You are on your own

If you work hard for success they will say you are money-minded

If you work smart they dismiss it as attitude which keeps you blinded

They want you to hurry up if you indulge in a peaceful steady pace

If your pace is fast and furious they will ask you why the race


Love with all your heart and soul and your passion is labelled unwise

If you steel your heart to sentimentality there will be protest and cries

If you triumph on your own they will want to bring you down

If you fail and wish to try again they will call you a failure and frown


Some people have made it mission to follow and judge your actions

Other people rise above the din without worrying about reactions

Live your life with gaiety  keep equilibrium add some poise and piety

You ascertain your deity. Why do you want a certificate from society?


Step away from toxicity step up your game and choose

Learn not just how to triumph but how to gracefully loose

The key to learning any success is to perform and not judge

The mantra to happiness is to let go of that ageless grudge


You are on your own. Your breath your actions your aspirations

You can either blame circumstances or become some body’s inspiration

Ideas roam idly until someone captures them in their imagination

The sun is giving away rays for free catch one and be part of creation





It’s that last ten percent that matters the most

Incomplete efforts don’t have anything to boast

Stones left unturned don’t help you clear the coast

Just do it. Let the powers that control play the host


It’s that delicate balance ‘tween what is said and what is not

What you desire the most cannot always be bought

Often what you leave unsaid may keep you distraught

Just do it. Express yourself with honesty to get what you sought


It’s that thin scrawny line which takes you from here to there

If you want to scale the heights to reach where eagles dare

Trust your guts. Take a deep breath. Be brave be focused be fair

Just do it. To attain your goals however bold you must prepare


It’s that small act of kindness that puts soul in the universe

Every deed done with love has domino effect in reverse

A little giving a lot more forgiving and generosity will traverse

Just do it. Feel-good feelings reverberate in the entire multiverse


It’s that twinkle in the eye that reflects care and concern

It’s that mellowness in the heart that can sense and discern

It’s that gentleness in demeanor that imparts lessons to learn

Just do it. Give back more than you have received when it is your turn



Thin lines

It’s not about having time. It’s about making time

For others for yourself for unseeable things sublime

Did you detect the dew on those roadside bougainvillea

Should you call someone today and say how much you missed her

Will you finish that book your kids recommended

Or would you rather fish for excuses and then defend it


It’s not about creating happiness. We often overthink it

There is something good in every moment. Find it and keep it

Happiness is an inside job. If you let someone else decide

Then that’s the limit of cheerfulness by which you must abide

Focus on hurt and you suffer it only begets resentment

Be the reason someone smiles today and experience contentment


It’s not about perfection. It’s about consistency and passion

Don’t trade your authenticity for approval steel your intention

It’s so easy for them to sit on the sidelines and criticize the game

When they are not even playing it yet keep passing on the blame

Your life is yours. Own it. See – that’s the thing with tables

They always turn around so that you can dispel fears and fables


Its not about reaching destination. The journey gradually molds clay

Little by little day by day what is meant for you will find its way

Work hard in silence then let success be your noise

You get what you work for not what you wish for. It’s your choice

Be grateful for your struggles they lead you onto your strengths

Beware of negative thinking and thinkers that can cause indents



The fault in the stars

Of the many faults of mine overthinking is one

I often go in rambling mode never quite done

I think I must stop for a breather and learn to let go

I think I must cut the pace off life and learn to go slow


Of the many faults of mine being perfectionist is another

I stress myself in OCD mode and expect it from the other

I think I must realize God made us this way and that’s it

He never wanted us to be perfect only honest and authentic


Of the many faults of mine I can at times be judgmental

I cannot stand inanity my predisposed mode is instrumental

I think I must go easy on people who fill up this wide earth

The law of averages balances it of goodness there is no dearth


Of the many faults of mine a sharp temper is one for sure

I tend to lose it effortlessly and can’t seem to find a cure

I think I must practice patience and unflappability

I think it would be welcome to cultivate such ability


Of the many faults of mine a serious disposition is there

I can’t make small talk easily for trivial conversations I have no flair

I think I must try to pick up language and emotion of a regular

I think to the outside world my demeanor must be peculiar


Of the many faults of mine softness in the head accompanies heart

I can get bamboozled by emotional outpours which upset my cart

I think I must at least make one sincere effort to steel myself

Naivety in a world exacting only hurts answers don’t come off the shelf



So that I can…


So that I can express what is deep down in my heart

I use words as crutches I admit it’s a slow start

But they are a big help when feelings are fragmented

A sense of semblance to sentiments is then warranted

They give my mind a set of wings slowly I learn to fly

Who knows I might get proficient with verses by and by


So that I can express what is embedded in my mind

I use rhyming sentences I agree they are color blind

But they are a big help when grey moods rule the skies

Sometimes they speak dark truths sometimes white lies

They give my space an added zing the color of escapes

Who knows I might learn to chill with brand new capes


So that I can express what is engraved in my soul

I use lofty perceptions I know it takes a toll

But they are a big help when the trajectory is blurred

They instill hope and courage so I am not deterred

They give my spirit the Zen I need my search continues

Who knows I might add to my person more meaningful hues


So that I can express what is intuited by my senses

I use repeat reviews I guess through psychedelic lenses

But they are a big help when I need to decode life

I seek solace in my shell retreating when I face strife

They give my gut validation I no longer depend on others

Who knows I might conquer my qualms to castoff all which bothers


So that I can express what is patterned by my deepest fears

I use arguments as shields I think until the conversation veers

But they are a big help when I cannot alter circumstances

An amalgam of anxieties and advices give my character nuances

Learning of other viewpoints and then learning to acknowledge

Who knows I might be able to gift myself a winning edge



Apprehensions are allowed pessimism is not

Life is not as stress-free and simple as you sought

Yet every breath you take is irreplaceable

Thank your stars and your God that you are able


Ambition is allowed greediness is not

Stockpiling is not about how much you have bought

If emotions are gathering dust in the corner of the heart

You need to revisit your ambitions and chart a new start


Aches and pains are allowed wallowing in it is not

Every situation in life has a shelf life distributed in lot

So take your moods in your stride and renew the beam

Ups and downs enrich the road they make a good team


Affection is allowed affectation is not

So many myriad sentiments in which the heart is caught

Lower your expectations slow the pace and let others in

The greatest passions are those that outlive the din


Attitude is allowed arrogance is not

Swallow false pride imbibe the lessons life has taught

Carve your character with honest intentions and integrity

Success entails guts and temerity handling it needs maturity



I am trying


I am trying to be me

I am trying to let you be

I am not looking for applause

I am working on my flaws

I know I have many a defect

Judge me when you are perfect


I am trying to be affable

I am trying harder to be sociable

I am not exactly extrovert

I enjoy being an introvert

I know there is room for improvement

Befriend me when you are in agreement


I am trying to maintain balance

I am learning new world parlance

I belong to a time when truths existed

I knew many dinosaurs who subsisted

I no longer follow news and views

Apprise me if you can find me a new muse


I am trying to eavesdrop on my mindscape

I am trying to read the frequency of my soundscape

I have limited time and my space is confined

I have finite imagination my dreams I must redesign

I must widen my horizon and take a leap of faith

Correct me if I am singeing this newfound trait


I am trying to draw a line which ends at satisfaction

I am trying to juggle delight with clear-cut ambition

I am learning how to let go of superficialities

I am learning how to hold on to integrities

I don’t always succeed I succumb to temptations

Forfend me if I continue with my aberrations


I am trying and my intentions are straightforward

I am hopeful and I will not be coward

I have to flourish I have to persist within parameters

I have to garner support sometimes I must break barriers

I am novice on a planet which has lasted millions of years

Allow me to be me without prejudice and fears

Thank you

Feet of clay

I like to keep it simple but the mind comes in the way

Deliberations that flood the mindscape seem to get away

Complicating the thought process and holding sway

Adding spice to naturalness and influencing all I do and all I say


I like to keep it forthright but the tongue comes in the way

Words that pour out between emotions keep blunt at bay

Entangled in what should sound good versus what to flay

In the backdrop of social obligations my text is in disarray


I like to keep it honest but decorum comes in the way

Directness is no virtue forthrightness is no tool with which to play

In a world where honesty hurts more than trudging in areas grey

I need to learn the balancing act choose genuine or join the fray


I like to keep it minimal but verbosity comes in the way

Long-windedness of urgings and opinions send austerity astray

If thoughts are clear stands are sincere and moods are gay

If only I could scale the level of seraphs even with feet of clay




That ability to smile through chaos and judgment

That capability to stay calm and use patience as armament

I am looking for that peace of mind which cannot be destroyed

I am trying to be so painstaking that all blinkeredness I avoid


That ability to hear the words so often left unsaid

That capability to reach out to emotions we dread

I am looking for that compassion that affords comforting balm

I am trying to be so cautious that I cannot cultivate charm


That ability to accept differences in views opinions creed

That capability to accede to home truths whence the mind is freed

I am looking for that wisdom which can overcome vainness

I am trying to be so soundless that I can sharpen my finesse


That ability to let go of things wrong decisions ego negativity

That capability to stop playing God and trust in serendipity

I am looking for that evolved spirit that goes beyond insignificance

I am trying to be so conscious that I review my own performance


That ability to keep sentiments in check and not let moods lead

That capability to not cry out loud even when the hurt does bleed

I am looking for that strength so resilient yet unobtrusive

I am trying to be so hard-wearing that wounds become elusive


That ability to perceive the best in each and everyone

That capability to appreciate the effort whether you have lost or won

I am looking for that large-heartedness which helps me overcome

I am trying to be so gracious that I am content with the mirror and some



On the other side of the fence


On the other side of the fence

While you are preparing your defense

Somebody also does not realize

Another point of view can coexist and comprise

So when we finally come face to face for a tete a tete

Argument becomes norm and listening is a feat


On the other side of the fence

While you are dissenting and being dense

Somebody also is formulating

His reason with a rigor intimidating

So when we finally bring our talk to the table

That a coin can have two sides now sounds like fable


On the other side of the fence

While you are still cleaning your lens

Somebody also dwells upon blurred vision

Neither is willing to rework and do revision

So when we finally meet to figure out the why

We can’t find common ground and can’t see eye to eye


On the other side of the fence

While you are claiming greater intelligence

Somebody also wants to endorse his brainpower

This tussle of intellect turns into a show of power

So when we finally realize there can be a fresh interpretation

We have gone past pragmatism and beyond arbitration


On the other side of the fence

While you are giving yourself importance immense

Somebody also claims his place under the sun

Mulish moods persist and you stick to your guns

So when we finally can admit to a different point of view

We have let so much water under the bridge that deluge is due