Thin lines

It’s not about having time. It’s about making time

For others for yourself for unseeable things sublime

Did you detect the dew on those roadside bougainvillea

Should you call someone today and say how much you missed her

Will you finish that book your kids recommended

Or would you rather fish for excuses and then defend it


It’s not about creating happiness. We often overthink it

There is something good in every moment. Find it and keep it

Happiness is an inside job. If you let someone else decide

Then that’s the limit of cheerfulness by which you must abide

Focus on hurt and you suffer it only begets resentment

Be the reason someone smiles today and experience contentment


It’s not about perfection. It’s about consistency and passion

Don’t trade your authenticity for approval steel your intention

It’s so easy for them to sit on the sidelines and criticize the game

When they are not even playing it yet keep passing on the blame

Your life is yours. Own it. See – that’s the thing with tables

They always turn around so that you can dispel fears and fables


Its not about reaching destination. The journey gradually molds clay

Little by little day by day what is meant for you will find its way

Work hard in silence then let success be your noise

You get what you work for not what you wish for. It’s your choice

Be grateful for your struggles they lead you onto your strengths

Beware of negative thinking and thinkers that can cause indents



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