The heart


As the candle burns quietly shadows get lighted

It treads softly on many dreams unrequited

Liquescent in its own candlewax without feeling slighted

Is the heart like the candle melting in its fragility

Is being breakable a welcome trait a unique ability


If the heart was not like a candle melting with a kind touch

If the heart was not breakable it would not know much

A heart made of cast iron would have surely backfired

A heart filled with sadness loves even when it is tired


As the flower distributes fragrance dispelling gloom

It spreads joy and happiness when in full bloom

Imagine a colorless unscented world spelling doom

Is the heart like the flower bestowing earth its beauty

Is the heart crushable too because caring is its duty


If the heart was not like a flower so tender and so giving

If the heart did not spread cheer and continue forgiving

A heart made of timber would have stayed impassive

A heart filled with care survives heartbreaks so massive


As the senses guide us in a physical world around us

As the mind adds reason to the chaos that surrounds us

As the spirit fights off the demons inside out that hound us

It’s the heart that rejuvenates with resilience and daring

It’s the heart that gives both mind and senses its bearing


If the heart was not equally malleable and tough as nails

If the heart could not fall in love and still survive the fails

The heart full of pure intent keeps the soul buoyant and fit

The soul is so precious both the devil and God are after it




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