What can I give my children?

In a world which worships money

My views remain out of place and funny

I don’t accumulate material treasures

I revel in immaterial miniscule pleasures

I wonder how it will pan out in posterity

Do I will my children sheer austerity?


I can give them lots of love

Love is a treasure trove

With the strength to move mountains

And protect from despairs and pains

You may argue it will not feed

But beyond basic need lies only greed


I can teach them values precious

To be humble and be gracious

Self-respect and independent thinking

I would rather they do their own seeking

Education is not to be found in books

Character will sail you through, not looks


I can leave behind some goodwill

Set the right example and instill

A sense of pride and trustworthiness

Extended through our lives and harness

Substance and not mere affluence

A memory, a warm smile, some influence



I can give them the best armament of all

Prayers with unparalleled powers, stand tall

Amidst all the gifts I can ever give

In health and happiness, I pray they live

I could not leave greater fortune behind

Than this one binding energy of all mankind



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