Take it easy

The foot is on the pedal the sprint is unbroken

Clamoring for action even before the word is spoken

This steeplechase is slowly making me a bit queasy

I wish I could step off the treadmill and take it a little easy

Life is racing past even as I ace the rat race

I want to breathe in the scenery I wish to cut off the pace


The expectancies are higher the performances contrived

Social pressures are replacing simple pleasures I derived

This constant need to keep update with trends and crazes

I wish I could ignore it all the criticisms and the praises

Life is racing past even as I stop for a respite

Did we really opt for this existence this state is so contrite


This rainbow is a mirage capturing colored desires in a prism

I call it crafty marketing they call it capitalism

Jargon is clervely whitewashed and packaged in gold

Someone somewhere decides my needs and lo! I am sold

Life is racing past even as I recall indulgences that had no cost

Now at every turn of the road hoarders and hoardings accost


Where am I heading the shaft is speeding towards a dead-end

The ones who hold my being for ransom select each trend

I am lured into a life of a lifetime eyes blinded by the bright light

The shine is Lucifer’s hallmark I am actually hurtling towards night

Life is racing past even as I try to hit pause button with all my might

There is no giving up now or ever. There will be a way to set it right

De Frost

the road less trodden sometimes has a hairpin bend

there is prejudice preemption and precaution to tend

the risks may give a rush to the adrenalin

the daring may give a push to help you win

and then there is responsibility and consequence to fend


stopping by woods on a snowy evening may sound romantic

wolves in the hiding also hope it’s the option you pick

the adventure may give new ideas in the head

the bravura may save you from being dead

and then there is ability to fight your battles with a stick


acquainted with the night helps your eyes adjust to darkness

the light at the end of the tunnel is blinding with its starkness

the journey may teach you how to handle strife

the self-assurance may be the very key to life

and then there is inner strength and ingenuities to harness


nothing gold can stay save the love for it which never goes away

we are as perishable as the things we run after and still we sway

the trajectory may take us to the pyramid

with confidence we are cleverer the Pharoah was a kid

and then there is a friable human racing to catch each golden ray


by mending walls we mark our territories much like animals

we assume we are smarter than them yet follow the same principles

once a gatherer always a gatherer with some time on loan

why do we keep forgetting a simple fact we too are pre-owned

and then there is a willful witlessness and genuine belief in fairy tales


Words made noise. Emotion caused chaos. Beliefs floated

At least I had my silence I thought. My silences were misquoted

I am learning life lessons because learning must be my mission

A mistake repeated more than once is not a mistake. It’s a decision

Now I know I must make way and leave from where I am not wanted

What I allow is what will continue. I had allowed to be taken for granted


Paint was splattered. Hues were darkened. The spotlight shifted

At least I had my authenticity I felt. My truths were shoplifted

I am changing attitudes and affinities because attitudes raise the bar

Your attitude is like a price tag. It shows how valuable you are

Not everyone deserves to know the real me. So many verdicts are spam

My happiness cannot rely on your judgement. Criticize who you think I am


People changed. Things ended. Life still goes on

Every night drowned in darkness is always followed by dawn

The world had me believe emotions and opinions must be given vent

As I mature I realize so many things don’t really need my comment

A lifetime isn’t as long as you think. Take a moment and let that sink

Between your choices and your culpabilities there is always a link


The moment I come to believe I am cleverer than you

Is the moment I stop learning accomplishing and taking cue

Humility is the ability to give up pride not dignity

With humility comes wisdom and with wisdom spirituality


The arrogant need to announce their capabilities and skill

It is the humble man’s shoes which will be large to fill

Humility is when you don’t need appreciation from everyone

With humility comes grace and with grace a special fiefdom


As you age you realize how much time was wasted on impressions

Crowds are but impossible to please leading to apprehensions

Holding on to grudges and judgments make you proud not kind

With humility comes strength and with strength a peace of mind


How others choose to treat you is not something you can control

How you choose to respond however is well within your hold

If you are humble nothing can affect you praise or disdain

With humility comes a calm and with calm you master pain


The handbook of life will be filled with memories time will fly

The concluding chapter will only include who will cry when you die

Staying true in the dark and humble in the spotlight will unveil

With humility comes gratitude and with gratitude there is no fail

Twilight Zones

A few white lies if they are infused in my truths

Will they make my moods and personality uncouth?

Masked in civilities if I pass off unscrupulousness

Will peoples turn a blind eye to the casual callousness?


There are honesties to live by and deceits to sort

Long story short. If I choose right then wrong I must abort


A few oversights if they further my self-interest

Will it be fine to transgress the lines even if in jest?

Veiled in wealth and stealth if I flex my muscles

Will it rule in my favor if I have and win the tussle?


There are no grey zones there are no thin lines

Integrity is clear cut any which way one defines


A few issues discounted and brushed under my carpet

Will I dictate terms of endearment or will I remain puppet?

All sins are equal and some are more equal than others

Do I compare with the arrogance and iniquities of anothers?


There is no escape from defrayal of your registers and records

One life. One death. Deeds and misdeeds. Go calculate the odds





Clinical is boring emotional is complicated

Free will is dangerous predestination is dated

Now where do I take this from here and how

The world in my head is filled with rumpuses and row


Relatives are virtual and friends are far away

Small talk is finished and intelligence has called it a day

Now who do I go to with my banter and my queries

The words in my conversation remain in my diaries


Material is mighty priceless is immaterial

Wealth is worshipped dreams are ethereal

Now why am I hankering to bargain happiness

The joys in my everyday are equated to a business


What is said is not meant what is meant rests unsaid

Fake news is thriving credibility is dead

Now what am I seeking from a planet full of platitude

The realism in my surreal surroundings is turning rude


Trust must be verified verifications cannot be trusted

Truth is having a tough time trustworthiness is rusted

Now how do I prove my mettle who will pay heed

The fairness in my dealings cannot overthrow greed


The sky is staying grey the mood is turning blue

When did the world change how the reveries flew

Now I have no more questions no more answers too

The colors in my dream are mixed up I have no clue




Sunshine nights and moonlit days

I have some unusual out of the box ways

I think upside down and make others frown

My pedigree must be reason I am rather brown

I visualize things in monochromatic frames

Only black and white no grey areas to tame


Rebel thoughts and some deeds to match

I have a side of me for which to keep out watch

I think inside out and then continue to overthink

Yet I take decisions before you can even blink

Logic and reason sometimes bump in the corridors

I still search for emotional quotients on all fours


My quirkiness does not need to put you off

Each one has idiosyncrasies they actually show off

I think back and forth before jumping to conclusion

And end up in utter silence upon realizing the confusion

The world outside can say one thing and mean another

I just cannot fathom how to take the barney further


Naivety is comfortable ignorance can be bliss at times

If being clever can mean conniving in hidden ways sublime

I think here and there still I cannot catch up

I delve deep into complications still I do not match up

I am struggling with phonology you have conquered slang

I guess I have accepted being oddball in the gang


I love art and artistry I admire and pen poetry

Ideas are my artilleries words are my inventory

They take me further away from real world training

For my cerebral healthiness they can be quite draining

I think therefore I am I totally agree with Descartes

To the point that it hurts I would rather be all heart

Jack of all

With google on my fingertips and Facebook at beck and call

My generation knows it all

So much information it is pouring out from my ears

My IQ has surpassed that of Einstein’s in as many years


I know a hundred and ten benefits of every yellow lemon

Let life hand me lemons now I am ready to slay the demon

The difference between veggies and vegan the way to Las Vegas

I now know each trace and nuance from Van Gogh to Degas


I know how to keep fit and positive from WhatsApp quotes

I know there are over 2000 castles in Scotland with moats

You may think such unconnected trivia is useless still

I now know how to enhance my drawing baking and Spanish skills


I know tens of cures of insomnia I keep wide-awake to research

I know the names of William’s kids I no longer need to search

Musk may send rockets to space I learnt new ways to tie the shoelace

I don’t wear shoes but knowledge is precious and won’t go waste


I know what my classmates from centuries ago are doing

I know where each of my cousin’s grandnephew is currently holidaying

I know Cleopatra and Marc Antony had an affair I saw their pictures rare

I now know how tyrannosaurus became a fossil almost like I was there


I know a smatter of Swahili I recounted many rituals of Maui tribes

I know why dogs wag tails and what cat food the vet prescribes

Some fiction may seem obvious to you some facts so mind boggling

I now know all conspiracy theories of history why mankind is struggling


I know the details of Bermuda’s flag and colors of Saturn’s rings

I know Sundays are a myth for everything else there is internet of things

I was beginning to believe in my omniscience a bit

I now know everyone in life has a separate DIY kit


I know the twitterati tips I received down the ages

I know the root of my troubles is I didn’t forward those messages

My immunity has increased since I memorized implausible advices

I now know why news is toxic and social media comes under vices


The confidence of a coffee bean

Don’t let anyone wipe out that smile

A smile full of assurance will take you the mile

It is your promise to the world and to yourself

Smiles are hard earned not bought off the shelf


Don’t let anyone damage your self-respect

Of your many positive traits it is an aspect

Which will help you be emotionally agile

The mind can be manipulated the heart is fragile


Don’t let anyone arm-twist your principles

Your conscience is the protector of your scruples

In the end what will matter is what you stood by

Good bad happy sad the tide will flow and time will fly


Don’t let anyone undermine your optimism

Don’t adjudge world views from a narrow prism

It is your optimism that will sail you through tough phases

Pessimism can only hold you back in complicated mazes


Don’t let anyone impact your capabilities

Explore your potential and hone your abilities

Everyone can have an opinion it does not define you

Everyone can have expectations don’t let it bind you


Don’t let anyone influence your integrity

Holding on to honesty is not easy yet a necessity

In a world where so many temptations sway your belief

A firm handshake a trust unshaken comes as a relief


Don’t let anyone snuff out your imagination

Live out all your dreams each vision is a celebration

Routines will overwhelm you life will continue by and by

Go aim for the galaxies and own your acres in the sky


Don’t let anyone dictate terms to you

Listen with patience act with care and take cue

If you were to do what you say and say what you mean

If you were to learn from the confidence of a coffee bean






My mind is not in lockdown it roams across realms

My sleep may be troubled but does not ambush dreams

This phase in life is as unique as any another I’d imagine

This silence is so reticent literally rising above the din

It allows for new mindsets to walk in and settle down

Almost as if I have packed my bags and am going out of town


My heart is not in lockdown it is busy building bonds

My conversations may be fewer but like magic wands

It heals the worry of distancing when we exchange greetings

A simple ‘stay safe’ note does more than sociable meetings

When you count your blessings you only have countless gratitude

When you watch a migratory world move on you drop all attitude


My spirit is not in lockdown it is actually getting attention

My day to day routine had kept me from giving it right nutrition

Calming contemplation some positive belief it needs some strengthening

I thought I had time in my control yet the days kept lengthening

Suddenly the show of lifespans has been interrupted with an interval

Suddenly I am not rushing recklessly I am scrutinizing survival


My memory is not in lockdown it is navigating the mindscape

It ambles across forgotten lanes and abets an escape

Tiny by-lanes of memories are rich resources of pleasure

Those carefree days filled with fun and laughter I recollect at leisure

The lockdown may be severe and yes I cannot roam

The flip side of it is that I am in my favorite place- my home!


My dreams are not in lockdown their wings are wounded a bit

I am confident with some inspiration they will soon be fit

My words and texts my rhymes and reasons my lopsided verse

None are bound by lockdowns for better or for worse

I cherish freedom of mind and spirit I love my ruminations

Life can be tough the going rough each breath is still celebration