I am trying


I am trying to be me

I am trying to let you be

I am not looking for applause

I am working on my flaws

I know I have many a defect

Judge me when you are perfect


I am trying to be affable

I am trying harder to be sociable

I am not exactly extrovert

I enjoy being an introvert

I know there is room for improvement

Befriend me when you are in agreement


I am trying to maintain balance

I am learning new world parlance

I belong to a time when truths existed

I knew many dinosaurs who subsisted

I no longer follow news and views

Apprise me if you can find me a new muse


I am trying to eavesdrop on my mindscape

I am trying to read the frequency of my soundscape

I have limited time and my space is confined

I have finite imagination my dreams I must redesign

I must widen my horizon and take a leap of faith

Correct me if I am singeing this newfound trait


I am trying to draw a line which ends at satisfaction

I am trying to juggle delight with clear-cut ambition

I am learning how to let go of superficialities

I am learning how to hold on to integrities

I don’t always succeed I succumb to temptations

Forfend me if I continue with my aberrations


I am trying and my intentions are straightforward

I am hopeful and I will not be coward

I have to flourish I have to persist within parameters

I have to garner support sometimes I must break barriers

I am novice on a planet which has lasted millions of years

Allow me to be me without prejudice and fears

Thank you

Feet of clay

I like to keep it simple but the mind comes in the way

Deliberations that flood the mindscape seem to get away

Complicating the thought process and holding sway

Adding spice to naturalness and influencing all I do and all I say


I like to keep it forthright but the tongue comes in the way

Words that pour out between emotions keep blunt at bay

Entangled in what should sound good versus what to flay

In the backdrop of social obligations my text is in disarray


I like to keep it honest but decorum comes in the way

Directness is no virtue forthrightness is no tool with which to play

In a world where honesty hurts more than trudging in areas grey

I need to learn the balancing act choose genuine or join the fray


I like to keep it minimal but verbosity comes in the way

Long-windedness of urgings and opinions send austerity astray

If thoughts are clear stands are sincere and moods are gay

If only I could scale the level of seraphs even with feet of clay



An optimistic quest

The other day I went looking for an honest piece of advice

I knew every little advice would come at a price

Would I prefer hard hitting honesty to nice sounding lies?

Would I want to be a pariah who cannot fit in but tries?


The other day I went looking for a smile that reaches the eyes

I knew every little smile hides stories I can’t apprise

Would I prefer superficial smiles even as the heart cries?

Would I scratch the surface and let it be would that be suffice?


The other day I went looking for friendship and what it implies

I knew every little emotion is expendable and ego has size

Would I prefer fun-filled alliances sans seriousness as time flies?

Would I dig deeper still where affection and hurt resides?


The other day I went looking for qualities and virtues I could prize

I knew every little virtue has a flipside and could become vice

Would I prefer to go along with the gang and watch as veracity dies?

Would I be able to stand on my own where herd mentality applies?


The other day I went looking for a minimalism that opulence defies

I knew every little move towards simple would bring about a surprise

Would I prefer to tint the green and do what public opinions comprise?

Would I be able to rebel in real and cross the contours of compromise?



Thin line

There is a thin subtle line between a smile and a frown

It will determine how people treat you on your way down

On your way up its always bright and sunny and exciting

Downhill from the plateau of life you will need more lighting


There is a thin subtle line between street smart and wise

It will determine how you treat people and what you prize

There is smartness in self-interest you can race like the hare

The prudent tortoise has the last laugh even when life is not fair


There is a thin subtle line between honesty and chicanery

It will determine how you juggle judgements and oil machinery

There are plenty of short-term benefits when truth is brokered

What would you look back upon in life when memories are blurred


There is a thin subtle line between affection and affectation

It will determine how you uphold love and its qualification

Remember what you give the world is exactly measure to measure

What you will get back. So always give that which you treasure


There is a thin subtle line between what you see and what you don’t

It will determine how you view the world and what the world wont

Tell you. Now you have to realize where you have been missing out

When you didn’t see the underlying fluxes hiding behind the pout


There is a thin subtle line between ambition and contentment

It will determine the mood of your journey and its enjoyment

Sometimes you may miss your target and still not stay empty handed

Sometimes you may reach the end and still feel stranded





Sunshine nights and moonlit days

I have some unusual out of the box ways

I think upside down and make others frown

My pedigree must be reason I am rather brown

I visualize things in monochromatic frames

Only black and white no grey areas to tame


Rebel thoughts and some deeds to match

I have a side of me for which to keep out watch

I think inside out and then continue to overthink

Yet I take decisions before you can even blink

Logic and reason sometimes bump in the corridors

I still search for emotional quotients on all fours


My quirkiness does not need to put you off

Each one has idiosyncrasies they actually show off

I think back and forth before jumping to conclusion

And end up in utter silence upon realizing the confusion

The world outside can say one thing and mean another

I just cannot fathom how to take the barney further


Naivety is comfortable ignorance can be bliss at times

If being clever can mean conniving in hidden ways sublime

I think here and there still I cannot catch up

I delve deep into complications still I do not match up

I am struggling with phonology you have conquered slang

I guess I have accepted being oddball in the gang


I love art and artistry I admire and pen poetry

Ideas are my artilleries words are my inventory

They take me further away from real world training

For my cerebral healthiness they can be quite draining

I think therefore I am I totally agree with Descartes

To the point that it hurts I would rather be all heart


That ability to smile through chaos and judgment

That capability to stay calm and use patience as armament

I am looking for that peace of mind which cannot be destroyed

I am trying to be so painstaking that all blinkeredness I avoid


That ability to hear the words so often left unsaid

That capability to reach out to emotions we dread

I am looking for that compassion that affords comforting balm

I am trying to be so cautious that I cannot cultivate charm


That ability to accept differences in views opinions creed

That capability to accede to home truths whence the mind is freed

I am looking for that wisdom which can overcome vainness

I am trying to be so soundless that I can sharpen my finesse


That ability to let go of things wrong decisions ego negativity

That capability to stop playing God and trust in serendipity

I am looking for that evolved spirit that goes beyond insignificance

I am trying to be so conscious that I review my own performance


That ability to keep sentiments in check and not let moods lead

That capability to not cry out loud even when the hurt does bleed

I am looking for that strength so resilient yet unobtrusive

I am trying to be so hard-wearing that wounds become elusive


That ability to perceive the best in each and everyone

That capability to appreciate the effort whether you have lost or won

I am looking for that large-heartedness which helps me overcome

I am trying to be so gracious that I am content with the mirror and some



Once upon a time

We used to have playgrounds parks and greenery

Where we could run and play and blend in the scenery

We used to have free time once upon a time

We could use it to have fun without spending a dime

My children listen skeptically having vaguely heard of it

Generation next may simply consider such fabrications unfit


We used to have this big black box called the telephone

There even used to be classes where tele-etiquette was honed

We could call up relatives far away shouting at the top of our voice

Neighbors heard our conversations by default there was no choice

My children listen sympathetically whilst playing on their iPhone

Generation next may simply consider it archaic as they control their drone


We used to have schools which imparted education

It was not exactly a work from home kind of situation

We did our homework enjoyed our sports and rarely got bored

We never had computers and calculators we never learnt cheat codes

My children listen dumbfounded at our wearisome schedule

Generation next may simply consider such a school rather uncool


We used to visit relatives in far off places during holidays

To pass our time without devices we would device our own ways

We had never heard of ‘quality time’ or exotic vacations

Lush fields local bazars colloquial joints were our go to locations

My children listen astonished how we survived without internet

Generation next may simply consider it too implausible even to fret


We used to enjoy this thing called life with all its fun and strife

No google no fb no twitter ignorance was bliss and bliss was rife

And then we grew up and changed the rules and our children lost the way

We made the maze more complicated competition ruled the day

My children listen bewildered they never asked to be deprived of childhood

Generation next may simply consider our demands and expectations rude


If yes then say so….

If you are lost in revelry and not listening to a word of what was said

If you are keeping cool and calm when everyone else is losing their head

Ask someone to explain the situation to you (if they haven’t yet fled)


If you have lots of troubles be sure only tell them to your foes

They are the only ones who really want to listen to all your woes

And take delight in it. Friends will follow you wherever the path goes


If pride tips the scale slightly self-worth expands into ego and we view

Each achievement as our own. Somebody who contributed does not get His due

He feels, “How can you possibly be a self-made man; I specifically recall creating you”


“If you missed the sunrise today never mind. I will make you another one tomorrow”

Which omnipotent force can make such a promise! There is reverence to show

Life is gratitude living is attitude from clay to the man who conquers space we grow


If man spends a lifetime making money they will call him a fool for not spending

If man spends it after following their advice they ask why his lifestyle is not upending

Some folks have special talents for inquisitiveness asking questions unending


If we cannot count the numbers correctly we cannot flatten the curve

Ignorance is flaunted rules are trounced and truth is kept in reserve

So this is how we go about saving a genus called mankind to preserve


If we learn from all our mistakes then what will we repeat

If we work from home and grow flippers what will we do with our feet

Life is full of conundrums we cannot overcome. Thus we learn to cheat


If a person doesn’t have one sense then all their other senses are amplified

That’s why those without sense of humor have sense of self-importance magnified

Now that I cracked this truism I can recount the ones of whom I am petrified


If we are not learning life lessons when there is a world-wide calamity

If lockdown did not bring out in us  chef  cleaner  leader just any ability

Then I promise you we are fighting two viruses corona and stupidity


Be careful

Be careful who you trust salt and sugar look the same

Even shadows leave you in the dark with nobody to blame

An entanglement of relationships needs spacing and sorting

Toxic connections and unpleasant memories need aborting


Be careful whom you venerate the devil was once an angel

With Lucifer as confidante a simple route can go by hell

Honesty is easily one of the most difficult to follow of virtues

Karma is mandatory for being. Remember to pay your dues


Be careful what you say words are personification

Of your attitude and ideas character and contemplation

What you do speaks so loudly it obscures what you say

If your actions do not match your words what will your words weigh


Be careful when you appraise for appraisals must be just

Don’t doubt someone at their best. Don’t judge someone at their worst

A sea of people hovering on their bubble endeavor to keep afloat

Fortune family friends prestige prayers – we all need some float


Be careful what you do with time it has tendency to fly

Its free yet priceless yours to use yet not to own or buy

Good times are precious like a present-day tryst with memories

Bad times are occasions a good learner would not miss


Be careful where you tread your path is strewn with weeds

Each uninvited impediment is counteracted with good deeds

The good you leave behind and go will transform into goodwill

Goodwill will be the legacy your children will cherish in your will



On the other side of the fence


On the other side of the fence

While you are preparing your defense

Somebody also does not realize

Another point of view can coexist and comprise

So when we finally come face to face for a tete a tete

Argument becomes norm and listening is a feat


On the other side of the fence

While you are dissenting and being dense

Somebody also is formulating

His reason with a rigor intimidating

So when we finally bring our talk to the table

That a coin can have two sides now sounds like fable


On the other side of the fence

While you are still cleaning your lens

Somebody also dwells upon blurred vision

Neither is willing to rework and do revision

So when we finally meet to figure out the why

We can’t find common ground and can’t see eye to eye


On the other side of the fence

While you are claiming greater intelligence

Somebody also wants to endorse his brainpower

This tussle of intellect turns into a show of power

So when we finally realize there can be a fresh interpretation

We have gone past pragmatism and beyond arbitration


On the other side of the fence

While you are giving yourself importance immense

Somebody also claims his place under the sun

Mulish moods persist and you stick to your guns

So when we finally can admit to a different point of view

We have let so much water under the bridge that deluge is due