Some people have beliefs. Some believe otherwise
Some people wear it on their sleeves. Some others are wise
Some people like to think themselves as pure and pious
Treading on precarious trajectory promoting their bias
Some people deem their knowledge as far superior
Tossing humility out of the window they preach like a seer
Some people feel position and power effects entitlement
Forgetting to be honest and just, a primary requirement
Some people broadcast their views and get you by the goat
Fancying their opinions flawless thrusting it down your throat
Some people flaunt the faith card fostering schisms deep
Overlooking a simple adage as you sow so shall you reap
Some people take stupidity to quite another level
Stooping in self-admiration mouth unclosed IQ unraveled
No. no, I am not depreciating disparaging or denouncing
It’s for those people to take note, I am simply pronouncing
Some people are born leaders. They need no proclamation
Some people live in delusion and add to the confusion
It is for the discerning mind to learn to spot the difference
Which act not to follow and where to display deference
Great 👍
So true