If only I knew

If only I knew how I could alter my past

Would I choose to try and put life in recast

It’s made up of moments which I treasure

Precious times which gave much pleasure

Plus lapses in judgement culpabilities mistakes

The past was a learning curve with no retakes

Is it best left untouched

A mindscape slightly smudged


If only I knew the exact thing to do

In every situation presently in view

I could always make just the right choice

No trepidation about a tiny doubtful voice

Could I handle a present so picture perfect

My actions could have lifelong effect

So complete really I think it would be odd

Unflawed seamless I could now play God


If only I knew what the future holds in store

Will I be content or will I vie for more

There could be countless thrills in it

There could be difficult drills in it

If I don’t know of the joys to come

I am also unaware of snags and some

Is ignorance truly blissed

Or is there something I have missed


If only I knew of so many things

I could cherry-pick a want and grow wings

But this fumbling erratic human that I am

Is what I love about me, perfection be damned

Do I really want to know past present or future

Or live in the moment each memory to savor

Where is the fun part if life is given on a platter

The smiles the heartbreaks the journey all matter!




What can I give my children?

In a world which worships money

My views remain out of place and funny

I don’t accumulate material treasures

I revel in immaterial miniscule pleasures

I wonder how it will pan out in posterity

Do I will my children sheer austerity?


I can give them lots of love

Love is a treasure trove

With the strength to move mountains

And protect from despairs and pains

You may argue it will not feed

But beyond basic need lies only greed


I can teach them values precious

To be humble and be gracious

Self-respect and independent thinking

I would rather they do their own seeking

Education is not to be found in books

Character will sail you through, not looks


I can leave behind some goodwill

Set the right example and instill

A sense of pride and trustworthiness

Extended through our lives and harness

Substance and not mere affluence

A memory, a warm smile, some influence



I can give them the best armament of all

Prayers with unparalleled powers, stand tall

Amidst all the gifts I can ever give

In health and happiness, I pray they live

I could not leave greater fortune behind

Than this one binding energy of all mankind




Appreciate sheer silence. Learn to observe

Typical talk can only get on your nerve

When eyes are open and the mouth is shut

The echo of the heart is heard in the gut


Appreciate your happy places learn to combat strife

Acquire ability to battle dishonesty and injustice rife

Trials and travails come only to the strong

Credentials that tell the world where you belong


Appreciate an endearing smile emerging through tears

You don’t know where it comes from. The friction the fears

When resolve has the ability to overcome all

When getting up is the key after each and every fall


Appreciate loyalty a trait you have to deserve

It takes integrity and métier kept in reserve

One deep introspective look will reveal detail

Of mainstays which bolster you and never let you fail


Appreciate what you have got not what you wanted

It is so easy to dismiss it off and take it for granted

Nothing comes easy and nothing comes for free

Gratitude entwined in attitude reflects real pedigree




A smile cannot always be trusted

Sometimes interests remain vested

You may have invested a lot of emotion

Yet some relationships are forever wasted


A friend in name may overturn

When fortunes and fates overrun

You may have believed in the promises

Yet some affiliations are never really fun


A bonding with an unknown soul

Can prove more productive and whole

You may have never imagined it possible

Yet some connections magically unfold


A relation cannot be effortlessly defined

Within constrictions of social cages confined

You may click with one, detach from another

Yet some unknown stimulus keeps it refined


A heartbeat whispers to the mind inaudibly

With whom to attach, with whom to break off gently

You may have been offered mixed signals

Yet gut feelings never lie listen to them quietly




Keep connected

Keep connected with the people you love

It’s very easy to cut loose and drift apart

Not measurable not material this treasure trove

Of relations is fragile, careful handling is an art


Keep connected with the people who care

We often tend to take such for granted

Until one day they are no longer there

Then you realize just how much they are wanted


Keep connected with your elderly folks

Don’t dismiss them off as inconvenience

When you end up at that age with a few grey strokes

You discern how in experience lies the essence


Keep connected with your children per se

Pay attention be thoughtful reach out have fun

If you don’t listen to their small stories today

Tomorrow they won’t come to you with the big one


Keep connected to a real world out there

Not the one social media is telling you about

Page 3 lives belie the grime beneath the glamour

Leaving you in disarray dismay and doubt


Keep connected with yourself be aware

Stay away from unconstructive influences

Love your life value it’s worth and don’t compare

Be honest with the mirror don’t strive for appearances