
I am seeking my bearings my search has little direction

I get distracted so easily I must learn to pay attention

This labyrinth called life is there for me to unscramble

I keep looking for cheat codes even as I know it is a gamble


Hands outstretched You wait with patience as I fumble

I rely on my sense of superiority You still don’t let me tumble

The one source in the universe with a 24X7 access

The only thing I need to learn indeed is to trust the process


You let me make my own choices my fallacies are forgiven

That I will be bailed out off situations beyond repair is a given

I take so much for granted I wonder how You keep Your calm

I walk into spikey paths myself You still provide the balm


Your omniscience is overwhelming how do I seek knowledge

Your omnipotence is awe-inspiring where do I get salvage

Take me in Your wings in such a manner life after life is saved

Save me from my own self so that my misplaced ego is enslaved


You show me the way I keep wandering away nonchalantly

You bring me back ever so gently I shrug it off gratefully

Only when I look back later at the perils I managed to escape

Do I realize the immensity of Your handiwork sans the cape


Is it age that will mellow us or experiences sweet and bitter

Is it space that is constricting or is it time that we fritter

My chaos needs Your harmony my noise requires Your silence

I am not perfect but I belong to You. That is my sole defense

A prayer and some faith

I have all the things I need the wants remain still

I cannot bequeath all I have and transcribe my will

I keep asking for more things and I cannot even wait

When all I now need or want is a prayer and some faith


I work at this never-ending list ticking off each goal

Achievers are the role models I am mimicking their role

Is this a universal syndrome or my own idiosyncratic trait

For all I actually need or want is a prayer and some faith


I strive to impress the world around me but of no avail

Memories are terse temperaments impatient I often fail

Why do I wish to alter my individuality or improve my gait

While all I really need or want is a prayer and some faith


The Pharaohs built a pyramid each to suffice for after-life

And spent entire lifetimes building and battling strife

If the one lesson I can very well learn and not take this bait

Is that all I truly need or want is a prayer and some faith


Trials and mistakes judgements to face and heartbreaks

These are part and parcel of life this is what it takes

To make a diamond from mere coal let’s get that straight

And all I sincerely need or want is a prayer and some faith

A Prayer

I am afraid to walk alone please walk by my side

The devils are unknown please teach me to abide

Your ask is straight forward I still keep getting lost

To resurrect my being give me strength to bear the cross


I am afraid to cross the road please hold my hand and lead

The temptations are a load too many desires to feed

Your diktat is simple I still complicate and crave

To remain uncluttered keep me content with what You gave


I am afraid to tell the truth please guide my confusions

The norms are variegated candors are tinged with illusions

Your guideline is well-defined I still meander on zigzag trails

To keep my integrities unbroken forgive my fragile fails


I am afraid to express my fears please help me find my voice

There are circumstances to blame yet we always have a choice

Your backing is a constant I still look at influencers for therapy

To keep me gratified and sated let me acknowledge serendipity


I am afraid of getting hurt please make my spirit resilient

Some truths disrupt my comfort zone some lies are so brilliant

Your omniscience is overwhelming I still look over my shoulder

To keep me courageous and honest train me to be bolder


I am afraid of my darkness please give me assurance

To know of the light at the end of the tunnel give me prudence

Your reminders are gentle I still doubt my self-confidence

To keep me poised and graceful hold me under your influence






Imagine that you wake up today

With only the things you thanked God for yesterday

Would you get a few shocks?

Would your boat hit the rocks?

Do you see your dreams in disarray?


Imagine that He gave you all that you wanted

Taking away only the things you took for granted

What would those things be?

Would your world be at sea?

Do you see your sphere slightly slanted?


Imagine that the intangibles you have gotten

Are no longer yours for the thankyous forgotten

Love friendship health and happiness

What should be added what will you minus?

Do you see your inner self searching for Zen?


Imagine that He copied man and held on to grudges

All your actions and intentions He now prejudges

Would you call it unfair?

Would you be able to bear?

Do you see your mirror in Him or the image smudges?


So take it easy my friend and show some gratitude

You are indebted from head to toe shun the attitude

You cannot fathom His ability to give

You cannot grasp His capacity to forgive

Gratefulness is a choice and every choice has latitude




My God and me

God is not checking your bank balance

He is checking your faith

He does not give you dreams that match your budget

He is asking you to wait

Time has its own mind and carefully reveals each plan

Faith has its own strength when God is testing man


God is not giving you what you want always

He is giving you what you need

He does not lay constraint on any of your choices

He has simply sown the seed

Freedom has its own caveat and includes culpability

The seed inside you must be nourished into a Mind tree


God is not asking you to be afraid and cower

He is unfolding your intention

His openhandedness knows no boundary

He is seeking your attention

Love has this infinite power to live faultlessly

Love not fear is the key to attain entirety


God is not wanting you to try harder

He is asking you to trust deeper

He sustains a blue dot moving around a ball of fire

He need not give proof to a believer

The miracle of life itself can show you the way

The biggest gift of all is the ability to pray


God is not telling you to be perfect

He is perfectly aware of your every flaw

He gives and forgives nonetheless

And if that does not instill humility and awe

Then His omniscience is not for you

His omnipresence is for the unquestioning few





Some people collect coins. Some stamps. Some vintage cars even

For some their gardens are a happy place for some adventure is heaven

Now let me overthink this. As I am prone to do. What shall I begin to collect

My list is full of intangibles. Some wishes to fulfil. Some dreams to select


If hope springs eternal then I must have more of it

I must install this buoyant feeling inside me bit by bit

Daydreams they say are prized possessions to achieve goals

I think I will stockpile some more as the day unfolds


I want to fill up my treasury with precious smiles of loved ones

Each of their cheerful faces will light up mine in return

An oxymoron called common sense is rare and expensive

I wish to softly tread on thoughts to gather my wits and sieve


Barrages to guard my heart from hurt. Shields to protect the soul

Strength to be able to say no and promise myself greed control

I can collect occasions which make me feel happy and content

I can hoard hundreds of moments which make every breath an event


Being connoisseur of intangibles is tougher than I supposed

So many items on the wish list so little time as opposed

Let me narrow down my craving to collect and accrue

Let me just gather prayers some for now and some in lieu



Unlimited bounty

Every morning when I open my eyes

Hope. Trepidation. New dreams to comprise

One more day has been added to my platter

Each breath filled with gratefulness is all that should matter


When I look about at the misery around me

Some visible scars, some hidden hurt surrounds me

One less welt makes my burden lighter

My shoulders are frail I am no fighter


Presently I realize I have little to complain

So much of my complaining is in vain

One moment of happiness is worth its weight in gold

An amazing journey so far, just envisage what will unfold


His giving is limitless it’s my brashness that binds me

His ways are soft and silent yet His abundances find me

One wrong step I take in any direction

He smiles and forgives and prepares my resurrection


Whether I say yes or no, whether or not I deserve

What is destined for me is always kept in reserve

One small speck on the little blue dot is looked after

Now if I don’t return the favor, I could not be dafter


So every morning when I open my eyes and see

The profusion of all that I have been given I agree

One word of gratitude for the life I have inherited

How does one ever recompense blessings unmerited?

What can I give my children?

In a world which worships money

My views remain out of place and funny

I don’t accumulate material treasures

I revel in immaterial miniscule pleasures

I wonder how it will pan out in posterity

Do I will my children sheer austerity?


I can give them lots of love

Love is a treasure trove

With the strength to move mountains

And protect from despairs and pains

You may argue it will not feed

But beyond basic need lies only greed


I can teach them values precious

To be humble and be gracious

Self-respect and independent thinking

I would rather they do their own seeking

Education is not to be found in books

Character will sail you through, not looks


I can leave behind some goodwill

Set the right example and instill

A sense of pride and trustworthiness

Extended through our lives and harness

Substance and not mere affluence

A memory, a warm smile, some influence



I can give them the best armament of all

Prayers with unparalleled powers, stand tall

Amidst all the gifts I can ever give

In health and happiness, I pray they live

I could not leave greater fortune behind

Than this one binding energy of all mankind