Take it easy

The foot is on the pedal the sprint is unbroken

Clamoring for action even before the word is spoken

This steeplechase is slowly making me a bit queasy

I wish I could step off the treadmill and take it a little easy

Life is racing past even as I ace the rat race

I want to breathe in the scenery I wish to cut off the pace


The expectancies are higher the performances contrived

Social pressures are replacing simple pleasures I derived

This constant need to keep update with trends and crazes

I wish I could ignore it all the criticisms and the praises

Life is racing past even as I stop for a respite

Did we really opt for this existence this state is so contrite


This rainbow is a mirage capturing colored desires in a prism

I call it crafty marketing they call it capitalism

Jargon is clervely whitewashed and packaged in gold

Someone somewhere decides my needs and lo! I am sold

Life is racing past even as I recall indulgences that had no cost

Now at every turn of the road hoarders and hoardings accost


Where am I heading the shaft is speeding towards a dead-end

The ones who hold my being for ransom select each trend

I am lured into a life of a lifetime eyes blinded by the bright light

The shine is Lucifer’s hallmark I am actually hurtling towards night

Life is racing past even as I try to hit pause button with all my might

There is no giving up now or ever. There will be a way to set it right


A circle of friends and some square acquaintances

An assortment of relatives and some genuine preferences

The world is embodied on WhatsApp and twitter

Simulated posts are for real. Real time is to fritter


An angle to every notion a triangle in each relation

You me and social media displaying life in epic proportion

The world is epitomized in each and every little feat

Each achievement up for approval there is no place for defeat


A theorem for each emotion a formula for every relation

The cost of a smile escalating so you cannot afford a vacation

The world is personified each time Facebook updates your status

The populace will note the highs and skillfully ignore the craters


The heart needs calculated sustenance the soul needs servicing

The mind needs new pursuits the knees need more kneeling

The world is poking its curious nose in all my affairs and some

I need to recoup my space and identity my senses are growing numb



Imaginations run dry

I want to imagine a world where only good news is circulated

Each newspaper every news channel has benevolence decorated

Instead of focusing on crimes and making criminals famous

I’d rather begin with one kind deed each of us can take this onus


I want to imagine a world where physical looks are not shamed

The look with which we see things must not be conditioned but tamed

Instead of judging people on exterior appearance posture or weight

I’d rather we behold in view of viewpoint attitude and character trait


I want to imagine a world where picture-perfect is not celebrated

Flaws have inherent beauty they leave you humbled and educated

Instead of seeking faultlessness let us concentrate on uncomplicatedness

I’d rather live with good-hearted fumbling versus manipulative finesse


I want to imagine a world where good deeds are the new normal

Bringing down somebody is looked down upon and all virtues are formal

Instead of encouraging arrogance and conceit we show off our civility

I’d rather redraft achievement and progress if it comes at the cost of humanity


I want to imagine a world where I am not constantly living up to expectations

Norms were made to ensure discipline not suffocate feeling and numb brains

Instead of imposing benchmarks and standards from a rigid point of view

I’d rather each one his own with a constructive and encompassing worldview


I want to imagine a world where happiness and compassion make it spin

When ambition is clothed in contentment we learn to rise above the din

Instead of fragmented ideas confined in closed minds and sealed hearts

I’d rather we raise the bar for mankind to achieve real potential for a start


Discerning concerns


Some people have beliefs. Some believe otherwise

Some people wear it on their sleeves. Some others are wise


Some people like to think themselves as pure and pious

Treading on precarious trajectory promoting their bias


Some people deem their knowledge as far superior

Tossing humility out of the window they preach like a seer


Some people feel position and power effects entitlement

Forgetting to be honest and just, a primary requirement


Some people broadcast their views and get you by the goat

Fancying their opinions flawless thrusting it down your throat


Some people flaunt the faith card fostering schisms deep

Overlooking a simple adage as you sow so shall you reap


Some people take stupidity to quite another level

Stooping in self-admiration mouth unclosed IQ unraveled


No. no, I am not depreciating disparaging or denouncing

It’s for those people to take note, I am simply pronouncing


Some people are born leaders. They need no proclamation

Some people live in delusion and add to the confusion


It is for the discerning mind to learn to spot the difference

Which act not to follow and where to display deference


I sit on my computer and begin to enter
Words and mixed feelings form banter
Until jumbled emotions and high flown language
Throw up an ensemble of doubtful lineage.

I sit on MS Word and sometimes wonder
Whether I am over the top or under
The weather churning out my deepest thought
On a screen which keeps correcting my every dot.

Continue reading “Banter”

Neo nostalgia

These days it is becoming rather fashionable
To talk in a language that is not so fathomable

Neoisms aligned to a computer crazy generation
Leaves me grasping for their actual connotations

‘Majorly’ is one such amazingly ‘duh’ word
I am sure it originated from a true blue nerd

I got an ‘invite’ they say instead of invitation
My diction and dictionary have reached saturation

But the one word that keeps cropping up with encore
This age band can’t get enough of; they use it and some more

Is an adverb which often leaves my brains pained and mind numb?
The one and only, quite thankfully, I present to you – “AWESOME”