Tumultuous. Conflicting. The ebb and flow of tides
Emotions we experience are life’s roller coaster rides.
No regulations to follow, no rulebook to abide
Do you look back in anger or look forward with pride?
You pretend to laugh when you’d prefer to have cried
They give you away anyway, even if you’ve tried
To mount, to surmount to control or to hide
Feelings can be upswing or take you down the slide
You cannot ignore them or keep them aside
They continue their nagging deep down inside
Homosapien becomes human when passion is applied
A robot without sentiment is not bonafide
Ignore you can’t quite, whether love, like or deride
Or else you feel something inside you has died.
Don’t look back in regret, from trying you’ve shied
Follow your heart and do the untried
If you have been honest, if you have never lied
Life always proffers pleasure and pain side by side.