

Learn to leave what does not make you happy

The heart will aggrieve unnecessarily

Mend the broken pieces like kintsugikurashi

Gratitude is that golden binding enhancing chi

Cry a little and laugh a lot

Be grateful for all the things you have got

Your pain is unique to you who will understand

You can only do as much as is in your hand

Learn to leave the rest to God

He is omnipotent so what if we are flawed

Who can solve your problems if not Him

Being is ubiquitous and challenge is your theme

Prayers can alter the lines across your hand

Engrave gratefulness in the heart write your worries in the sand


Learn to breathe take one day at a time

Practicing patience does not cost a dime

Heal the broken spirit each breath is on lease

Let go of your rigidity of thought and prejudice

Sadness comes and teaches us the value of happiness

Anxieties test our mettle that mettle is our premise

Nothing is forever joys and pains find evenness

Lifespans are spanned within set time and space

One day when we look back we will realize the futility

Of quibbles and squabbles and a material mentality

Forgetting and forgiving are the only things that benefit

The spirit and the soul indefinable pleasures are your profit

Learn to breathe let go of judgements that is the best cure

This moment is the only one you know you have for sure

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