So that I can…


So that I can express what is deep down in my heart

I use words as crutches I admit it’s a slow start

But they are a big help when feelings are fragmented

A sense of semblance to sentiments is then warranted

They give my mind a set of wings slowly I learn to fly

Who knows I might get proficient with verses by and by


So that I can express what is embedded in my mind

I use rhyming sentences I agree they are color blind

But they are a big help when grey moods rule the skies

Sometimes they speak dark truths sometimes white lies

They give my space an added zing the color of escapes

Who knows I might learn to chill with brand new capes


So that I can express what is engraved in my soul

I use lofty perceptions I know it takes a toll

But they are a big help when the trajectory is blurred

They instill hope and courage so I am not deterred

They give my spirit the Zen I need my search continues

Who knows I might add to my person more meaningful hues


So that I can express what is intuited by my senses

I use repeat reviews I guess through psychedelic lenses

But they are a big help when I need to decode life

I seek solace in my shell retreating when I face strife

They give my gut validation I no longer depend on others

Who knows I might conquer my qualms to castoff all which bothers


So that I can express what is patterned by my deepest fears

I use arguments as shields I think until the conversation veers

But they are a big help when I cannot alter circumstances

An amalgam of anxieties and advices give my character nuances

Learning of other viewpoints and then learning to acknowledge

Who knows I might be able to gift myself a winning edge


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