Planet A. No plan B yet.

These tall green trees stand there all day long

Wherever they stand they just seem to belong

How seamlessly does nature assimilate

All the patience in the world to simply stand and wait

My restlessness juxtaposes with their tranquility

Shade. Fruits. Homes. Wood. Giving it all with tenacity


These gentle breezes keep blowing through the day

Pushing white fluffy clouds with it along the way

How tirelessly they suffuse energy

Between seas and lands a strategic synergy

My edginess is allayed with its placidity

Dust. Leaves. Dewdrops. Dreams. Wafting it with serenity


These vast cerulean streams and rivers seas and oceans

Give our planet unique hues and life in varied proportions

How vigorously they perform their duty

Its veneers of passion veiling its beauty

My imperfect vision cannot fathom its profundity

Waves. Winds. Fish. Livelihood. Offering with spontaneity


These solid mountains in shades of grey and brown

So dependable and elegant like the earth wearing a crown

How majestically they stand as if meant

To allow valleys to flourish and volcanoes to give vent

My minion self is overwhelmed by its stature

Snowfall. Landscapes. Caves. Rocks. As if empowering nature


These jade and emerald jungles nurturing the terrain

Sheltering life adding beauty bringing on the rain

How determinedly they flourish and grow

Balancing the conservational flow

My constricted outlook overlooks the sheer impact

Flora. Fauna. Food. Firewood. Protecting with tact


I stopped to savor the petrichor the rains drenched my dreams

Just round the corner rainbows were breaking through the seams

I took a deep breath and awaited my turn I was to repay a loan

It took a toll on my smile a while afore sunshine was mine to own


Rusty autumns followed the showers memories were shed away

Dryness of the season equaled parch throats there was little to say

The rewards of patience remain unmatched I knew I must pause

Whenever you witness joy and sadness remember there is cause


Peace goes hand in hand with patience and lend me unseen power

Snow came along with its inherent stillness enveloping all disorder

Though bones ached the nerves relaxed silvery winters had a charm

I was ready to face bouquets and brickbats with a newfound calm


Then spring trotted along smiles became more tangible and composed

I no longer expected phases to transition only I had to metamorphose

The ambience livened with a spring in my step I stepped up my game

The end goal was peace of mind not fortunes estates name or fame


Basking in golden summers confidence now renewed and restored

I learnt how seasons travel like time stagnation I could never afford

Loans can be repaid work can be redone there is redemption for all acts

A little more proof in emotional judgments a little more heart in facts

We are…closed for repairs

We are alive in an astonishing age

In the middle of a time each one will gauge

The learning curve is escalating wildly

Tough lessons being imparted ever so mildly


We are like the phoenix rising from the ember

In the middle of a time history will remember

A collective conscience is woken up from its slumber

We tread upon remnants of old arrogances and behavior


We are a people full of eclectic mixes

We conquer space yet we don’t have fixes

For blind beliefs biases and bigotries

Not many topics on earth where everyone agrees


We are at crossroads confused about making correct choices

We silence our gut feelings amid flashy charlatan voices

Truths are trickier to cherry-pick and validate

Lies are so easily swallowed when egos inflate


We are no longer afraid of an uncertain future

Enough strife under our belts and a confidence to nurture

The spirit is the strongest when pushed against the wall

It replenishes a lungful of hope and hardiness after every fall


We are waking up to some unique understandings

Even in a pandemic we look for happy endings

We are garnering strength to reject the naysayer

To stand on our feet again we must kneel down in prayer


We are here. Armed with ‘today’ encapsulated in a trice

Realizing that to really survive how little is suffice

Earth is temporarily closed for evolving please bear with us

Adapt. Adjust. Grow. Give. Move on. Just don’t miss the bus


We are closed for repair

Let’s prepare…….





Dark skies


Calm is on the edge human suffering is spiraling like a twister

What does it take for this misery and anguish to register

In the minds of those who have closed their hearts and soul

It’s the spiraling of avarice that desperately needs greed control


Stillness is in the air an eerie emptiness is escalating like a whirlwind

Hunger is real severance is staring in the face hopes are no longer pinned

On a tomorrow to come when a today cannot be salvaged

It’s the pitilessness of a well-fed world that needs to be managed


Compassion is feeling adrift rancor is gathering speed like a hurricane

Shrinking mindsets and set minds sold on simulated stories are bane

In a world where communication can be constructive or corrosive

It’s the message of the influencers that needs to be positive


Saneness is waning idiosyncrasies are gaining impetus of a tempest

Reason is no longer consulted to separate precarious from the rest

The wide divide between hearing and listening is having impact immense

It’s the quiet rebel of savants that needs to infuse collective sense


Empathy is going extinct self-absorption is whipping up a cyclone

‘Might is right’ is no rule of the jungle its people who are prone

To arm twisting the subservient even overbearing the environment

It’s this callousness which needs addressing. Can a pandemic be Godsent?


Dark skies are weeping dark intents are intensifying like a typhoon

Sometimes I wonder whether we earthlings merit nature’s boon

There remains enough good on earth still to regenerate and restore

It’s the virtuousness of a blessed few which needs to endure



Times are changing

Times are changing and so will we

The first lesson learnt is to let things be

This forced unpaid vacation has a heavy price tag

Levelling lives and lies individual stories are given a lag


Let nature survive and thrive on its own

Stop tweaking fruitlessly it’s yours on loan

Let animals respire in their ecological habitat

Stop aberrant trusteeship for a start


Let rivers and mountains continue on course

Stop changing its path its trajectory its source

Let greenery and wildernesses coexist even outlast

Annihilating forests will eliminate human race quite fast


Let cultivators and farmers live they are providers not felons

Greed control is critical not magnitude or square melons

Let children be children they do not have to match Einstein’s IQ

Each individual is unique try transmuting and you will rue


Let expectations be regular and regulars be accepted

Potential cannot be explored unless pressure is rejected

Let hope flourish confidence grow and trust easily given

When intentions are right most grievances are forgiven


Let smiles travel miles across caste creed and prejudice

Warm hearts cool minds gentleness and care is suffice

Let the lines on the face grow with grace and wit

Life is all about learning from day one to finish. Don’t quit


Let freedom be fair and responsibilities borne with courage

We may make mistakes along the journey keep room for entourage

Let laughter be full throated and smiles reach the eyes

We remain disadvantaged for every dream that dies


Let the skies reclaim its color let the waters detox and glow

Let creation in its full glory teach you all there is to know

Let the earth revitalize itself let us replenish the loam

That human footprint needs erasing in short, just go home


Let the senses sharpen in the silence of the night

Let the countenance be calm let your spirits be bright

Shorn of social jamborees and wasted chases for treasure

Recondition the quiet quarantine into a passive leisure



Naysayers did inform us of forthcoming doom

The flowers did not listen they continued to bloom

Nature bounded towards spring even as humans looked for gloom

Today is another day and there is always room

For hope


Prophecies did predict how the planet will perish

The elements refused to heed they continued to nourish

The old man the little child they had memories to cherish

Today is another day and will arrive with flourish

And optimism


The rich and the famous did endorse their entitlement

The mild and the modest continued towards attainment

To balance a divide with negatives will boost resentment

To hold on to buoyancy and cheer will enhance contentment

A faith


Setbacks did push back agenda upsetting many a plan

The ones who had complete trust did not let the ban

Dampen confidence or diminish conviction they knew they can

Conquer setbacks and do so with style and élan

With spunk


Human beings did impose major alterations

The environment revolted at the sight of such aberrations

Enrichment was welcome not senseless destruction

Now climate flora fauna and man himself needs restoration

Then some


Someone did tell us whatever will be will be – hear

We refused to hear them out and now we are in fear

For our lives our well-being and all that we hold dear

When all we need is some common sense and some prayer

So chill





Thank you God

If our earth was just a little away from the sun…

Too hot, too cold whatever be it, life would not be fun.


If lush green lawns were of any other color…

Too dry, too wry, moods would certainly be duller.


If flowers did not open to such psychedelic bloom…

Too listless, too lovelorn, there would descend a gloom.


If there were no birds in their vibrant splendor…

Too silent, too harsh, we’d never learn to be tender.


If four legged creatures never walked the wide world…

Too tame, too lame, we’d be in an imbalanced swirl.


If we were not thirsty, if there was no water…

Too blue, too bland, we’d not survive a quarter.


If land was not land and sea was not sea…

Too hapless, too helpless, just where would we be?


If there was at the poles, no formation of ice…

Too warm, too wintry, Al Gore’s speeches would not suffice.


If each note, each strain was not in such perfect refrain…

Too lackadaisical, too lazy, there’d be no pain – no gain!


If there was no God to weave mindboggling magic…

Too pessimistic, too atheist, life would have been tragic.


If you choose to grumble, if you choose to cry…

Too hurried, too stressed, life will quietly pass by.


If you choose to say ‘thank you God’, you do not realize…

How swiftly, how softly, how paradoxically, happiness multiplies.


Armed with attitude, you may select your latitude…

Too rough, too tough, however you reflect, just voice your gratitude!