The search

I sat down one day to rearrange my many stray thoughts

There was one strain in common I realized as I linked the dots

They all led me away from regular routines and humdrum

They only gave me pointers never solved my conundrum


No single point to start no definite road to freedom

The fog on the roadmap stopped me from claiming fiefdom

I trudged along the mindscape in search of divine direction

When all I had to do was introspection instead of inaction


Some stray ones wandered away into the overthinking zone

Some thoughts did not belong I had mustered them on loan

Being me was not easy I was this assortment of prejudices

Honed by public opinions and rulings cognizance was in crisis


The backlog pressed and pushed for place now it was time

To sift old ideas out of the head and keep the ones sublime

This minimalism would lead to paucity of thought I suspected

But discarding old beliefs benefitted my space was now respected


The thoughts realigned themselves once I sorted my sentiments

The sentiments then infused some courage in my rearmaments

My search itself was my answer my reactions sought redressal

Each thought was gaining in strength too formidable to fizzle

I still remember

I still remember the days I prayed for the things I have now

I tend to take them for granted today then I used to wonder how

I would achieve aims and goals I did not even dare to dream

I would stitch each dream with hope and expectation at the seam


I still remember my search for happiness led me to amassing

I stopped for a breather and realized this pleasure was passing

I now know it’s not happy people who are thankful

I now know its thankful people who are happy and cool


I still remember the people who came in my life for a reason

I believe their presence helped me learn with each changing season

I treasured some I respected some others taught me bitter lessons

I can look back today and forgive. With each forgiving the pain lessens


I still remember shared laughter over a hot cup of coffee with friends

I still recall those days of sheer craziness those nights without ends

I realize recollection is selective and chooses to filter unpleasant retentions

I learn from a wrong turn and then I simply shun those avoidable tensions


I still remember how time weaved its way through moments and memories

I did not want it to leave my timepiece it moved on like the breeze

I slowly learnt how passage of time brushes pains and gains along the way

I don’t want to spoil the ending for you but everything is going to be okay


thank you




Quarantine false beliefs. Preconceived notions without basis.

Bigotries. Intolerance. Prejudices.

They are like virus flowing freely in your blood

They contaminate the intellect when they really should

Be dissected and driven away from polluting the mind

All you will need after that is to be humane and to be kind


Quarantine negativity. Anything that destroys hope and optimism.

Disapproval. Deterrence. Pessimism.

They are like bacteria which destroy immunity

Hopefulness keeps alive courage and confidence keep it priority

Sometimes when things are falling apart they may actually be falling in place

Sometimes you need to bide your time with patience and with grace


Quarantine gossip. Natter can be noxious.

Malarkey. Maliciousness. Obnoxious.

They are like germs which keep you unhealthy

A mind which does not speak ill of others is healthy

Remember those who gossip to you will also gossip about you

Empty talk can hurt sometimes keep silent and you will not rue


Quarantine covetousness. Greed can destroy.

Dangerous. Self-centered. A ploy

They are like microbes which seep inside the psyche

Permeating your very being. Generosity is the key

Giving only multiplies your joys taking nothing away

Forgiving divides all your miseries schooling you to pray


Quarantine grief. Do not dwell on your sadness

Heartaches. Despair. Unhappiness.

They are like bugs that crash your life-force

Affecting your moods attitudes choices and course

Look around you a bountiful nature provides the clues

Let azure skies take care of your blues


Quarantine doubt. Nothing good came off distrust

Suspicion. Skepticism. Mistrust.

They are like a disease which roams the mindscapes

Carefully treading on happy unaffected landscapes

And planting a painful review

Don’t give it attention that is not due





Thoughts left half way

These thoughts are like floaters

They keep coming in the way

They start off in one place

Then dominate my day

I attempt to bypass them

But they have their say

My mind is their forecourt

Where they come out and play

Some urge me to act upon them

Some simply go away

Some linger in the memory

Some I cut off mid-way

Sometimes I don them in words

In lyrical quintessence, they lay

Sometimes I just don’t pay attention

Leaving them half way


These thoughts don’t give me space

My mind is in disarray

Unorganized and ruled by heart

Logic and sentiment sway

Like a pendulum my mood swings

I tumble in areas gray

The good ones transform into design

The wrong ones are kept at bay

This deliberation takes its toll

My very own persona I flay

When I can make them rise high

For to catch a sun ray

My disposition will change for the better

My temperament bright and gay

How to control these mischief mongers

Thoughts which I abandoned half way

Reflection seeking celestial intervention

I need to go down on my knees and pray




Hope is a forever thing it cannot cannot die

Hold it close and swear by it you will come around by and by

One day melts into twilight another dawn prepares to take on

Deep dark nights wither away at the brawny shine of morn


Love is a forever thing you never ever say goodbye

Hold it close and swear by it you will believe in its strength by and by

Let it reign unconditional keep it free of expectations

Returns are bonus not the fee beyond recognition or reciprocations


Smiles are a forever thing it should never be replaced by a sigh

Hold it close and swear by it you will agree to its charm by and by

It dispels shadowy moods depressed looks and skepticism

It lets you look at the kaleidoscope of life through a tinted prism


Ideals are a forever thing even if they are so hard to come by

Hold them close and swear by it you will acquire courage by and by

There are moralities with fringes neatly circumventing the line

You will have to walk the mile alone hard-wearing on a land mine

Busyness as usual

Busy lines like freeways crisscrossing each hand

Determining the trajectory of where life will land

Sometimes I clench my fist and change its course

Sometimes going with the flow is my only recourse


Busy thoughts traversing the mindscape in a scurry

Adding pressure to accomplish to do lists in a hurry

Sometimes I plant new ideas in the mind to germinate

Most dash into expectations along the way and terminate


Busy dreams consciously scampering past practicalities

They know if they dare to breathe they become realities

Sometimes I endeavor to bring one of them to life

Sometimes I sell them cheaply to balance the strife


Busy emotions sorting confusions avoiding Machiavelli

Everybody seeks them out they can’t be available for free

Sometimes I let them out from the confines to explore

Sometimes they come back badly injured at the core


Busy memories attempting to recall several tiny details

Putting the color of saying to events when all else fails

Sometimes I can recall the best of them unambiguously

Sometimes I leave out the unpleasant ones quietly


Busy fingers grasping thin air relations testing their mettle

Tactics and tricks that people play take proportions of a battle

Sometimes I catch the straws and try to make a castle

Sometimes the wind is not so kind and spoils my tassel


Busy stories trying to find a buyer a dreamer a reality

Made up in somebody’s imagination challenging sanity

Sometimes I look back on mine and wonder if its authentic

Sometimes I wonder whose story it was that did the trick


I seek…

I seek stillness in a world of chaos

I seek tranquility in the midst of force

I close my eyes and picture a creation

Born out of the very chaos. On collision course


I seek honesty in a world of fraud

I seek peace amidst friction and discord

I open my eyes to an altered reality

Minds are narrow curiosities are broad


I seek happiness in a world of stealth

I seek bliss in abstractions which can be felt

I blink my eyes and the reverie is broken

Character certificates are given on basis of wealth


I seek succor in a world of insensitivity

I seek friendship with true moods in captivity

I wipe my eyes when the tears swell up

You are not allowed to exhibit emotional activity


I seek bonding in a world which has no time

I seek substance in promises that don’t cost a dime

I rub my eyes in hope of a clearer vision

This deep rooted unstated emptiness sublime

One more chance

Every day when you open your eyes

Earth beneath your feet overcast skies

Remember you been given one more chance

To be alive and make it matter. Perchance

You will not get it tomorrow

There is no time for sorrow


Every time some hand outstretched

Reaches out to you don’t think wretched

Of that person. You have been chosen by chance

To be facilitator but only. Perchance

You will not get it tomorrow

Good deeds you cannot borrow


Every instance you make some mistake

Recover. Refocus and learn in its wake

Repetition is true folly. Once is actually a chance

To reinforce and endorse right or wrong. Perchance

You will not get it tomorrow

Persevere and success will follow


Every time by act or tongue if you hurt someone

In your heart, you know right away its not done

Exclude ego and say your sorry. Grasp the chance

To be forgiven and live in peace. Perchance

You will not get it tomorrow

Anguish can be a concluding blow


Every once in a while, when choices are to be made

Go slow choose wise don’t suffer brain fade

Ultimately you are responsible for them. Your chance

To own your life is staring at your face. Perchance

You will never get it tomorrow

Excuses always sound so hollow




People use their eyes to pry and their ears to eavesdrop

The tongue can be a catalyst bringing relations to a full stop


The hands and legs they take orders and follow mindlessly

The heart can be gullible and naive, not taken seriously


Nerves go tingling down the spine in a rather fickle manner

Whether you are in love or in danger, it throws the spanner


The senses five are meant to combine giving you direction

Each decision that you make followed by adequate action


Sometimes though, eyes deceive or speech goes out of hand

Sometimes ears don’t filter baloney or fishy smells go bland


In this jumble, the senses tumble and aren’t always cohesive

There is one essential element that acts as an adhesive


That one elusive sense is ironically called common

If you find it in anyone, bless him and say Amen!






Roam the Universe


Roam the world, roam the universe
Roam in the realm of desire
Where the mind is free and can foresee
Where the soul can be set on fire.

The mind is one very powerful defense
Unbound by shackles and decree
It can slash across the spatial veneers
To release dreams and set them free Continue reading “Roam the Universe”