
Meetings be warm and greetings be genuine

Expectations be fewer and anticipations be lenient

One life and so many facets and facades

I am searching for coherence amidst the shards


Friends be forthright and relatives be thoughtful

Trajectory be smooth even if the journey be eventful

One life and so many feelings and sensations

I am searching for simplicity in complex emotions


Affection be real and empathy be tangible

Attitudes be caring and mindsets be manageable

One life and so many corners and bends

I am searching for a compassion that mends


Beliefs be balanced and judgements be impartial

Obstinacy be banned and tolerance be crucial

One life and so many opinions and viewpoints

I am searching for philosophy which offers balm and anoints


Smiles be wholehearted and handshakes be firm

Supports be strong and manners be a charm

One life and so many rejoinders and responses

I am searching for ability to tackle the nuances


Dreams be audacious and aspirations be distinguished

Stars be within reach and doubts be extinguished

One life and so many disparagers and disbelievers

I am searching for courage to count among achievers


Thank you


I have enough day dreams to sustain me today

Tomorrow will be another day

I will go looking for some new ideas & escapes

I will get myself some new outfits with capes


I have enough laughter to delight me for now

Tomorrow will be two days in a row

I will go looking for some high-spirited attitudes

I will swipe a rainbow across longitudes & latitudes


I have enough attitude to defy challenges

Tomorrow will be ready for changes

I will go looking for some power and some prayer

I will draw fresh lines in my hand & confront the soothsayer

I have enough shimmering stars to fill up my skies

Tomorrow will be more than I surmise

I will go looking for the duskier galaxies

I will lend them some of my sparkle-filled pixies


I have enough sun in my eyes to light up the way

Tomorrow will be chockfull with one more ray

I will go looking for those waiting on twilight zone

I will distribute the rays of hope on loan