You are on your own

If you work hard for success they will say you are money-minded

If you work smart they dismiss it as attitude which keeps you blinded

They want you to hurry up if you indulge in a peaceful steady pace

If your pace is fast and furious they will ask you why the race


Love with all your heart and soul and your passion is labelled unwise

If you steel your heart to sentimentality there will be protest and cries

If you triumph on your own they will want to bring you down

If you fail and wish to try again they will call you a failure and frown


Some people have made it mission to follow and judge your actions

Other people rise above the din without worrying about reactions

Live your life with gaiety  keep equilibrium add some poise and piety

You ascertain your deity. Why do you want a certificate from society?


Step away from toxicity step up your game and choose

Learn not just how to triumph but how to gracefully loose

The key to learning any success is to perform and not judge

The mantra to happiness is to let go of that ageless grudge


You are on your own. Your breath your actions your aspirations

You can either blame circumstances or become some body’s inspiration

Ideas roam idly until someone captures them in their imagination

The sun is giving away rays for free catch one and be part of creation




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