Schatz (1)

Kindness has this remarkable attribute as if made of indelible dye

Kindness creates a ripple effect touching everyone by and by

It picks up fragments of broken hearts mending it into one whole

It leaves behind an impression like a permanent marker on the soul


Kindness has this amazing offer one kind deed begets tenfold

Kindness permeates personality keeping the morning star on hold

A little care so often erases underlying and unwitting tension

It infuses value in every relation it is a recipe for human connection


Kindness has a caveat your acts may be misjudged misinterpreted

Kindness requires patience and courage don’t expect to be feted

If ever you face a moral dilemma in your conscience ensues a fight

Between ‘right’ and ‘kind’ choose kind and you will always be right


Kindness has one condition it must discreetly dispel bleakness

Kindness is loaning your strength not reminding someone of their weakness

We don’t have to agree on anything to be kind to one another

It begins with understanding that we all struggle and suffer

Childhood memories

I am talking of an age perhaps not so long ago

A mere million years I guess after the dinosaur

When we were in school and school was fun

We were given homework and it was not a burden

We went on the playgrounds and ran for real

Water was for free and we would freely share a meal


I am talking of an era some decades before today

Man had stepped on the moon where he did not weigh

When we used to read books and books were fun

We visited libraries for more when we were done

Imagination soared past the pages without boundaries

I could own my dreams and reveries without any worries


I am talking of a time when time was not as expensive

Some of it was actually free the cost was relative

When we went for movies and movies were fun

Tickets were affordable popcorn did not have us undone

Technicolor cinema with black and white documentaries

Three hours in a theatre where time would often freeze


I am talking of some years ago yet it feels like thousands more

It seems like only yesterday it sounds like folklore

When we were kids and we could remain kids without guilt

I don’t know why and when we gave our kids this world we built

Racing against time contesting with friends procuring futures

Where have we left behind those simple routines we nurtured


I am talking of yesterday as if it was too good to be true

It might sound as one-sided without giving today its due

When we got away with being naïve and minimal was fun

Food competition and air was healthy we were not always on the run

Today inventions and innovations have accomplished abundance

Intelligence has become artificial but emotions are still dense


I am talking less and less nowadays I am getting out of touch

Google and Wikipedia know it all nothing left to know as such

When we were in school playground movies and our homes

We were a lot dafter believing in Santa Claus and gnomes

Today we have superior cutting-edge lifestyles no doubt

We can now store our own memories up in a cloud

Kairos – The Opportunist

Opportunities have this exquisite habit of treading softly along

It takes a discerning eye to catch it you cannot get it for a song

The importance of ceasing the moment cannot be stressed enough

It does take a little more than luck and you cannot buy it off the cuff


Subtle. Elusive. Almost out of sight. The true nature of Kairos

The idea is to recognize it at liftoff and latch on to it like a boss

The importance of ceasing the moment cannot be stressed enough

Moments are ephemeral and you are made of sterner stuff!


Grasping at each straw approaches may be raw still need of the hour

A bunch of excuses missed opportunities valid reasons will turn sour

The importance of ceasing the moment cannot be stressed enough

Ceasing can denote a full stop at times and you are born to be tough


It is the number of times you tried and not the count of victories

That define your success whether or not the world agrees

The importance of ceasing the moment cannot be stressed enough

Stress is tackled in the mindscape and you can indeed handle rough


The stealth of every opportunity has strength of an energy behind it

Place your faith in the force don’t give up or be lured you can find it

The importance of ceasing the moment cannot be stressed enough

Close your eyes trust the process and you can call off Lucifer’s bluff

5 minutes

Give yourself a special five minutes each day

For every little burden you carry there will be a way

One deep breath two alternate solutions and a count till three

The fourth minute will approach and you begin to see

In that quiet space of time how much can be resolved

No anger no overthinking and already you have evolved


Give your family a special five minutes each day

To listen and not hear just let them have their say

One reason two sides of a conversation and a count till three

The fourth minute will bring harmony and you begin to see

In that quality time you spent with those who love you

How we are all in it together with much to relish and little to rue


Give your best friend a special five minutes each day

It gives the spirits a little fillip and the shine of a sunny ray

One celebration two chalices in hand and a count till three

The fourth minute will spell out fun and you begin to see

In that cherished moment how much a friend can elevate

The moods the joys the memories enhancing your palate


Give your soul a special five minutes each day

Delve into some introspection understand how to pray

One grace two things to thank for and a count till three

The fourth minute you will be overwhelmed by the bounty

Gratitude for what you have begets more and more

Each thankyou and every acquittal transform the very core


Somewhere between bonding and breaking

Time pauses there is a lull

Somewhere between your smile and my sigh

You make broken look beautiful


Somewhere between letting go and holding on

Is a space filled with hesitation

Somewhere between blurting out and discretion

You know love is not about attention


Somewhere between bliss and hopelessness

The mind wanders in infinity

Somewhere between tangible and dreamlike

You circumvent the conscious journey


Somewhere between laughter and tears

Lies a landscape where both converge

Somewhere between the give and take

Myriad emotions and moods merge


Somewhere between longing and belonging

Passions numb the ache inside

Somewhere between sprightliness and serious

Eagerness capsizes wisdom and pride

The search

I sat down one day to rearrange my many stray thoughts

There was one strain in common I realized as I linked the dots

They all led me away from regular routines and humdrum

They only gave me pointers never solved my conundrum


No single point to start no definite road to freedom

The fog on the roadmap stopped me from claiming fiefdom

I trudged along the mindscape in search of divine direction

When all I had to do was introspection instead of inaction


Some stray ones wandered away into the overthinking zone

Some thoughts did not belong I had mustered them on loan

Being me was not easy I was this assortment of prejudices

Honed by public opinions and rulings cognizance was in crisis


The backlog pressed and pushed for place now it was time

To sift old ideas out of the head and keep the ones sublime

This minimalism would lead to paucity of thought I suspected

But discarding old beliefs benefitted my space was now respected


The thoughts realigned themselves once I sorted my sentiments

The sentiments then infused some courage in my rearmaments

My search itself was my answer my reactions sought redressal

Each thought was gaining in strength too formidable to fizzle


Not over not under just precisely whelmed

I am trying to get my rowdy emotions tamed

The world is not fair the villains are not named

I am trying quite hard to find somebody to blame!


My conscience is too gentle to handle the blow

My heart is too mild it simply cannot say ‘no’

When whelming situations pull me with their flow

My ego is confident enough not to line the toe!


So. Even when English language does not permit me

To feel accurately whelmed and I simply must be

Over or under it I pick up the emotional baggage and flee

The words, the nerds and the unwarranted responsibility


The world of words connects me to people of my heart

With the rest I am lost cause I never get a head start

Yet with my love for causes and poetry I cannot part

I trudge along over and under the bridge whelm apart

The race and the blinkers

Like pedigreed racehorses who never slacken pace

Put your blinkers on if you wish to win the race

You must learn how to disregard rude interruptions

You must simply go past the digressions and disruptions


The race is hardcore and competition will only get stiff

Keeping tab of another’s progress may lead you to the cliff

Keep your blinkers on to ignore faults and follies of another

Keep your temper bridled don’t let witlessness bother


Some participators are in it for the power and prestige

Some run the race with a mindset in place to hold siege

Lucifer is also running alongside and sprints in style

A little doubt here and there his style is to beguile


The guardians of society will have lots of advice

Noteworthy or flippant each advice has a price

Sometimes well-intentioned it is not always on course

Sometimes it is clothed in cashmere yet rather coarse


Your blinkers will be handy on rough bumpy racetracks

You can make up with perseverance where the skill lacks

If the tortoise can take on the hare in a race that is unfair

Then you can combat odds without fear of how you will fare


Yes you are perchance deprived of a wider world view

While others race with eyes wide shut there are some like you

Who acknowledge blinkers as part of the gear to run the race

Partial vision total concentration because it’s a steeplechase


The less you are affected by those running side by side

The less you overhear opinions prejudices and remarks snide

You eliminate the burden of expectations to win at any cost

Sheer gut and clear conscience and you will never get lost

De Frost

the road less trodden sometimes has a hairpin bend

there is prejudice preemption and precaution to tend

the risks may give a rush to the adrenalin

the daring may give a push to help you win

and then there is responsibility and consequence to fend


stopping by woods on a snowy evening may sound romantic

wolves in the hiding also hope it’s the option you pick

the adventure may give new ideas in the head

the bravura may save you from being dead

and then there is ability to fight your battles with a stick


acquainted with the night helps your eyes adjust to darkness

the light at the end of the tunnel is blinding with its starkness

the journey may teach you how to handle strife

the self-assurance may be the very key to life

and then there is inner strength and ingenuities to harness


nothing gold can stay save the love for it which never goes away

we are as perishable as the things we run after and still we sway

the trajectory may take us to the pyramid

with confidence we are cleverer the Pharoah was a kid

and then there is a friable human racing to catch each golden ray


by mending walls we mark our territories much like animals

we assume we are smarter than them yet follow the same principles

once a gatherer always a gatherer with some time on loan

why do we keep forgetting a simple fact we too are pre-owned

and then there is a willful witlessness and genuine belief in fairy tales

Enough or not


We wake up each morning we have no clue

When our time will be up and the Reaper is due

Our day is perpetually crammed with things to do

Fixated on our own significance we huff and we puff

At which point will we stop and say enough!


We count our moneys more often than our blessings

We hoard much more than we need it’s embarrassing

No sight of the finish line and still we are racing

There is always this feeling the going is rough

At which point will we stop and say enough!


We live in lavish spaces built by homeless laborers

We wish to impress our invitees in return of favors

Our bubble is rock solid our illusions are our protectors

We then have audacity to call this existence tough

At which point will we stop and say enough!


We play politics in the garb of social skills

We manipulate people and stockpile the frills

We mourn our dead hoping to fine-tune their wills

We can’t find courage to call off our own bluff

At which point will we stop and say enough!


We work hard at social networking to gain fame

The sheer effort we put in to elevate our name

For our faults we always find someone else to blame

We are expending precious time for this stuff

At which point will we stop and say enough!