
What do we need most in the world?
Basic necessities or classic luxuries?
Provoke your insides till thought unfurls
What does it take to make happiness increase?

When does a house become a home?
When does beauty penetrate the skin?
How should we journey from birth to tomb?
How to set apart virtue and sin?

Where should we look for love so true?
How do we find enough to last forever?
How does the account of best wishes accrue?
Who is it that shall reward our endeavor?

Sometimes I don’t know what I need more
Bigger house, bigger car or bigger bank balances
Sometimes I don’t know what I am living for?
Dreams I tread upon or missed chances?

We all have priorities, we all have concerns
Ideals we leave aside for issues that make us run
But a soul for searching and a mind that discerns
Quietly informs us of the futility of our fun

If we could spare but one minute
To decide upon our vital needs
We would realize that our time is finite
We are indeed running out of deeds.

2 Replies to “Need”

  1. Very true,farida. time is finite,needs INfinite……we need INdepth INtrospection to UNravel our thoughts our UNdiluted wants……so when I is ignored and shifts to U,maybe our journey will be more meaningful.

  2. Yes Tasneem. I hope you (and all my friends) follow my blog regularly and let me know your opinions and ideas. I write more as a pouring out of thought rather than to call it poetry. Thanks

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