Imaginations run dry

I want to imagine a world where only good news is circulated

Each newspaper every news channel has benevolence decorated

Instead of focusing on crimes and making criminals famous

I’d rather begin with one kind deed each of us can take this onus


I want to imagine a world where physical looks are not shamed

The look with which we see things must not be conditioned but tamed

Instead of judging people on exterior appearance posture or weight

I’d rather we behold in view of viewpoint attitude and character trait


I want to imagine a world where picture-perfect is not celebrated

Flaws have inherent beauty they leave you humbled and educated

Instead of seeking faultlessness let us concentrate on uncomplicatedness

I’d rather live with good-hearted fumbling versus manipulative finesse


I want to imagine a world where good deeds are the new normal

Bringing down somebody is looked down upon and all virtues are formal

Instead of encouraging arrogance and conceit we show off our civility

I’d rather redraft achievement and progress if it comes at the cost of humanity


I want to imagine a world where I am not constantly living up to expectations

Norms were made to ensure discipline not suffocate feeling and numb brains

Instead of imposing benchmarks and standards from a rigid point of view

I’d rather each one his own with a constructive and encompassing worldview


I want to imagine a world where happiness and compassion make it spin

When ambition is clothed in contentment we learn to rise above the din

Instead of fragmented ideas confined in closed minds and sealed hearts

I’d rather we raise the bar for mankind to achieve real potential for a start



They were giving away smiles and I went to collect mine

Some beautiful ones were costly the honest ones were fine

I picked some randomly and realized there was a thin line

Smiles that shone past veiled aching were the most divine


They were distributing happiness and I wanted my share

I thought my portion of tears and empathy had helped me prepare

I realized how important it was to invest compassion and care

In order to gain true happiness intent had to be laid bare


They were bestowing wisdom and I queued up to get more

I assumed these strands of white will help me qualify for sure

But maturity has little to do with age chronology is no cure

Five senses combined with common sense brings sensibleness to the fore


They were awarding stars and I felt I must augment my sparkle

To seize the brightest ones I had to step out my protective circle

Some graciousness some gratefulness and I could fashion a miracle

I now know how to make wishes come true your energy is your oracle


They were dispensing pain and nobody wanted any

The sprightlier counters of hope and dreams had takers many

I ventured out of curiosity and then took note of an irony

Pain imparted invaluable lessons like savings for a spell rainy


They were allocating courage but only after a reality check

You had to acquire honesty and kindness first from the sundeck

A sense of justice a load of patience and to give biases a break

And alongside courage self-confidence was free for yours to take


They were allotting wishes and I did not know what I wanted

I already had so many things that I always took for granted

My privileges and my attitude made my world view slightly slanted

If I identified what to wish for realization would be guaranteed



Tangible temperaments

If temperaments were tangible what would yours feel like

If natures were worn outside like clothes what would you dislike

If intentions had  a transparent hue how would you hide them

If expressions spilled your secrets who would you blame


If truth stumbled upon your closet and discovered a skeleton

If lies decided to call it a day and deserted your habit for fun

If belief changed its mind and could no longer be displayed

If your mirror lost its cool and snapped would your reaction be relayed


If the skies gave up on you and removed clouds and winds and rains

If the world suddenly became empty of all anxieties and pains

If the rainbows merged at once and white was now default

If the dreams lost their sheen and colors were locked up in the vault


If gravity grew tired and decided not to hold you down

If you smile turned bashful and replaced itself with a frown

If your heart became sparing and turned down offers of affection

If affection felt unwanted and went away would it be defection


If your eyes miss the tears and feel homesick

If your hand does not lift in prayer what will do the trick

If happiness says I am very much here yet you don’t look within

If peace of mind feels adrift and gets lost in the ensuing din




Autumn leaves

As if nature has been saving up on its beauty

For a grand finale with acuity

Autumn comes with wind and gold

It’s a magical season I am told


Fallen leaves are dancing gaily in the breeze as if on the run

The warm earth is sprinkled with brown sugar and cinnamon

Autumn is here to remind us things must fall to rise again

It glows and glimmers after gravel is dampened by the rain


Summer is collapsing on sunburnt leaves

Each leaf gracefully aware it is time to leave

Autumn shows us how beautiful it is to let things go

Making place for new futures to sow


Life starts all over again when it gets crisp in the fall

It speaks of hope and faith stands tall

Autumn paints in shades so rich red orange and amber

My favorite color is October


Across overcast moods I thought life was a thing I could not fix

Smiles and frowns ups and downs it was an assorted mix

Autumn taught me how to weather changing seasons

If there is one to cry about to be glad there are many more reasons


Just as verse enhances language uplifting thought process

The splendor of equinox juxtaposes tumbling leaves and its mess

Autumn with its flaking foliage is akin to poetry in motion

It fills life-force with sunniness and ambiance with emotion





What if


What if you went off to sleep one day and woke up a few years later

What if the castle changed its colors and time had turned a traitor

What would you miss doing the most how would you now catch up

Who would your eyes search for first with whom would your memory match up


What if time went in snooze mode in these intermittent years

What if you slumbered through life motions with unfounded fears

What if you never gave yourself a chance to glance at the mirror and reflect

What if you forgot what you looked like and paused for a break to inspect


What if you let the rest of the world dictate your being and thought

What if you never verified what you were fed and now you are distraught

How would you mend the meanderings how would you bend the space

What would it take to open your eyes to new realities you now have to face


What if you realize the basis of truths and the source of lies told

Where would you seek the courage to challenge it and become bold

How would you steel your nerves to admit fault then stand corrected

How would you reject dishonesties and have your truths resurrected


What if life was beckoning you all the while and you turned your face away

What if you mistook opportunities as hurdles and refused to go that way

What if catnapping drained your energy and you did not take cue

What if you never even tried out of the fear that your fears will come true


What if consciousness was designed in intangibles smiles care families friends

What if after running behind material paybacks the vicious circle never ends

What if you slept through lifespans with eyes wide open and hearts closed

How would you wish to rewrite the script what retentions would you oppose




So many reasons to be happy

Plant a sapling. Grow a tree. Watch with pride and you will agree

The immense pleasure to nurture nature gives off joy for free

In life you may have many occasions to lose cool and turn snappy

Remember yet there are always so many reasons to be happy


Go for a trek. Use your feet. Leave stress and strain back home

See the sky converge on earth enwrapping enchanting sunsets chrome

Verdant foothills. Enthusiastic springs. It clears the head and makes you peppy

Escape into a scenery reminding you there are so many reasons to be happy


Talk to a child. Be soft be mild. Get away from grown-up issues occasionally.

Their innocent chatter on topics that don’t matter and ability to love unconditionally

Where adults plan so much they lose the plot till mind and body feel crappy

Keep your inner child alive and you will learn of so many reasons to be happy


Meet old friends. Don’t let relations end. Life is not offering retakes or a sequel

And time has its own agenda. If the feelings are mutual the effort will be equal

Without an eclectic range of family and friends we are bound to become crabby

Mix and match memories. Seek and you will find so many reasons to be happy


Smile more often. Laugh louder. It does not cost much to be cheerful

A world without problems is stranger still. It takes little to be morose and tearful

Real pleasure lies in little things a crush an autograph a road trip a toy so flappy

A pet an old photograph shared celebrations… so many reasons to be happy


Make it a habit to give. Try harder to forgive. Purge yourself for your own good

Wealth is fine. Yet draw the line. Find a mean and live the life you should

Sans greed control only chaos will unfold eventually making you sloppy

The same wealth can be bane simply being humane gives so many reasons to be happy



I still remember

I still remember the days I prayed for the things I have now

I tend to take them for granted today then I used to wonder how

I would achieve aims and goals I did not even dare to dream

I would stitch each dream with hope and expectation at the seam


I still remember my search for happiness led me to amassing

I stopped for a breather and realized this pleasure was passing

I now know it’s not happy people who are thankful

I now know its thankful people who are happy and cool


I still remember the people who came in my life for a reason

I believe their presence helped me learn with each changing season

I treasured some I respected some others taught me bitter lessons

I can look back today and forgive. With each forgiving the pain lessens


I still remember shared laughter over a hot cup of coffee with friends

I still recall those days of sheer craziness those nights without ends

I realize recollection is selective and chooses to filter unpleasant retentions

I learn from a wrong turn and then I simply shun those avoidable tensions


I still remember how time weaved its way through moments and memories

I did not want it to leave my timepiece it moved on like the breeze

I slowly learnt how passage of time brushes pains and gains along the way

I don’t want to spoil the ending for you but everything is going to be okay


thank you



There is always a way


Never let your fears decide your day

There is always a way


Yes there will be anxieties yes there will be snags

There will be those days when your spirit simply drags

You wish to reach out for the stars but your fortune lags

Your confidence is on the edge and the shoulder sags


Keep it simple just kneel down and pray

There is always a way


Never let your character be affected by what people say

There is always a way


Yes it is not easy yes it is not stress-free

Character building takes honest hard work I agree

People will not appreciate or grasp judgements are for free

They are not in your shoes and typically enjoy your misery


Look deep into the mirror and if you like what you see, stay

There is always a way


Never let cynicism hold sway

There is always a way


Yes optimism may sound naïve yes ideals may give deals raw

Keep faith keep courage keep constructive thoughts at the core

When life shuts a door go open it once more

It’s a door that’s how they work so just make sure


There is always a silver lining to all clouds gray

There is always a way


Never let your uniqueness fade in the fray

There is always a way


Yes everyone wants you to clone yes you will be prone

To follow herd and stick to the security it offers not hone

Your built-in talent a personality to be nurtured and grown

History speaks of the ones who chose a path hitherto unknown


You don’t have to rebel you don’t have to obey

There is always a way


Incidental matters


Color is incidental. We were all created and fitted the same

Two eyes one nose two hands and feet and a mind to tame

Instead of commending individualities we search for someone to blame

Our own complexes condition us to look for excuses lame

If only we could celebrate the differences if only we could be kind

Selective choice of color essentially makes us color blind


Wealth is incidental. Thieves also acquire and accrue

Real wealth lies in character possessed by but a few

Call on the tombs of the Pharaohs and you will get a clue

Amassing never paid dividends its deeds that beget your due

If you want to feel real rich list the things money can’t buy

Then check off the list to see what you have before you begin to cry


Beauty is incidental. The mirror will eventually begin to tell tales

A beautiful face will age and the perfect physique will have fails

It is goodness of the heart and goodwill of spirit that prevails

Courage and compassion will leave behind gentle trails

If you could add sheen to your spirit and make shine your favorite color

You could embellish the soul and let your heart be the ruler


Lineage is incidental. It reflects hereditary achievement

Being born in fêted surroundings is no accomplishment

Smugness does not guarantee superiority or make you God sent

You have to prove your worth to grasp what your lineage meant

If you would not overstep the thin line between pride and self-importance

You could attain greater heights still with ancestors for reference


Age is incidental. Anybody can grow old without much exertion

Chronology is not corelated to wisdom maturity is the reflection

Of personality. Know yourself grow in stature have faith stand tall

You were born with wings. Then why do you prefer to crawl

If you could balance benevolence with sufficient self-care

You could age gracefully without remonstrations and with flair


Take it easy

There are times when you are low on self-esteem and confidence

There are times when someone betrays you shaking your defense

There are times when you have to put up a brave front some pretense

There are times when you can’t decide and are sitting on the fence

In all such times and many more remember you are your solution


There are times when situations don’t work in your favor

There are times when certain tastes are not those you savor

There are times when you cannot fathom the season or the flavor

There are times when you misapprehend and may fail to deliver

In all such times and many more remember you are your elucidation


There are times when the road ahead seems befuddled and tough

There are times when the going gets difficult and rough

There are times when you have to abandon the very things you love

There are times when you don’t seem to get answers you seek from above

In all such times and many more remember you are your illumination


There are times when you do not find the friend you are looking for

There are times when you don’t know why some relationships go sour

There are times when the entire world seems to conspire as per lore

There are times you would rather be all alone walking on the shore

In all such times and many more remember you are your exposition


There are times when you are wrong and must learn to admit

There are times when being right is unworkable you simply submit

There are times when you realize life does not come with a tool kit

There are times when the climb is steep and you really want to quit

In all such times and many more remember you are your resolution


There are times when people around you take you for granted

There are times when world views clash yours are slightly slanted

There are times when being you is objected to expectations are guaranteed

There are times when you develop personality enough ready to flaunt it

In all such times and many more remember you are your declaration