Stinginess approved

Be stingy be tightfisted with your life.

Own the journey. Survive the strife

Each ethos charted with head held high

Each breath accounted for when you die


Be stingy be ungenerous with your scruples

Own your faith. With belief and love bliss quadruples

Each tenet you subscribe must be applied

Let the epitome of truth and justice be your guide


Be stingy be sparing with the words bespoken

Own your responses. Each word is a token

Of your character and credence. Your attitude and action

Spoken word has repercussion practice precaution


Be charitable with your material possessions

Own your generosity. Imprint the correct impressions

Wealth is transient. It won’t accompany in the grave

What you give away will earn you more than you gave


Be big-hearted with your feelings and grudges

Own your compassion. Forgive the prods and nudges

When you let go you actually set yourself free

Extra baggage always comes with a very hefty fee



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