Things I should have….

The lessons I should have learnt

The keepsakes I should have burnt

The attitudes I should have preserved

The responses I should have deserved

The emotions I should have erased

The baggage I should have shed with every phase

The people I should have treasured

The value of things I should have measured

I am standing at crossroads looking at the skies

I am appraising a lifetime and time just flies


The aptitudes I should have learnt

The behaviors I should have burnt

The traditions I should have preserved

The approvals I should have deserved

The pessimisms I should have erased

The assurance I should have acquired with every phase

The memories I should have treasured

The worth of relations I should have measured

I am looking back with some qualm some wisdom

I am looking forward to a well-informed freedom


The balances I should have learnt

The reluctances I should have burnt

The confidence I should have preserved

The direction I should have deserved

The cynicism I should have erased

The faith I should have gained with every phase

The genuineness I should have treasured

The merit of truth I should have measured

I am walking with the multitude and I am alone

I am dwelling on my solitude setting a new tone


The languages I should have learnt

The verbiage I should have burnt

The nuances I should have preserved

The understandings I should have deserved

The arrogances I should have erased

The bent I should have added with every phase

The mystique I should have treasured

The quality of life I should have measured

I am alive stumbling recovering hurting and healing

I am work in progress filled with familiarities and feeling


Some words spoken were such that the silence froze

Some hearts broken were touched and the phoenix arose

Some flashes became memories only because we chose

Some smiles remained unbroken yet the wound still shows


If we learn to live in openness sans judgments and expectancies

If we learn to live in the moment in place of reminiscences


Conditions will always change you continue to walk the mile

Clothes and accessories will not impress if you don’t wear your smile

Your journey reflects your attitude let the acquiring take a while

Choose elegance over arrogance elegance never goes out of style


If we learn to live with honesties there will be no time for guile

If we learn to live with empathy our benevolence will beguile


We are swayed by public opinions and awestruck by brands

We build castles in the air with foundation in the sands

We fight over territories clutching on to invisible strands

We worry about statuses and standings while relation disbands


If we learn to live in harmony if we simply join hands?

If we learn to live in kindness a language everyone understands?

Every day

Every day we encounter a different set of rays

The sun continues relentlessly in its shining ways

Clouds will come and clouds will pass

One thing I have learnt no storms last

I need patience to wait it out

Some courage some faith that is what it is about

Every day we experience a new heart break

Some strangers support you some friends are fake

People will come and people will go

One thing I have learnt is to go slow

I need perceptiveness to read intentions

Some care some compassion to balance emotions

Every day we adjust to diverse circumstances

So many things and peoples act as influences

Conditions may be static and conditions may alter

One thing I have learnt is not to falter

I need ability to adapt to change

Some perseverance some daring to handle strange

Every day we outgrow our old self

Adding new aspects to traits off the shelf

Character is what one is in the dark

One thing I have learnt is to preserve the spark

I need an attitude that does not let me down

Some smiles some optimism to wipe out the frown

Parent – the verb

Once upon a time ‘parent’ used to be a noun

Today such passive connotation makes us frown

‘Parent’ is something we must ‘do’ ceaselessly

Or so we have come to believe erroneously


The apple of our eye must win every competition

A tiny fall from the bicycle needs instant resurrection

The center of our universe is given sweeping attention

We cannot allow them to feel a single uncomfortable emotion


They must excel in school in skating chess and spelling bee

Doing nothing is forgotten art they can never be kept free

The lovely golden cages we built from high expectations

Somewhere points to our obsession to meddle with creation


An online game teaches them how history and geography looks

Even as adult dogmas frenetically change the textbooks

They have access to plethora of information on Internet

We parents continue to believe it is our duty to fix and set


If you allow them their own mistakes they will learn to get up again

To teach them empathy and compassion let them experience pain

Don’t do the fishing for them just give them ability

And if you give them freedom do teach them responsibility


Love rejection success disappointment highs and lows to juggle

We have denied one thing to our children – the ability to struggle

Real people fail fall and move on without drama and blame

We want a perfect production which is both brilliant and tame


You do not have to give them each and everything they lack

Just love them enough to let them know you have their back

The onus lies on us alone it’s no subtle implication

We have fashioned an over parented and under protected generation



The rainbow on the moon


Tribulations and prudence. Hurts and forgiveness

Power over the defenseless. Potency and weakness

Enrages and energies held tightly in my fist.

How do I resist

From not tipping the balance in favor of prejudice

Being becomes intriguing on a precipice

I think I simply continue to insist

That smile which reached the eyes reveals my gist


Two worlds. Cut up in a million pieces

Thoughts and feelings. Explained away in some thesis

Space will suffocate. Realities will restrict. My spell will vanish soon

I scramble up impossible palings to catch the rainbow on the moon

I know it exists. My gut tells me to hold on to the belief

I will find a person who concurs. One endorsement too is relief

Imagination suffers chained to real-world skepticism

A risk must be taken to jump over the schism


Heart and head. I trip over my ego my spirit seems to know

Words choke even when feelings flow

Pouring optimism through my veins is taking toll

The mirror keeps reminding me of my role

Should I learn to ignore

Social affronts keep coming to the fore

So many heartbreaks the heart has become unbreakable

Will I hurt still when roles become reversible


I hear the colors now. I sense the nuanced frowns

In the expectancies of the idols so many smiles drown

A sky full of faith steadies the ground below my feet

Run me down as much as you can I still feel upbeat

There is this thin almost unseeable line

Beyond which everything is fine

You stick to your predictabilities

My challenge is to cherry-pick capabilities




Today I might not be able to achieve my dreams

Today I might find myself tired and breaking at the seams

This is not the be all and end all of it

Hope will repair the conundrum bit by bit

Tomorrow I will get up and get back to work

My dreams are not for giving up and I will not shirk


Today I might not be able to change your opinion

Today I might not be able to convince you I am genuine

This does not mean I am bound by your judgement

I must remain true to myself and resolve the predicament

Tomorrow I will prove my worth and authenticity

My character cannot be compromised for complicity


Today I might not be able to put my best foot forward

Today I might not be able to flaunt attitude or be heard

This does not mean I am underprepared

I am simply being careful evaluating how I fared

Tomorrow I will learn from previous experiences

My attitude will take shape sharpening nuances


Today I might not look accomplished and clever

Today I might not be able to please everyone forever

This does not mean that I lack the skill

I will choose the option of being compliant at will

Tomorrow I will grow mature and wise

My wisdom will then lead me to flourish and rise


Today I might not be able to do a lot of things

Today I might not be able to grow my wings

This does not mean I cannot soar

I have courage to continue and faith at the core

Tomorrow I will become what I started out to be

Tomorrow will come I know. When did I say it was easy




People are never ordinary.

Given a chance everyone has an unfinished tale to tell

Stay humble and learn to listen

Some hurts and anxieties may ring a familiar bell


There are those who reach out to others

Born to touch your soul

Stay keen and learn to spot them

Kindness is contagious it could define your role


Some people win your trust.

Genuine emotion does not need loudspeakers

Stay attentive and learn to verify

Authenticity reminds you ultimately God is your keeper


Some people pretend well.

They know how to say what you want to hear

Stay focused and learn to decipher

You may be holding onto them out of fear


Some  people are honest still noble folks can also falter

Callous streaks in some may have an irreparable background

Stay fair and learn not to judge

Hastily made judgements often come back to hound


Some people come with a warning. Never argue with an idiot.

People watching won’t be able to tell the difference

Stay calm and learn to walk away

Just keep those words in mind for future reference


People are never ordinary

Pushed in a corner they will acclimatize to survive

Stay alert and learn the rules of the jungle

Histories are repeated dead stories can revive




If you tell the truth it becomes part of your past

If you tell a lie it becomes part of a future that lasts

You decide

A peace with nothing to hide

Or constant correcting of each time you lied


If you speak the truth even when your voice shakes

If your lies are smooth yet so many hearts break

You decipher

A calm knowing that He is your keeper

Or the dread of facing the grim reaper


If the words don’t add up truth was not included in the equation

If you are being lied to respect is missing from the relation

You choose

An insult to your intelligence for you are being used

Or walking away from the situation with nothing to lose

Truth and lies are like a boomerang. Its return could leave you in a mess

If you don’t want anyone to know don’t do it. Karma never loses an address

You surmise

We get served what we deserve despite our hues and cries

Life happens anyway trusts fail aches fade your soul is worn but wise



One thought at a time

Behind every strong person is a story that gave them no choice

Follow your heart and the trajectory of your story will find voice

One day they may believe in your belief and your vision

Circumstances will fall in place if you make success your mission


Pay attention to what people say out of anger

It was probably bottled up inside till they could hold it no longer

One day they may understand your reasons and your actions

Till then don’t waste your precious time in some more angry reactions


The greatest prison people live in is fear of what others think

Repress your spirit by following diktats and life goes by in a wink

One day they may know you better and may amend their opinion

Or you realize it was your own choice that made you feel so minion


Don’t regret being straight forward even naivety has a flip side

Peace of mind which money can’t buy no deceits or lies to hide

One day they may or may not learn to appreciate you

But in your solitude you know deep down nobody can depreciate you


Stop looking outside of yourself for your value

The same light you see in others is shining within you too

One day they may acknowledge that judgements do falter

Precious time is lost in pleasing people and opinions to alter


Black sheep and others


The black sheep is sometimes the only one telling the truth

Go deeper and unearth why a gentle man was uncouth

Don’t judge people by the color of their actions and inactions

Sometimes you may be startled by their simple revelations


The herd gets heard so easily offbeat is often unspoken

Herds that trample compassions leave the odd ones broken

Don’t evaluate people by the veneers of their façade

Sometimes you may never notice each fragmented shard


The one who chooses to be different has courage beyond compare

Comparing him with the rest of the flock would only be unfair

Don’t estimate people by the worth of their wealth and muscle

Sometimes you may misjudge real people left behind in the tussle


Nonconformity has foundations much profounder that you think

Empathy instead of logic may lead you to a different link

Don’t appraise people by what stand they choose to take

Sometimes you may grasp an added perspective in its wake


Unconventional is often confused with idiosyncrasy

Free spirited individuals don’t always understand diplomacy

Don’t measure people by how agreeable they are

Genuineness must be treasured more than sycophancy by far