Every morning when I open my eyes
Hope. Trepidation. New dreams to comprise
One more day has been added to my platter
Each breath filled with gratefulness is all that should matter
When I look about at the misery around me
Some visible scars, some hidden hurt surrounds me
One less welt makes my burden lighter
My shoulders are frail I am no fighter
Presently I realize I have little to complain
So much of my complaining is in vain
One moment of happiness is worth its weight in gold
An amazing journey so far, just envisage what will unfold
His giving is limitless it’s my brashness that binds me
His ways are soft and silent yet His abundances find me
One wrong step I take in any direction
He smiles and forgives and prepares my resurrection
Whether I say yes or no, whether or not I deserve
What is destined for me is always kept in reserve
One small speck on the little blue dot is looked after
Now if I don’t return the favor, I could not be dafter
So every morning when I open my eyes and see
The profusion of all that I have been given I agree
One word of gratitude for the life I have inherited
How does one ever recompense blessings unmerited?
Yes always be grateful