A Prayer

I am afraid to walk alone please walk by my side

The devils are unknown please teach me to abide

Your ask is straight forward I still keep getting lost

To resurrect my being give me strength to bear the cross


I am afraid to cross the road please hold my hand and lead

The temptations are a load too many desires to feed

Your diktat is simple I still complicate and crave

To remain uncluttered keep me content with what You gave


I am afraid to tell the truth please guide my confusions

The norms are variegated candors are tinged with illusions

Your guideline is well-defined I still meander on zigzag trails

To keep my integrities unbroken forgive my fragile fails


I am afraid to express my fears please help me find my voice

There are circumstances to blame yet we always have a choice

Your backing is a constant I still look at influencers for therapy

To keep me gratified and sated let me acknowledge serendipity


I am afraid of getting hurt please make my spirit resilient

Some truths disrupt my comfort zone some lies are so brilliant

Your omniscience is overwhelming I still look over my shoulder

To keep me courageous and honest train me to be bolder


I am afraid of my darkness please give me assurance

To know of the light at the end of the tunnel give me prudence

Your reminders are gentle I still doubt my self-confidence

To keep me poised and graceful hold me under your influence





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