
I am changing every day I don’t even realize

Little learnings add to my repertoire making me wise

I cherry pick the lessons because some are awkward and hurt

I sometimes skip the schooling and keep my reactions curt

Yet at the end of each beginning I have made an impression

So many times I wish I could rewrite the script for each session


The world is changing every day and it’s not just somatic

Some changes are so subtle they almost seem automatic

I see the people around me change conduct and character

I sometimes miss the indicators and gatecrash the barrier

Yet at the end of each beginning I have learnt to be wary

So many times I wish I could expel the emotional baggage I carry


Relations are changing everyday heart and mind are fine-tuning

Some require care to nurture some need patience and pruning

I try to sharpen my social skills so as not cause upsets

I sometimes fail at keeping up now gadgets govern mindsets

Yet at the end of each beginning I have some take aways

So many times I wish I could be forgiven for having feet of clay

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