
If I am to seek knowledge I must be prepared

Knowledge gives power the ego must be repaired

When knowing is not accompanied by humility

That expertise and experience begets but futility


If I am to seek wealth I must learn to spend well

Wealth gives influence the mind must dwell

When money is not expended for the good of all

That fortune and affluence will only cause downfall


If I am to seek authority I must know how to face

Rebel and naysayers with dignity and grace

When clout is not used with mellowness and caution

That muscle and power brings forth dangerous options


If I am to seek affinities I must instill empathy

Relationships cannot last on mirth or sympathy

When the bonding is superficial and the space is forced

That connection cannot bring joy the magic is lost


If I am to seek friendships I must be ready to let go

Individual idiosyncrasies must be ignored for it to grow

When camaraderie is not combined with genuineness

That friendship will break your heart leaving you in a mess


If I am to seek peace and quiet I must imbibe patience

Ups and downs will come and go I must develop endurance

When equanimity is practiced the base must be gratitude

That calm and poise will dissipate with the wrong attitude


If I am to seek Nirvana I must infuse simplicity to live

Not empty talk but to actually give and to forgive

When satisfaction becomes way of life and anger is absent

That bliss and harmony will synchronize past and present

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