Tangible temperaments

If temperaments were tangible what would yours feel like

If natures were worn outside like clothes what would you dislike

If intentions had  a transparent hue how would you hide them

If expressions spilled your secrets who would you blame


If truth stumbled upon your closet and discovered a skeleton

If lies decided to call it a day and deserted your habit for fun

If belief changed its mind and could no longer be displayed

If your mirror lost its cool and snapped would your reaction be relayed


If the skies gave up on you and removed clouds and winds and rains

If the world suddenly became empty of all anxieties and pains

If the rainbows merged at once and white was now default

If the dreams lost their sheen and colors were locked up in the vault


If gravity grew tired and decided not to hold you down

If you smile turned bashful and replaced itself with a frown

If your heart became sparing and turned down offers of affection

If affection felt unwanted and went away would it be defection


If your eyes miss the tears and feel homesick

If your hand does not lift in prayer what will do the trick

If happiness says I am very much here yet you don’t look within

If peace of mind feels adrift and gets lost in the ensuing din




Incidental matters


Color is incidental. We were all created and fitted the same

Two eyes one nose two hands and feet and a mind to tame

Instead of commending individualities we search for someone to blame

Our own complexes condition us to look for excuses lame

If only we could celebrate the differences if only we could be kind

Selective choice of color essentially makes us color blind


Wealth is incidental. Thieves also acquire and accrue

Real wealth lies in character possessed by but a few

Call on the tombs of the Pharaohs and you will get a clue

Amassing never paid dividends its deeds that beget your due

If you want to feel real rich list the things money can’t buy

Then check off the list to see what you have before you begin to cry


Beauty is incidental. The mirror will eventually begin to tell tales

A beautiful face will age and the perfect physique will have fails

It is goodness of the heart and goodwill of spirit that prevails

Courage and compassion will leave behind gentle trails

If you could add sheen to your spirit and make shine your favorite color

You could embellish the soul and let your heart be the ruler


Lineage is incidental. It reflects hereditary achievement

Being born in fêted surroundings is no accomplishment

Smugness does not guarantee superiority or make you God sent

You have to prove your worth to grasp what your lineage meant

If you would not overstep the thin line between pride and self-importance

You could attain greater heights still with ancestors for reference


Age is incidental. Anybody can grow old without much exertion

Chronology is not corelated to wisdom maturity is the reflection

Of personality. Know yourself grow in stature have faith stand tall

You were born with wings. Then why do you prefer to crawl

If you could balance benevolence with sufficient self-care

You could age gracefully without remonstrations and with flair


Take it easy

There are times when you are low on self-esteem and confidence

There are times when someone betrays you shaking your defense

There are times when you have to put up a brave front some pretense

There are times when you can’t decide and are sitting on the fence

In all such times and many more remember you are your solution


There are times when situations don’t work in your favor

There are times when certain tastes are not those you savor

There are times when you cannot fathom the season or the flavor

There are times when you misapprehend and may fail to deliver

In all such times and many more remember you are your elucidation


There are times when the road ahead seems befuddled and tough

There are times when the going gets difficult and rough

There are times when you have to abandon the very things you love

There are times when you don’t seem to get answers you seek from above

In all such times and many more remember you are your illumination


There are times when you do not find the friend you are looking for

There are times when you don’t know why some relationships go sour

There are times when the entire world seems to conspire as per lore

There are times you would rather be all alone walking on the shore

In all such times and many more remember you are your exposition


There are times when you are wrong and must learn to admit

There are times when being right is unworkable you simply submit

There are times when you realize life does not come with a tool kit

There are times when the climb is steep and you really want to quit

In all such times and many more remember you are your resolution


There are times when people around you take you for granted

There are times when world views clash yours are slightly slanted

There are times when being you is objected to expectations are guaranteed

There are times when you develop personality enough ready to flaunt it

In all such times and many more remember you are your declaration



The long and short of it

In the long run it never matters. Money name fame and stealth

In the long run it never remains. Intellect memory and health

In the short run who to impress. Family neighbors idols or friends

In the short run what to express. Aspirations and goal without ends

If you gather as much as you can take and give the rest away

What will you shortlist how will you prepare for that day?


In the long run it never matters. Caste creed prejudice judgements

In the long run it never remains. Feelings moods tempers predicaments

In the short run these emotions will chart your trajectory your course

In the short run your choices will become instrumental in your recourse

If you could close your eyes and see the entire path ahead

How would you like your epitaph to read after you are dead?


In the long run it never matters. Public opinion appraisals instruction

In the long run it never remains. Public loyalty approvals appreciation

In the short run they will have repercussions. Actions reactions intention

In the short run they will need resurrection. Care repair upkeep attention

If you endeavor to become somebody who people would reminisce

What would it be by ? Mansions trophies character or eminence?


In the long run it never matters. Degrees certificates references annals

In the long run it never remains. Successes victories disappointments fails

In the short run you struggle you contest you race with friends and foe

In the short run you achieve goals jobs positions contracts and some dough

If you had to pick just two things and escape an earthquake

From the above listed accomplishments what would you take?


In the long run it never matters. Broken hearts lost friendships feeling sorry

In the long run it never remains. Misgivings regrets relationships gone awry

In the short run it impacts and then commences a chain reaction

In the short run you must keep calm and chose peace over action

If you can objectively weigh each decision and emotion you own

You will realize how important it is to give in give up and move on

There is always justice

After long wintry seasons there comes the summer solstice

Balancing the warm and the cold the feeling is sheer bliss

The wait is so tedious you begin to believe something is amiss

But after all that you have gone through there is always justice


Some hurts make deep cuts inside the heart and nerves rattle

Some inequalities make you think you are fighting a losing battle

The pains and the injuries will take a while to heal and settle

But after all that you have gone through you realize your true mettle


Peoples and societies have their own agendas to fulfil

It’s not so easy to meet their standards and fit the bill

Herd mentalities shirk discernment and a strong will

But after all that you have gone through you have had your fill


Being alone is not a weakness you must always remember

Being yourself is not softness keep it simmering the ember

Your defending of scruples stridently is taken as unyielding temper

But after all that you have gone through you don’t let anyone tamper


Justice never fails as long as intentions are uncorrupted and pure

Hurts never heal if you cannot craft your own cure

Own your principles and faith don’t let the demons take over

Because after all that you have gone through there is deliverance for sure



My search

I am not looking for honesty in everyone I meet

I am not seeking integrity in anyone I greet

I am cultivating determination to look beyond fault

I am leaving behind tall expectations in my safe vault


I am not looking for candor in every friend I make

I am not seeking ingenuity in relationships for the sake

I am fostering a nature wherein I offer forthrightness

I am looking at my own life reflecting openness


I am not looking for impartiality in every of my dealings

I am not seeking empathy or reciprocation of feelings

I am attempting to be the person I am looking for

I am wanting to effect basic goodness at my core


I am not looking for epitomes of rightness and perfection

I am not seeking archetypes of sensitivity and affection

I am building immunity to heartbreaks and disappointment

I am consulting my own self nowadays. Only by appointment


I am not looking for excellence in every task performed

I am not looking for sympathy for each loss mourned

I am learning to forgive and absolve the world of culpability

I am looking inward to improve my personal capability






Discerning concerns


Some people have beliefs. Some believe otherwise

Some people wear it on their sleeves. Some others are wise


Some people like to think themselves as pure and pious

Treading on precarious trajectory promoting their bias


Some people deem their knowledge as far superior

Tossing humility out of the window they preach like a seer


Some people feel position and power effects entitlement

Forgetting to be honest and just, a primary requirement


Some people broadcast their views and get you by the goat

Fancying their opinions flawless thrusting it down your throat


Some people flaunt the faith card fostering schisms deep

Overlooking a simple adage as you sow so shall you reap


Some people take stupidity to quite another level

Stooping in self-admiration mouth unclosed IQ unraveled


No. no, I am not depreciating disparaging or denouncing

It’s for those people to take note, I am simply pronouncing


Some people are born leaders. They need no proclamation

Some people live in delusion and add to the confusion


It is for the discerning mind to learn to spot the difference

Which act not to follow and where to display deference

Why I have to impress you?

So I know you are good in all that you do

I admire those qualities though I have no clue

From where to acquire a set of the same

From where to begin to build reputation and name

Norms are ever-changing and so many

I have no thoughts you can keep your penny

Your prominence is impressive and essentially due

Yet I do not know why I have to impress you!


To each one his own or so goes the adage

To keep my little world intact I somehow manage

I never get the time to inquire about others

I never exchange notes in school compounds with mothers

For my lack of people skills I guess I am a misfit

Just how by keeping tabs on you am I doing my bit?

Your ability to know all is too good to be true

Yet I do not know why I have to impress you!


You are extrovert and lively. The life of the party

You can fit the bill of any role model to the tee

I prefer to be low-profile and remain in the background

Not follow the same guidelines by which you are bound

Why ask recurrently why I prefer quiet and cozy

Do I ask the loud ones why they are so noisy?

Your personality oh so visible the concoction you can brew

Yet I do not know why I have to impress you!



If only I knew

If only I knew how I could alter my past

Would I choose to try and put life in recast

It’s made up of moments which I treasure

Precious times which gave much pleasure

Plus lapses in judgement culpabilities mistakes

The past was a learning curve with no retakes

Is it best left untouched

A mindscape slightly smudged


If only I knew the exact thing to do

In every situation presently in view

I could always make just the right choice

No trepidation about a tiny doubtful voice

Could I handle a present so picture perfect

My actions could have lifelong effect

So complete really I think it would be odd

Unflawed seamless I could now play God


If only I knew what the future holds in store

Will I be content or will I vie for more

There could be countless thrills in it

There could be difficult drills in it

If I don’t know of the joys to come

I am also unaware of snags and some

Is ignorance truly blissed

Or is there something I have missed


If only I knew of so many things

I could cherry-pick a want and grow wings

But this fumbling erratic human that I am

Is what I love about me, perfection be damned

Do I really want to know past present or future

Or live in the moment each memory to savor

Where is the fun part if life is given on a platter

The smiles the heartbreaks the journey all matter!





Each parent nowadays wants their child

To be bold and aggressive, bordering on wild

An achiever of the highest order

Einstein and Edison his textbook fodder


They should excel in studies and love sports

They should have mastery on topics of all sorts

From school to tuitions they are rushed to and fro

On weekends, they prepare for some reality show


Where is the childlike innocence in them?

Are they really growing older with each sem

Society, serials, a barrage of adult banter

In the midst of which they have forgotten Santa


Yes yes I know Santa never existed Sir

Yet I loved to believe it as it were

My world in my imagination was much more fun

Constant Google updates I’d rather unlearn


My mind was free my freedom was mine

My dreams and the real world often entwined

Home truths were simple. Fairy tales never lied

Failure was never a reason for suicide


Why don’t the follies of our ways we see?

Why can’t we let our children be?

They do not have to become your clone

They were not born to fulfil your wish alone


They have their own mindsets. Their individuality

Encourage. Nurture. Cherish this originality

If only you can teach them to be a good human being

The rest they will learn anyways by seeing and believing!