
Sunshine nights and moonlit days

I have some unusual out of the box ways

I think upside down and make others frown

My pedigree must be reason I am rather brown

I visualize things in monochromatic frames

Only black and white no grey areas to tame


Rebel thoughts and some deeds to match

I have a side of me for which to keep out watch

I think inside out and then continue to overthink

Yet I take decisions before you can even blink

Logic and reason sometimes bump in the corridors

I still search for emotional quotients on all fours


My quirkiness does not need to put you off

Each one has idiosyncrasies they actually show off

I think back and forth before jumping to conclusion

And end up in utter silence upon realizing the confusion

The world outside can say one thing and mean another

I just cannot fathom how to take the barney further


Naivety is comfortable ignorance can be bliss at times

If being clever can mean conniving in hidden ways sublime

I think here and there still I cannot catch up

I delve deep into complications still I do not match up

I am struggling with phonology you have conquered slang

I guess I have accepted being oddball in the gang


I love art and artistry I admire and pen poetry

Ideas are my artilleries words are my inventory

They take me further away from real world training

For my cerebral healthiness they can be quite draining

I think therefore I am I totally agree with Descartes

To the point that it hurts I would rather be all heart

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