
Imagine that you wake up today

With only the things you thanked God for yesterday

Would you get a few shocks?

Would your boat hit the rocks?

Do you see your dreams in disarray?


Imagine that He gave you all that you wanted

Taking away only the things you took for granted

What would those things be?

Would your world be at sea?

Do you see your sphere slightly slanted?


Imagine that the intangibles you have gotten

Are no longer yours for the thankyous forgotten

Love friendship health and happiness

What should be added what will you minus?

Do you see your inner self searching for Zen?


Imagine that He copied man and held on to grudges

All your actions and intentions He now prejudges

Would you call it unfair?

Would you be able to bear?

Do you see your mirror in Him or the image smudges?


So take it easy my friend and show some gratitude

You are indebted from head to toe shun the attitude

You cannot fathom His ability to give

You cannot grasp His capacity to forgive

Gratefulness is a choice and every choice has latitude




My God and me

God is not checking your bank balance

He is checking your faith

He does not give you dreams that match your budget

He is asking you to wait

Time has its own mind and carefully reveals each plan

Faith has its own strength when God is testing man


God is not giving you what you want always

He is giving you what you need

He does not lay constraint on any of your choices

He has simply sown the seed

Freedom has its own caveat and includes culpability

The seed inside you must be nourished into a Mind tree


God is not asking you to be afraid and cower

He is unfolding your intention

His openhandedness knows no boundary

He is seeking your attention

Love has this infinite power to live faultlessly

Love not fear is the key to attain entirety


God is not wanting you to try harder

He is asking you to trust deeper

He sustains a blue dot moving around a ball of fire

He need not give proof to a believer

The miracle of life itself can show you the way

The biggest gift of all is the ability to pray


God is not telling you to be perfect

He is perfectly aware of your every flaw

He gives and forgives nonetheless

And if that does not instill humility and awe

Then His omniscience is not for you

His omnipresence is for the unquestioning few





If you tell the truth it becomes part of your past

If you tell a lie it becomes part of a future that lasts

You decide

A peace with nothing to hide

Or constant correcting of each time you lied


If you speak the truth even when your voice shakes

If your lies are smooth yet so many hearts break

You decipher

A calm knowing that He is your keeper

Or the dread of facing the grim reaper


If the words don’t add up truth was not included in the equation

If you are being lied to respect is missing from the relation

You choose

An insult to your intelligence for you are being used

Or walking away from the situation with nothing to lose

Truth and lies are like a boomerang. Its return could leave you in a mess

If you don’t want anyone to know don’t do it. Karma never loses an address

You surmise

We get served what we deserve despite our hues and cries

Life happens anyway trusts fail aches fade your soul is worn but wise



One thought at a time

Behind every strong person is a story that gave them no choice

Follow your heart and the trajectory of your story will find voice

One day they may believe in your belief and your vision

Circumstances will fall in place if you make success your mission


Pay attention to what people say out of anger

It was probably bottled up inside till they could hold it no longer

One day they may understand your reasons and your actions

Till then don’t waste your precious time in some more angry reactions


The greatest prison people live in is fear of what others think

Repress your spirit by following diktats and life goes by in a wink

One day they may know you better and may amend their opinion

Or you realize it was your own choice that made you feel so minion


Don’t regret being straight forward even naivety has a flip side

Peace of mind which money can’t buy no deceits or lies to hide

One day they may or may not learn to appreciate you

But in your solitude you know deep down nobody can depreciate you


Stop looking outside of yourself for your value

The same light you see in others is shining within you too

One day they may acknowledge that judgements do falter

Precious time is lost in pleasing people and opinions to alter


Black sheep and others


The black sheep is sometimes the only one telling the truth

Go deeper and unearth why a gentle man was uncouth

Don’t judge people by the color of their actions and inactions

Sometimes you may be startled by their simple revelations


The herd gets heard so easily offbeat is often unspoken

Herds that trample compassions leave the odd ones broken

Don’t evaluate people by the veneers of their façade

Sometimes you may never notice each fragmented shard


The one who chooses to be different has courage beyond compare

Comparing him with the rest of the flock would only be unfair

Don’t estimate people by the worth of their wealth and muscle

Sometimes you may misjudge real people left behind in the tussle


Nonconformity has foundations much profounder that you think

Empathy instead of logic may lead you to a different link

Don’t appraise people by what stand they choose to take

Sometimes you may grasp an added perspective in its wake


Unconventional is often confused with idiosyncrasy

Free spirited individuals don’t always understand diplomacy

Don’t measure people by how agreeable they are

Genuineness must be treasured more than sycophancy by far




Some people collect coins. Some stamps. Some vintage cars even

For some their gardens are a happy place for some adventure is heaven

Now let me overthink this. As I am prone to do. What shall I begin to collect

My list is full of intangibles. Some wishes to fulfil. Some dreams to select


If hope springs eternal then I must have more of it

I must install this buoyant feeling inside me bit by bit

Daydreams they say are prized possessions to achieve goals

I think I will stockpile some more as the day unfolds


I want to fill up my treasury with precious smiles of loved ones

Each of their cheerful faces will light up mine in return

An oxymoron called common sense is rare and expensive

I wish to softly tread on thoughts to gather my wits and sieve


Barrages to guard my heart from hurt. Shields to protect the soul

Strength to be able to say no and promise myself greed control

I can collect occasions which make me feel happy and content

I can hoard hundreds of moments which make every breath an event


Being connoisseur of intangibles is tougher than I supposed

So many items on the wish list so little time as opposed

Let me narrow down my craving to collect and accrue

Let me just gather prayers some for now and some in lieu



You are on your own

If you work hard for success they will say you are money-minded

If you work smart they dismiss it as attitude which keeps you blinded

They want you to hurry up if you indulge in a peaceful steady pace

If your pace is fast and furious they will ask you why the race


Love with all your heart and soul and your passion is labelled unwise

If you steel your heart to sentimentality there will be protest and cries

If you triumph on your own they will want to bring you down

If you fail and wish to try again they will call you a failure and frown


Some people have made it mission to follow and judge your actions

Other people rise above the din without worrying about reactions

Live your life with gaiety  keep equilibrium add some poise and piety

You ascertain your deity. Why do you want a certificate from society?


Step away from toxicity step up your game and choose

Learn not just how to triumph but how to gracefully loose

The key to learning any success is to perform and not judge

The mantra to happiness is to let go of that ageless grudge


You are on your own. Your breath your actions your aspirations

You can either blame circumstances or become some body’s inspiration

Ideas roam idly until someone captures them in their imagination

The sun is giving away rays for free catch one and be part of creation




Calm down my friend

Calm down my friend calm down

Filter the noises and color the sound

Don’t let idiots ruin your day

This is life you may not always have your way

Keep calm and keep the faith

Patience is a highly underrated trait


Calm down my friend calm down

Filter the judgements and ignore the frown

Don’t let people decide what you should do

This in which you are walking is your pair of shoe

Keep calm and take a moment

Patience is for real here and life is on rent


Calm down my friend calm down

Filter the chaos and break shackles which bound

Don’t let social norms shatter your dreams

You can reach the stars by breaking the seams

Keep calm and never give up

Patience today and tomorrow you live up


Calm down my friend calm down

Filter the worries and don’t look around

Don’t let somebody’s story belittle your worth

To each his own you are safe in your hearth

Keep calm and don’t stress

Patience will show the path don’t digress


Calm down my friend calm down

Filter the naysayers and adjust your crown

Don’t let prejudice have hold on you and affect

Remember God’s timing is perfect

Keep calm and your time will come

Patience pays handsome rewards and some





It’s that last ten percent that matters the most

Incomplete efforts don’t have anything to boast

Stones left unturned don’t help you clear the coast

Just do it. Let the powers that control play the host


It’s that delicate balance ‘tween what is said and what is not

What you desire the most cannot always be bought

Often what you leave unsaid may keep you distraught

Just do it. Express yourself with honesty to get what you sought


It’s that thin scrawny line which takes you from here to there

If you want to scale the heights to reach where eagles dare

Trust your guts. Take a deep breath. Be brave be focused be fair

Just do it. To attain your goals however bold you must prepare


It’s that small act of kindness that puts soul in the universe

Every deed done with love has domino effect in reverse

A little giving a lot more forgiving and generosity will traverse

Just do it. Feel-good feelings reverberate in the entire multiverse


It’s that twinkle in the eye that reflects care and concern

It’s that mellowness in the heart that can sense and discern

It’s that gentleness in demeanor that imparts lessons to learn

Just do it. Give back more than you have received when it is your turn




If the world is full of suffering

It is also full of overcoming it

Not all storms come to disrupt life

Some clear the path and make it fit

Into your maze when time is right

The end of the tunnel is always lit


If the world is full of negativity

It is also full of inspirations

Comebacks are stronger than setbacks

At the cost of your perspirations

You owe yourself a better life

Follow your dreams and aspirations


If the world is full of consequences

It is also full of choices to nurture

Life like nature has course and sequence

Practice hard on your signature

Do not give your past the power

To define and tame your future


If the world is full of injustices

It is also full of kindheartedness

Just look beyond your judgement of others

The world rotates on the largesse

Of a few who know kindness has no cost

Yet has immense value – an idea suffused in finesse


If the world is full of wrong intentions

It is also full of renaissances

We have brushed off the dust to get up again

We are a race with resiliencies

The impostors may look like winning the loot

Help is just a prayer away goodness is at imminences
