is pitch of real and rare?


Some emotions do not need display

Some displays are not necessarily emotive

I am searching for something implicit in an endeavor

What is the set point of sensitive?


Some dispositions do not need judgements

Some judgements tend to become predisposed

I am searching for something impartial in the glance

What is parameter of repose?


Some quests do not need so much introspection

Some introspection has expanded my quest

I am searching for something that will give me answers

What is the limitation of request?


Some smiles do not reach the eyes

Some eyes reveal more than a smile ever would

I am searching for essence in conversations

What is the configuration of mood?


Some moments are stolen from time and preserved

Some time just flies away without logging the moment

I am searching for leisure in the middle of a steeplechase

What is the profile of enrichment?


Quarantine false beliefs. Preconceived notions without basis.

Bigotries. Intolerance. Prejudices.

They are like virus flowing freely in your blood

They contaminate the intellect when they really should

Be dissected and driven away from polluting the mind

All you will need after that is to be humane and to be kind


Quarantine negativity. Anything that destroys hope and optimism.

Disapproval. Deterrence. Pessimism.

They are like bacteria which destroy immunity

Hopefulness keeps alive courage and confidence keep it priority

Sometimes when things are falling apart they may actually be falling in place

Sometimes you need to bide your time with patience and with grace


Quarantine gossip. Natter can be noxious.

Malarkey. Maliciousness. Obnoxious.

They are like germs which keep you unhealthy

A mind which does not speak ill of others is healthy

Remember those who gossip to you will also gossip about you

Empty talk can hurt sometimes keep silent and you will not rue


Quarantine covetousness. Greed can destroy.

Dangerous. Self-centered. A ploy

They are like microbes which seep inside the psyche

Permeating your very being. Generosity is the key

Giving only multiplies your joys taking nothing away

Forgiving divides all your miseries schooling you to pray


Quarantine grief. Do not dwell on your sadness

Heartaches. Despair. Unhappiness.

They are like bugs that crash your life-force

Affecting your moods attitudes choices and course

Look around you a bountiful nature provides the clues

Let azure skies take care of your blues


Quarantine doubt. Nothing good came off distrust

Suspicion. Skepticism. Mistrust.

They are like a disease which roams the mindscapes

Carefully treading on happy unaffected landscapes

And planting a painful review

Don’t give it attention that is not due





Relation ‘ships’: some rock some rock your boat!

Relations need to be nurtured. Liked those pretty potted plants

Not everyone has a green thumb. Everyone has that eccentric aunt

Juggling different temperaments dealing with peculiar idiosyncrasies

You need a little heart a little hardiness to handle delicate intricacies


Families are what you are born with friends are who you choose

Both are equally precious and precarious not something you should loose

Caveats can drive you crazy but craziness can create finest memories

You never know sometimes outrageous reactions help you lose calories


Charity begins at home they say known devils are so much more fun

So love your relatives make sure you are rich till you are dusted and done

Have a home near the sea keep a bottle of salt handy a pinch may not be enough

Don’t take life seriously letting go is the key when the ship of relations runs on waters rough


Friends are those unpaid therapists who share the same mental disorder

Friends are the ones who keep your insanity intact with rational fodder

Over the years friends know you so well they turn into family

There is comfort in knowing that whenever you feel alone you will not be lonely


Only those who care about you can hear you when you are quiet

Walk away from bad vibes and stay focused on positive and bright

You might upset a lot of folks when you start doing what is best for you

Sometimes your circle may decrease in size but will increase in value


Sometimes people move away sometimes you need to outgrow

You can be a good person with a kind heart and still say no

Learn to discern between fake and true keep your feelings in reserve

Know the difference between what you are getting and what you deserve


Your relationship does not need to make sense to anyone except the one

It’s a relationship not a community project that you reveal everything under the sun

Once you figure out what respect entails you will learn the distinction

Between the two heady emotions respect tastes better than attention


Sometimes a stranger on the subway does a kind deed for you

It leaves you with a warm fuzzy feeling driving away the blues

Some relations are forged with effort some need to undergo scrutiny

While some just walk into your lives and we call it destiny


Don’t let misunderstandings ruin relationships and run them to ground

Don’t let misgivings wreck your feelings hurried decisions are unsound

You give your best then leave it sometimes divine intervention is profound

Afterall God has heard the conversations when you were not around


Plan A

If it does not open it’s not your door

If a chance is missed you will get many more

If Plan A does not work just remember

There are 25 more alphabets to consider


You are born to be real not perfect

You must concentrate on strength not defect

You own your dreams and do what counts

When you learn how much you are worth you will stop giving discounts


Bloom where you are planted dig deep strengthen the root

The day you plant the seed is not the day you eat the fruit

Each step you take each thing you learn each effort is stimulating

Trust the wait. Embrace the uncertainty. Enjoy the beauty of becoming


There is plenty of room at the top if you believe

There is success and then some learning experiences to relive

Verily you discover rock bottom has a basement

Brush off the moss and move on every chapter in your life is itinerant


And once you have invested your best simply let it go

The results will all come in due time just watch your actions grow

Destinies are scripted apiece with grace and chutzpah

I trust the next chapter because I know the author






Jack of all

With google on my fingertips and Facebook at beck and call

My generation knows it all

So much information it is pouring out from my ears

My IQ has surpassed that of Einstein’s in as many years


I know a hundred and ten benefits of every yellow lemon

Let life hand me lemons now I am ready to slay the demon

The difference between veggies and vegan the way to Las Vegas

I now know each trace and nuance from Van Gogh to Degas


I know how to keep fit and positive from WhatsApp quotes

I know there are over 2000 castles in Scotland with moats

You may think such unconnected trivia is useless still

I now know how to enhance my drawing baking and Spanish skills


I know tens of cures of insomnia I keep wide-awake to research

I know the names of William’s kids I no longer need to search

Musk may send rockets to space I learnt new ways to tie the shoelace

I don’t wear shoes but knowledge is precious and won’t go waste


I know what my classmates from centuries ago are doing

I know where each of my cousin’s grandnephew is currently holidaying

I know Cleopatra and Marc Antony had an affair I saw their pictures rare

I now know how tyrannosaurus became a fossil almost like I was there


I know a smatter of Swahili I recounted many rituals of Maui tribes

I know why dogs wag tails and what cat food the vet prescribes

Some fiction may seem obvious to you some facts so mind boggling

I now know all conspiracy theories of history why mankind is struggling


I know the details of Bermuda’s flag and colors of Saturn’s rings

I know Sundays are a myth for everything else there is internet of things

I was beginning to believe in my omniscience a bit

I now know everyone in life has a separate DIY kit


I know the twitterati tips I received down the ages

I know the root of my troubles is I didn’t forward those messages

My immunity has increased since I memorized implausible advices

I now know why news is toxic and social media comes under vices


The confidence of a coffee bean

Don’t let anyone wipe out that smile

A smile full of assurance will take you the mile

It is your promise to the world and to yourself

Smiles are hard earned not bought off the shelf


Don’t let anyone damage your self-respect

Of your many positive traits it is an aspect

Which will help you be emotionally agile

The mind can be manipulated the heart is fragile


Don’t let anyone arm-twist your principles

Your conscience is the protector of your scruples

In the end what will matter is what you stood by

Good bad happy sad the tide will flow and time will fly


Don’t let anyone undermine your optimism

Don’t adjudge world views from a narrow prism

It is your optimism that will sail you through tough phases

Pessimism can only hold you back in complicated mazes


Don’t let anyone impact your capabilities

Explore your potential and hone your abilities

Everyone can have an opinion it does not define you

Everyone can have expectations don’t let it bind you


Don’t let anyone influence your integrity

Holding on to honesty is not easy yet a necessity

In a world where so many temptations sway your belief

A firm handshake a trust unshaken comes as a relief


Don’t let anyone snuff out your imagination

Live out all your dreams each vision is a celebration

Routines will overwhelm you life will continue by and by

Go aim for the galaxies and own your acres in the sky


Don’t let anyone dictate terms to you

Listen with patience act with care and take cue

If you were to do what you say and say what you mean

If you were to learn from the confidence of a coffee bean





The long and short of it

In the long run it never matters. Money name fame and stealth

In the long run it never remains. Intellect memory and health

In the short run who to impress. Family neighbors idols or friends

In the short run what to express. Aspirations and goal without ends

If you gather as much as you can take and give the rest away

What will you shortlist how will you prepare for that day?


In the long run it never matters. Caste creed prejudice judgements

In the long run it never remains. Feelings moods tempers predicaments

In the short run these emotions will chart your trajectory your course

In the short run your choices will become instrumental in your recourse

If you could close your eyes and see the entire path ahead

How would you like your epitaph to read after you are dead?


In the long run it never matters. Public opinion appraisals instruction

In the long run it never remains. Public loyalty approvals appreciation

In the short run they will have repercussions. Actions reactions intention

In the short run they will need resurrection. Care repair upkeep attention

If you endeavor to become somebody who people would reminisce

What would it be by ? Mansions trophies character or eminence?


In the long run it never matters. Degrees certificates references annals

In the long run it never remains. Successes victories disappointments fails

In the short run you struggle you contest you race with friends and foe

In the short run you achieve goals jobs positions contracts and some dough

If you had to pick just two things and escape an earthquake

From the above listed accomplishments what would you take?


In the long run it never matters. Broken hearts lost friendships feeling sorry

In the long run it never remains. Misgivings regrets relationships gone awry

In the short run it impacts and then commences a chain reaction

In the short run you must keep calm and chose peace over action

If you can objectively weigh each decision and emotion you own

You will realize how important it is to give in give up and move on

We are…closed for repairs

We are alive in an astonishing age

In the middle of a time each one will gauge

The learning curve is escalating wildly

Tough lessons being imparted ever so mildly


We are like the phoenix rising from the ember

In the middle of a time history will remember

A collective conscience is woken up from its slumber

We tread upon remnants of old arrogances and behavior


We are a people full of eclectic mixes

We conquer space yet we don’t have fixes

For blind beliefs biases and bigotries

Not many topics on earth where everyone agrees


We are at crossroads confused about making correct choices

We silence our gut feelings amid flashy charlatan voices

Truths are trickier to cherry-pick and validate

Lies are so easily swallowed when egos inflate


We are no longer afraid of an uncertain future

Enough strife under our belts and a confidence to nurture

The spirit is the strongest when pushed against the wall

It replenishes a lungful of hope and hardiness after every fall


We are waking up to some unique understandings

Even in a pandemic we look for happy endings

We are garnering strength to reject the naysayer

To stand on our feet again we must kneel down in prayer


We are here. Armed with ‘today’ encapsulated in a trice

Realizing that to really survive how little is suffice

Earth is temporarily closed for evolving please bear with us

Adapt. Adjust. Grow. Give. Move on. Just don’t miss the bus


We are closed for repair

Let’s prepare…….





Thoughts left half way

These thoughts are like floaters

They keep coming in the way

They start off in one place

Then dominate my day

I attempt to bypass them

But they have their say

My mind is their forecourt

Where they come out and play

Some urge me to act upon them

Some simply go away

Some linger in the memory

Some I cut off mid-way

Sometimes I don them in words

In lyrical quintessence, they lay

Sometimes I just don’t pay attention

Leaving them half way


These thoughts don’t give me space

My mind is in disarray

Unorganized and ruled by heart

Logic and sentiment sway

Like a pendulum my mood swings

I tumble in areas gray

The good ones transform into design

The wrong ones are kept at bay

This deliberation takes its toll

My very own persona I flay

When I can make them rise high

For to catch a sun ray

My disposition will change for the better

My temperament bright and gay

How to control these mischief mongers

Thoughts which I abandoned half way

Reflection seeking celestial intervention

I need to go down on my knees and pray




My mind is not in lockdown it roams across realms

My sleep may be troubled but does not ambush dreams

This phase in life is as unique as any another I’d imagine

This silence is so reticent literally rising above the din

It allows for new mindsets to walk in and settle down

Almost as if I have packed my bags and am going out of town


My heart is not in lockdown it is busy building bonds

My conversations may be fewer but like magic wands

It heals the worry of distancing when we exchange greetings

A simple ‘stay safe’ note does more than sociable meetings

When you count your blessings you only have countless gratitude

When you watch a migratory world move on you drop all attitude


My spirit is not in lockdown it is actually getting attention

My day to day routine had kept me from giving it right nutrition

Calming contemplation some positive belief it needs some strengthening

I thought I had time in my control yet the days kept lengthening

Suddenly the show of lifespans has been interrupted with an interval

Suddenly I am not rushing recklessly I am scrutinizing survival


My memory is not in lockdown it is navigating the mindscape

It ambles across forgotten lanes and abets an escape

Tiny by-lanes of memories are rich resources of pleasure

Those carefree days filled with fun and laughter I recollect at leisure

The lockdown may be severe and yes I cannot roam

The flip side of it is that I am in my favorite place- my home!


My dreams are not in lockdown their wings are wounded a bit

I am confident with some inspiration they will soon be fit

My words and texts my rhymes and reasons my lopsided verse

None are bound by lockdowns for better or for worse

I cherish freedom of mind and spirit I love my ruminations

Life can be tough the going rough each breath is still celebration