Thoughts left half way

These thoughts are like floaters

They keep coming in the way

They start off in one place

Then dominate my day

I attempt to bypass them

But they have their say

My mind is their forecourt

Where they come out and play

Some urge me to act upon them

Some simply go away

Some linger in the memory

Some I cut off mid-way

Sometimes I don them in words

In lyrical quintessence, they lay

Sometimes I just don’t pay attention

Leaving them half way


These thoughts don’t give me space

My mind is in disarray

Unorganized and ruled by heart

Logic and sentiment sway

Like a pendulum my mood swings

I tumble in areas gray

The good ones transform into design

The wrong ones are kept at bay

This deliberation takes its toll

My very own persona I flay

When I can make them rise high

For to catch a sun ray

My disposition will change for the better

My temperament bright and gay

How to control these mischief mongers

Thoughts which I abandoned half way

Reflection seeking celestial intervention

I need to go down on my knees and pray



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