
Somewhere between bonding and breaking

Time pauses there is a lull

Somewhere between your smile and my sigh

You make broken look beautiful


Somewhere between letting go and holding on

Is a space filled with hesitation

Somewhere between blurting out and discretion

You know love is not about attention


Somewhere between bliss and hopelessness

The mind wanders in infinity

Somewhere between tangible and dreamlike

You circumvent the conscious journey


Somewhere between laughter and tears

Lies a landscape where both converge

Somewhere between the give and take

Myriad emotions and moods merge


Somewhere between longing and belonging

Passions numb the ache inside

Somewhere between sprightliness and serious

Eagerness capsizes wisdom and pride

Murphy and his laws!

Caveats are ubiquitous. I meet them everywhere

Any setting I pick up from my script and they are there

Murphy made laws and the laws they made him omniscient

Oh! Would I love to strangle his throat for being so proficient


Ifs and buts are preposterous. No proceeding is devoid

Of these tiny little speed breakers you cannot avoid

Corollaries to Murphy’s genius they can halt you in your track

One foot forward for the two behind yet you cannot go back


Pros and cons and ups and downs our world is full of them

Two sides to a coin is naivety there is always ‘and then some’

You navigate with eyes wide shut narrowly missing adages

The road was smooth the commentary exaggerated the pages


Talking-tos and telling offs are the bane of a peaceful existence

‘I told you so’s’ are generously peppered upon each reference

The lines crisscrossing my palm are beginning to dissolve

I am waiting for a WhatsApp from Murphy for a new resolve



Dialects. Accents. Inflections. Parlances. Tone

The tongue sets off the mind with ideas on loan

If we could guide the mind and hold the tongue a while

We could create a common language simply with a smile


Sometimes a smile can do what loads of attitude cannot

Sometimes a smile is what you need more than all you have got

If we could guide the heart and hold the cunning and guile

We could create a bond forever simply with a smile


From even behind a masquerade we can sense friendliness

Tangible treasures may excite yet intangible generates happiness

If we could guide the greed and hold back self-indulgence and rile

We could create an agreeable balance simply with a smile


When the eyes twinkle with joy and touch base with the heart

We forget so many aches and pains and prepare for a new start

If we could guide heartbreaks and then learn to resist bile

We could create a happy place simply with a smile


They bring memories of all the good times we have had

Smiles are worn best on a spirit that is wounded and sad

If we could guide naïveté and summon our inner child

We could create harmony in being simply with a smile

So many reasons to be happy

Plant a sapling. Grow a tree. Watch with pride and you will agree

The immense pleasure to nurture nature gives off joy for free

In life you may have many occasions to lose cool and turn snappy

Remember yet there are always so many reasons to be happy


Go for a trek. Use your feet. Leave stress and strain back home

See the sky converge on earth enwrapping enchanting sunsets chrome

Verdant foothills. Enthusiastic springs. It clears the head and makes you peppy

Escape into a scenery reminding you there are so many reasons to be happy


Talk to a child. Be soft be mild. Get away from grown-up issues occasionally.

Their innocent chatter on topics that don’t matter and ability to love unconditionally

Where adults plan so much they lose the plot till mind and body feel crappy

Keep your inner child alive and you will learn of so many reasons to be happy


Meet old friends. Don’t let relations end. Life is not offering retakes or a sequel

And time has its own agenda. If the feelings are mutual the effort will be equal

Without an eclectic range of family and friends we are bound to become crabby

Mix and match memories. Seek and you will find so many reasons to be happy


Smile more often. Laugh louder. It does not cost much to be cheerful

A world without problems is stranger still. It takes little to be morose and tearful

Real pleasure lies in little things a crush an autograph a road trip a toy so flappy

A pet an old photograph shared celebrations… so many reasons to be happy


Make it a habit to give. Try harder to forgive. Purge yourself for your own good

Wealth is fine. Yet draw the line. Find a mean and live the life you should

Sans greed control only chaos will unfold eventually making you sloppy

The same wealth can be bane simply being humane gives so many reasons to be happy



What is it?

Some expressions do not need words

Some words are expressionless and vacant

I am searching for something deeper in your eyes

What is the color of commitment?


Some relations do not need endorsements

Some endorsements cannot be counted as relations

I am searching for something sincere in your promise

What is the backcloth of obligations?


Some actions do not need words to explain

Some explanations sound empty without action

I am searching for something steady in your stance

What is the timbre of temptation?


Some cares do not need assertions

Some assertions are not evidence of care

I am searching for something hidden in nonchalance

What is pitch of real and rare?


Some emotions do not need display

Some displays are not necessarily emotive

I am searching for something implicit in an endeavor

What is the set point of sensitive?


Some dispositions do not need judgements

Some judgements tend to become predisposed

I am searching for something impartial in the glance

What is parameter of repose?


Some quests do not need so much introspection

Some introspection has expanded my quest

I am searching for something that will give me answers

What is the limitation of request?


Some smiles do not reach the eyes

Some eyes reveal more than a smile ever would

I am searching for essence in conversations

What is the configuration of mood?


Some moments are stolen from time and preserved

Some time just flies away without logging the moment

I am searching for leisure in the middle of a steeplechase

What is the profile of enrichment?

A celebration called life

(A slightly different take)


From the day you are born

Till six days later when all your hair is shorn

Life is bliss

Then things begin to go amiss

Relatives keep dropping in to sign in their remark

Most of the women are worried that you are dark

Indians at heart we start wondering about marriage

Marrying a dark-skinned person requires courage

Some snigger at your helplessness some relish in it

Going to visit an infant has a peculiar fetish in it

Down the months as your eyes begin to focus

It dawns upon you group obligations are hocus-pocus

Your social smiles are greeted with delight

But you are not tolerable if you cry in the night

After year one you are no longer enigmatic

Every emotion you display is considered dramatic

Welcome to childhood

You’d avoid it if you could

Ice cream flavors to cool haircuts every decision is major

Suddenly before you blink you have become teenager

Now you are not welcome anywhere

Too young for adults too old for kids to care

Cute little dimples are replaced with life threatening pimples

Math science late nights or girlfriend nothing is no longer simple

Times flies

Optimism dies

Full grown creatures breathing skepticism

Look at the biosphere from a prejudiced prism

Oh we adults adore our complications

A Pandora’s box we open with a smile and invitation

Life’s cycle is a thingamajig we can ill afford

And we have cheek to create our own God


Homes to build friends to make status symbols to erect

People to please wars to wage right network to select

Decisions. Big and small

The head and a nice wall

Adulthood is fun.

Keeps you on the run

Fulfil promises fulfil obligations fulfill everything under the sun

End of the day you can bet you are still not done

Save the money and time slips away

Make time for things and wage dips away

What made you think you can have it all

Are you Cinderella at the Queens’s Ball

At the tick of 12 the party ends

At which side of the timepiece are you it depends

You have come a long way from being born

Today you have no hair left to be shorn

So take a deep breath

Before you reach death

Make every breath count

Make every action amount

To awesome.

And then some



Appreciate sheer silence. Learn to observe

Typical talk can only get on your nerve

When eyes are open and the mouth is shut

The echo of the heart is heard in the gut


Appreciate your happy places learn to combat strife

Acquire ability to battle dishonesty and injustice rife

Trials and travails come only to the strong

Credentials that tell the world where you belong


Appreciate an endearing smile emerging through tears

You don’t know where it comes from. The friction the fears

When resolve has the ability to overcome all

When getting up is the key after each and every fall


Appreciate loyalty a trait you have to deserve

It takes integrity and métier kept in reserve

One deep introspective look will reveal detail

Of mainstays which bolster you and never let you fail


Appreciate what you have got not what you wanted

It is so easy to dismiss it off and take it for granted

Nothing comes easy and nothing comes for free

Gratitude entwined in attitude reflects real pedigree





With a unique irreplaceable irreparable advantage

Attachment you choose to pursue has a point of vantage

Affiliation you are born with is based on providence

Friendship on the other hand shapes the destiny it runs


Bonding brings joy so distinct you cannot quite compare

With regular run of the mill pretention you so often despair

Warm inside and lost outside long after you have parted

Like you have left behind your soul and have to be carted


Yet this sense of deep attachment can be rather scary

I don’t attempt to make new friends because I am wary

Letting someone in your world investing feelings in the wake

Leaves you rather vulnerable, susceptible to intangible ache


Treat my passion with tenderness tread softly on my dreams

Raw emotion has jagged textures bursting at the seams

Do not belittle my simple yearning naïve though it may be

Every smile has a price to pay no sentiment comes for free


“Everyone you meet always asks if you have a career, are married, or own a house as if life was some kind of a grocery list. But no one asks you if you are happy.” – Heath Ledger


Elusive. Intangible. Yet worth its weight in gold

Just increase its quotient and all else increases tenfold


Happiness is a simple feeling all in the mind

Still it remains irreplaceable and one of a kind


You don’t need huge accomplishments or complicated gains

Happiness can lie in small things and tweaking of the brains


If you think you are happy then you really can be

It does not cost a penny, it can be yours for free


Big bungalows. Swanky cars. Material wealth galore

Is no guarantee for happiness deep down at the core


A beautiful smile, a helping hand, togetherness

Some cheerfulness to dispense, some yearning to harness


If you are happy and you know it enjoy your fiefdom

It’s a rare realization that comes only with wisdom


Whenever I am working, I am missing out on fun

And whenever I am funning, I am missing out on sleep

Whenever I am sleeping, I am missing out on life

Yet whenever I am living, its fruits I cannot reap!


I run after this and I run after that

This of course does not prevent me from going fat

It just gives some solace I believe I am productive

Actually, it’s the same race and I am another rat


Whenever I am discerning I am missing ignorance

And when I am ignoring I am missing out on bliss

Whenever I am blissful I take the wrong turn

Because when I am blissful I am certain something’s amiss!


So be happy. Be stupid. Just laugh at yourself

The best way to sail through this crazy conundrum

Is to look up, look forward. Never look back

Why so serious? Make light of the humdrum