The confidence of a coffee bean

Don’t let anyone wipe out that smile

A smile full of assurance will take you the mile

It is your promise to the world and to yourself

Smiles are hard earned not bought off the shelf


Don’t let anyone damage your self-respect

Of your many positive traits it is an aspect

Which will help you be emotionally agile

The mind can be manipulated the heart is fragile


Don’t let anyone arm-twist your principles

Your conscience is the protector of your scruples

In the end what will matter is what you stood by

Good bad happy sad the tide will flow and time will fly


Don’t let anyone undermine your optimism

Don’t adjudge world views from a narrow prism

It is your optimism that will sail you through tough phases

Pessimism can only hold you back in complicated mazes


Don’t let anyone impact your capabilities

Explore your potential and hone your abilities

Everyone can have an opinion it does not define you

Everyone can have expectations don’t let it bind you


Don’t let anyone influence your integrity

Holding on to honesty is not easy yet a necessity

In a world where so many temptations sway your belief

A firm handshake a trust unshaken comes as a relief


Don’t let anyone snuff out your imagination

Live out all your dreams each vision is a celebration

Routines will overwhelm you life will continue by and by

Go aim for the galaxies and own your acres in the sky


Don’t let anyone dictate terms to you

Listen with patience act with care and take cue

If you were to do what you say and say what you mean

If you were to learn from the confidence of a coffee bean





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