One direction

sometimes you need to get lost to discover direction

sometimes you need to lie low before taking any action

that quiet thought hidden deep in the recess of your mind

that compelling emotion embedded in the heart unsigned

perhaps you must heed to it and not believe it to be distraction


sometimes what you choose is different it does not mean you are lost

sometimes your dreams are high-priced they will come at a cost

that quiet confidence you have mustered in situations challenging

that untapped strength you never thought you had is there in waiting

perhaps you must rely on yourself and not expect others to play host


sometimes a peculiar mix of directions lost and found are at play

sometimes the timing is not tailored approaches clutter the way

that need for discipline and patience must be pondered upon

that realization that after each darkness filled storm there is a dawn

perhaps you must calmly wait for sunshine so to catch a ray


sometimes dreams are shattered and directions can go awry

sometimes wishes stay unfulfilled you cannot embellish your story

that determination to fight the odds when odds are stacked up

that power of each prayer when nerve and mood are racked up

perhaps you must learn to trust in God and stop feeling sorry

4 Replies to “One direction”

  1. Freddie, your poetry always touches some strings…..pertinent thoughts that are often lost, simple actions , deep emotions put across so simply and beautifully.
    I have read almost all of your poems and keep looking forward to the net one ……keep penning

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