The things we worry about!

Stray thoughts. And thoughts that stray!


Don’t worry if you are not invited or don’t have networks to boast

It’s the ones who spurn you who believe in your power the most

If you look at the people in your circle and you are not inspired

You don’t have a circle you have a cage that is rewired


One thing about the tables they have tendency to turn

Some connections need rebuilding some bridges need to burn

If the world was full of blind people who would you impress

If your appeals fell on deaf ears how would you express


Words are free it’s how you use them that may cost you

Long drawn pieces trigger drama keep your words to few

The quieter you become the more you will be able to hear

Even silences can be misquoted let responses remain sheer


Listening to gossip is like accepting stolen property

You may maintain your silence you are just as guilty

Talking badly about someone while they aren’t there to clear doubt

Says more about you than the person you are talking about


Walk away from fights that will never be resolved

Walk away from immaturity that refuses to evolve

If you can’t do anything about it just let it go

What does not let you free will not help you grow


Turn your wounds into wisdom. Your battles into motivation

Just breathing can be such a luxury. Acquit affectation

What you are not changing you are choosing. Choose with care

Spaces are brittle moods crumble. We repeat what we don’t repair

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