
It’s that last ten percent that matters the most

Incomplete efforts don’t have anything to boast

Stones left unturned don’t help you clear the coast

Just do it. Let the powers that control play the host


It’s that delicate balance ‘tween what is said and what is not

What you desire the most cannot always be bought

Often what you leave unsaid may keep you distraught

Just do it. Express yourself with honesty to get what you sought


It’s that thin scrawny line which takes you from here to there

If you want to scale the heights to reach where eagles dare

Trust your guts. Take a deep breath. Be brave be focused be fair

Just do it. To attain your goals however bold you must prepare


It’s that small act of kindness that puts soul in the universe

Every deed done with love has domino effect in reverse

A little giving a lot more forgiving and generosity will traverse

Just do it. Feel-good feelings reverberate in the entire multiverse


It’s that twinkle in the eye that reflects care and concern

It’s that mellowness in the heart that can sense and discern

It’s that gentleness in demeanor that imparts lessons to learn

Just do it. Give back more than you have received when it is your turn



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