The Mirror

I am not great friends of the mirror

I give it an occasional glance

I know of those who eye it with fervor

Never sidestepping it perchance


The mirror on the wall is quite a liar

Gently coercing you into a believer

Stop at your own risk and admire

The mirror can be such a deceiver


Sometimes it reflects my myriad moods

Sometimes it displays internal feuds

When it jolts you out of revelry

It can be point blank outright rude


Truth or dare, just lay it bare

And the mirror will devour, ensnare

Camouflage it behind arcane beams

And party the night away with flair


The mirror, not me, has dual façade

As if it prods me to play dumb charades

I try to lie and often succeed

Yet it manages to make me open my cards

An intro – vert

I am an introvert. So, naturally I live in my fortress

I remain independent. Responsible for my own mess

I have built around me an unobtrusive moat

Judgements rocking my beat-up boat

Are scrutinized before allowed to enter

Courteous civilities at the periphery. Me in the center


I have friends select and few. Relationships to anew

I am not so adept at. Each conversation is under review

Weather talk and irrelevant banter I just cannot humor

I take existence rather seriously. Or at least that’s the rumor

Life is no book, open and shut for all to read and tell

If you try to pry in mine, I simply return to my shell


It’s not as if I can’t apprehend people or comprehend life

I investigate idiosyncrasies, I appreciate all its strife

Expansive emotions expressed extensively

Simply do not come easily to me

I need my space. I need my place wherein to reside

Behind silent sighs and soft smiles, I camouflage and hide


A good book, a kadak chai. A decent device with internet

Loose comfy clothes which hide me. And a writing set

Soaking in the beauty of nature is not measured as platitude

An introvert’s kit is essentially all about a fulfilling solitude

Country roads take me home to the place I belong

Is it any wonder I love this ageless Denver song

So then…..

So I am not fluent enough to create a correct impression

I am not articulated enough for my ideas to attain expression


Life hinges on linguistic knack or does the person inside matter?

Does complexity of character depend upon superfluous chatter


They tell you up your ante with new motor skills to hone

Eloquence of speech. The flair the aptitude the style the tone


Social media celebrates many a pretty butterfly that prances

In the end, cerebral proficiency lags behind chronological advances


Do personality traits like integrity and scrupulousness uphold

We live in world where speech is hyped and honesty is sold


If I can’t get across to you will you think little of me

If my communication skills falter will you disagree


With my person and then make judgements of your own

Do I have to now get myself a personality on loan?


Yes, speech is important in as much as it reveals

My thoughts my attitude my learning and my appeal


Yet inviting introverts to banter or fish to climb a tree

Is not exactly my idea of comfort or competency


I must…


I must acquire knowledge and conversely remain humble

Knowledge sans humility so often makes you stumble


I must wear my attitude with panache and flair

Then balance the brazenness with respect and care


I must foster character trustworthy and commanding

I must be my own person not follow what is trending


I must set the right balance of deference and dissension

A simple deed that reaps results first begins with intention


I must fight for righteousness, tis the panacea of the just

Not compromising on principle is an absolute must


I must not hurt by my actions, deliberate or inadvertent

Any misstep must be mended or to remain repentant


I must realize a certain level of wisdom and aptitude

I can’t afford to slide into dispiritedness and platitude


I must keep ticking off new to do lists time and again

The cenotaph should not pronounce a life lived in vain


You decide

You decide who you want to be

You decide your own destiny


From the time you open your eyes

You will be inundated with advice


Listen. Learn. Follow blindly or discern.

You choose the shape and size of your urn


Life experiences may delight or traumatize

Your mind will analyze, update and apprise


Your skills and proficiencies can also guide

Your well-wishers might just stand beside


And that gut feeling they call instinct

Will give you signals rather distinct


Equipped with this data and familiarity

Enhance your aptitude with dexterity


Reproaching conditions, friends and foes

Don’t take you forward, only add to your woes


Informed decisions will hold the key

To get stronghold of your own destiny


Yes. Freedom to choose comes with responsibility

Strengthen shoulders rather than relinquish sovereignty



I have come a long way today.
Yesterday was another day.
Then I took life as it came
I had the power, the world I could tame.
I had no fears, no insecurities
I did not look for smug sureties.
I never had to step with care
Rainbows had more colours, life was fair.
Nothing seemed tough, learn or unlearn
Brownie points, confidence or marks to earn.
Turvy topsy attitudes, troubles at bay
Yesterday was another day. Continue reading “Quest”

My Star

There is a star far far away
In the deep darkness of the skies
So sheer, so mere it’s almost not there
Wrinkling eyes try to appraise

But in my heart of hearts
I know it is there if only
In my mind, in my belief
It consoles me when I am lonely Continue reading “My Star”